本文关键词: 腓力二世 西班牙 衰落 原因 出处:《西北大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:1500年前后,人类历史进入了一个新的转折时期。随着地理大发现和殖民扩张的开始,西班牙很快走在了时代的前列,显赫一时。但好景不长,到1598年腓力二世去世时,西班牙作为一个世界一流强国的地位不复存在,事实上已经衰落了。何以如此?原因众多。 第一章主要从政治方面分析其由盛转衰的原因。原因有三点:首先,西班牙帝国的内部组织松散,其君主制的发展相当有限。其次,西班牙保留了大量的封建残余,国家主要代表的是大贵族和天主教会僧侣阶层的利益,政治结构比较僵化、原始。最后,统治阶级为维护自己的利益,实行了一系列自我毁灭的经济和宗教政策。 第二章从经济角度论述其由盛转衰的原因。16世纪后半期,西班牙国内的农业、手工业和商业普遍出现了衰落;价格革命进一步打击了其经济的发展;在对外贸易中国家处于极为不利的出超地位,金银财富大量外流;国家财政更是入不敷出,屡次破产。西班牙经济陷入了衰落的怪圈。 第三章主要探讨西班牙内外战争对国家的危害。战争关系着国家的盛衰存亡,不可轻言战事。而腓力二世统治时期,国家仅仅享有短短六个月的和平,其他的时间都处于战争状态中。战争本身就是一种耗费,西班牙由于树敌太多,耗尽了国力。 第四章从宗教和社会角度分析其由盛转衰的原因。天主教是主宰西班牙帝国事业的灵魂,然而为了缔造不含杂质的天主教国家和维护天主教无上的权威,它的负面影响也逐渐暴露出来,使帝国承担了过多的责任和负担。另外,当时西班牙国内出现了诸多不良的社会风气,进一步危害着帝国的统治。 总之,西班牙帝国的衰落是其政治、经济、军事、宗教和社会等各种因素综合交织在一起的结果,其衰落对近代乃至现代的欧洲与世界都有极为深刻的影响,为我们研究大国的兴衰提供了很好的历史素材,为当前正在不断崛起的中国提供了经验、教训和启
[Abstract]:Around 1500, human history entered a new turning point. With the discovery of geography and the beginning of colonial expansion, Spain was quickly at the forefront of the era. But the good times did not last long, until the death of Philip II in 1598. Spain's status as a world-class power no longer exists and has in fact declined. Why? There are many reasons. The first chapter mainly analyzes the reasons from the political aspect. There are three reasons: first, the internal organization of the Spanish Empire is loose, and the development of its monarchy is very limited. Secondly, Spain retained a large number of feudal remnants. The state mainly represents the interests of the great aristocrats and the clergy of the Catholic Church, and the political structure is rather rigid and primitive. Finally, the ruling class implements a series of self-destructive economic and religious policies in order to safeguard their own interests. The second chapter discusses the reasons from the economic point of view. In the second half of the 16th century, the agriculture, handicraft and commerce in Spain generally declined, the price revolution further hit the development of its economy. In the foreign trade the country is in the extremely disadvantageous surplus position, the gold and silver wealth massive outflow; the national finance is more than enough, repeatedly bankrupt. The Spanish economy has fallen into the strange circle of decline. The third chapter mainly discusses the damage to the country caused by the war inside and outside Spain. The war is related to the rise and fall of the country. The war should not be dismissed as war. During the reign of Philip II, the country enjoyed only six months of peace. The rest of the time was at war. The war itself was a waste, and Spain ran out of power by making too many enemies. Chapter 4th analyzes the reasons for its rise and fall from a religious and a social point of view. Catholicism is the soul that dominates the cause of the Spanish Empire, but in order to create a Catholic nation free of impurities and to uphold the supremacy of Catholicism, Its negative influence was gradually exposed, which made the empire bear too much responsibility and burden. In addition, there were many bad social atmosphere in Spain at that time, which further endangered the rule of the empire. In short, the decline of the Spanish Empire was the result of a combination of political, economic, military, religious and social factors, which had a profound impact on modern Europe and the world. It provides a good historical material for us to study the rise and fall of great powers, and provides experiences, lessons and lessons for the rising China.
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