[Abstract]:In that end of the cold war, the activity of Latin American terrorism was weaken. The lack of political governance in Latin American countries, the imbalance of economic development, the severe division of the rich and the poor and the lack of effective cooperation among some Latin American countries are the causes of the emergence and persistence of Latin American terrorism. In order to better prevent and combat terrorism, the Latin American countries have adopted a series of measures: to strengthen the fight against drugs and money-laundering; to improve its own counter-terrorism capacity and to speed up the peace talks with the anti-government armed groups, while strengthening the military strike; The increase in the level of cross-border cooperation in counter-terrorism operations, as well as with the United States, has increased the threat of terror in the Latin American region since D10, and has become the most visible region in the seven regions of the world. In general, that security situation in Latin America and the Caribbean is relatively stable and the activity of terrorism is relatively small, as compared with the rest of the world. In that long run, however, more measure need to be taken to eliminate terrorism fundamentally.
【作者单位】: 西安外国语大学国际关系学院;西安外国语大学思政部;西安外国语大学西方语言文化学院;
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