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发布时间:2019-04-04 20:09
【摘要】: 角色分析方法依靠角色认知和角色预期对接形成角色定位的逻辑,整合权力、利益、观念结构,研究作为个体的国家和作为系统的国际机制的互动。国家基于对自我利益目标的认知决定自己愿意承担的角色,根据对自我实力的认知判断自己可以承担的角色,由此获得角色认知区间。国际机制的需要、机制内其他行为体的期望综合形成了机制对这个国家的角色预期,即机制希望它扮演的角色。角色认知与机制的角色预期相符或相容,则个体角色可以顺利定位,国家在机制中的战略能够成功推行。如果认知和预期偏差较大,国家会遇到角色矛盾,影响战略实践。为此,国家必须协调或影响形成角色认知、预期的变量,以重获角色定位。 中国的国家实力不平衡,战略目标层次复杂,形成作为“发展中国家、发展中大国和负责任发展中大国”的三重角色认知。根据机制涉及的问题领域及性质不同,中国可以选择扮演几种角色:维护和平与发展理念的积极参与者、维护机制有效运作的理性建设者、为理想机制设计努力的活跃倡导者。遇到角色冲突时,需要借助包括协调观念、调整战略目标、影响对方预期等手段协调角色认知与预期。以此获得角色协调,从而实现合理角色定位,全面推进中国与国际机制的合作。
[Abstract]:The role analysis method relies on the role cognition and role expectation to form the logic of role positioning, integrating the power, interest, concept structure, and studying the interaction between the country as an individual and the international mechanism as a system. Based on the cognition of the self-interest goal, the state determines the role it is willing to assume, and judges the role it can assume according to the cognition of self-strength, so as to obtain the cognitive range of the role. The needs of the international mechanism and the expectations of the other actors in the mechanism form the expectation of the role of the mechanism to the country, that is, the role that the mechanism wishes it to play. If the cognition of the role is consistent or compatible with the expectation of the role of the mechanism, the individual role can be positioned smoothly and the strategy of the state in the mechanism can be successfully carried out. If cognition and expectation deviate greatly, the country will encounter the contradiction of role and influence the strategic practice. To this end, the state must coordinate or influence the formation of role cognition, expected variables, in order to regain the role of positioning. China's national power is unbalanced and its strategic objectives are complicated, forming a three-role cognition as a "developing country, developing country and responsible developing country" as "developing countries, developing powers and responsible developing powers". According to the problem field and nature of the mechanism, China can choose to play several roles: the active participant in the idea of maintaining peace and development, the rational builder who maintains the effective operation of the mechanism, and the active advocate in the design of the ideal mechanism. When it comes to the conflict of roles, it is necessary to coordinate the cognition of roles and expectations by means of coordinating ideas, adjusting strategic objectives and influencing the expectations of the other side. So as to achieve role coordination, so as to achieve a reasonable role positioning, and comprehensively promote the cooperation between China and the international mechanism.


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