发布时间:2018-01-16 18:10
本文关键词:德国、日本二战史观迥异的比较研究 出处:《山西大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 德国和日本是当今世界上两个令人瞩目的国家。它们都走过一条冒险—失败—崛起的相同发展道路。60多年前,两国都走上了对外野蛮侵略的法西斯道路,成为挑起第二次世界大战的元凶,并且最终都沦为战败国。战后,两国都被异国占领,又同样在战争的废墟上迅速崛起,实现了经济腾飞并进一步向政治大国迈进。然而,在面对60多年前那段同样罪恶的历史时,两国对待侵略历史的态度却大相径庭。德国认真反省,坦诚谢罪,赢得了国际社会的接纳与尊重;日本则肆意歪曲历史,拒不认罪,因而遭到国际社会的强烈谴责。形成如此巨大反差的原因是多方面的。本文侧重从政治环境、地缘环境、文化传统等三个方面探究德、日对待侵略历史态度迥异的深层次原因。 本文分为引言、正文、结语三部分。 引言部分:介绍了本选题的目的、意义,研究内容、研究方法以及国内外研究现状。 正文部分:首先就德、日两国对侵略历史截然相反的态度进行了比较研究,进而对形成如此强烈反差的深层次原因进行了综合分析。 第一章:德国、日本的二战史观迥然不同 主要就德、日两国对侵略战争的认识、对战争赔偿的态度、对后人的历史教育、对右翼势力的抵制等四个方面进行综合比较与历史分析。 第2—4章为全文的重点,分别从不同角度考察分析了德、日两国对待侵略历史态度迥异的深层次原因。具体分述如下: 第二章:德、日两国二战史观迥异之政治环境因素 反法西斯盟国对德国制定了彻底的改造政策,并对德国进行了较彻底的“非纳粹化”运动,这是德国日后能彻底否定纳粹、完全认罪的基础;而美国对日本不完全的非军事化以及东京审判的不彻底,导致日本右翼势力死灰复燃,埋下了日本为侵略历史翻案的祸根。 第三章:德、日两国二战史观迥异之地缘环境因素 地处欧洲中心的德国,在周边强邻的警惕注视和不停敲打的压力下,制定了新的地缘外交战略,积极寻求周边国家的谅解和认可;而在战后远东处于美国压倒性霸权的国际环境下,日本仗恃美国的保护和撑腰,轻视贫弱的亚洲受害国,极大影响了对其侵略历史的深刻反省。 第四章:德、日两国二战史观迥异之历史文化因素 德国的罪感文化和日本的耻感文化;信奉基督教的德国追求理性的民族意识和信奉神道教的日本深受武士道精神影响的狭隘民族意识,这两种文化、两种民族意识是德、日两国对待侵略历史态度迥异的文化根源所在。 结语:德、日两国对侵略历史截然不同的态度和行动,,造成了不同的后果和影响。日本只有以史为鉴,效法德国,根除一切不利于和平的言行,才能真正取信于国际社会,确保走和平发展的道路,避免悲剧重演。
[Abstract]:Germany and Japan is one of the world's two eye-catching countries. They are walking on a Road Adventure - years.60 the same development fail before the rise, foreign countries have embarked on the path of fascism as brutal aggression, provoke the culprit of the Second World War, and eventually became a defeated country. After the war the two countries are foreign occupation, and also in the ruins of the war on the rapid rise, realized rapid economic development and further towards political power. However, in the face of that 60 years ago the same evil history, their attitude to the invasion history but be quite different. The German reflect, frank apology, won the acceptance of international community and respect; Japan distorts the history, pleaded not guilty, and strongly condemned by the international community. The formation of such a huge contrast for many reasons. This article focuses on the political environment, geopolitical ring Three aspects, such as border and cultural tradition, are used to explore the deep reasons for the disparate attitude of Germany and Japan on the history of aggression.
This article is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.
Introduction: the purpose, significance, research content, research methods and current research status at home and abroad are introduced.
The main body of the text: first of all, a comparative study of the opposite attitudes towards aggression between Germany and Japan is made, and the deep reasons for such a strong contrast are analyzed comprehensively.
Chapter one: Germany, Japan's World War II historical views are quite different
This article mainly makes a comprehensive comparison and historical analysis of four aspects: Germany, Japan's understanding of the war of aggression, the attitude of war compensation, the historical education of posterity, and the boycott of the right wing forces.
The second - 4 chapter is the key point of the full text. From different angles, the deep reasons of the different attitudes towards the history of aggression in Germany and Japan are analyzed and analyzed.
The second chapter: the different political and environmental factors in the history of World War II between Germany and Japan
Anti fascist allies made thorough reform policy for Germany, and Germany has carried out a thorough "denazification movement", which is completely denial of the Nazi German day after, complete demilitarization and confession; the incomplete of Japan and the Tokyo trial is not complete, leading to the Japanese right-wing forces a stirring among the dry bones the seeds planted in Japan, to overturn the history of aggression.
The third chapter: the geopolitical environmental factors of the different historical views of the two countries in Germany and Japan
Located in the centre of Europe in Germany, neighboring strong vigilance watching and beating on the pressure, set out a new foreign geopolitical strategy, neighboring countries actively seek understanding and approval; and in the Far East after the war in the United States overwhelming hegemony in the international environment, the protection of the United States and Japan on backing, despised the poor in Asia the victim's, has a great impact on the deeply reflect on the history of aggression.
The fourth chapter: the historical and cultural factors of the different historical views of World War II between Germany and Japan
Germany's guilt culture and Japanese culture of shame; Christian German rational pursuit of national consciousness and the worship of God of Taoism by Japanese Bushido influence narrow national consciousness, the two kinds of culture, two kinds of national consciousness is moral, cultural root two different attitudes toward the aggressive history.
Conclusion: Japanese history of aggression, different attitudes and actions result in different consequences and effects of Japan. If so, follow the example of Germany, the eradication of all is not conducive to peace and, to truly win the trust of the international community, to ensure that the road of peaceful development, to avoid the tragedy.
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