[Abstract]:In the process of globalization, the leadership of the United States has been challenged as never before, not only in the political field, but also in the economic, cultural and other fields. Barack Obama's coming to power does psychologically give hope not only to Americans but also to people all over the world, hoping that he will bring peace and prosperity to the world. As soon as he came to power, Obama did change the "Bush Doctrine" pursued by his predecessor, vigorously promote the strategy of "skillful power" under his administration, and take a multilateral approach to involve more countries in the management of global affairs without harming the national interests of the United States, trying to delay the relative decline of American power and re-appear on the international stage as a hegemon. As an important part of the "skillful power" strategy, its Middle East policy plays an important role in Obama's global strategic layout. The so-called "dexterity" strategy is a new line for the Obama administration in US foreign and domestic policy. It includes the "neutralization" of "soft power" and "hard power" in diplomacy, and it is also a kind of neutralization in domestic and foreign affairs. The launch of Obama's Middle East policy details the strategy. These include promoting the democratic process in the Middle East, that is, the Arab Spring, the Middle East Marshall Plan, which finances Arab reform, and multilateral relations to alleviate the situation in the Middle East and seek national reconciliation, especially counter-terrorism and Palestinian-Israeli peace talks. Many scholars in China and the United States have done more in-depth research on the strategy of "skillful power" and Obama's Middle East policy, but basically from its essence and its influence on foreign policy, as well as the possible situation, few people systematically analyze the reasons for the formation of their Middle East policy from the perspective of cultural values, and find out the cultural background from the origin of cultural history. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes Obama's Middle East policy from the perspective of cultural values, such as the dilemma between "the other" and "the same", religion and secularism, and democracy and hegemony, so as to explore its cultural roots-the "sense of natural mission", "grab morality" and universality in American cultural values. Finally, it is concluded that the cause of chaos in the Middle East can not only be attributed to the conflict between civilizations, because the clash of civilizations is only the appearance of its causes, and Obama's Middle East policy is facing an irreconcilable dilemma because of the influence of the deep culture of the United States itself.
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