本文关键词: 推罗 商贸 殖民地 外交关系 出处:《山西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:推罗是腓尼基城市之一,在古代它以商业发达著称。公元前11世纪到公元前7世纪是推罗历史上的黄金时期。在这段时期中,其商贸范围遍及西亚和地中海周边地区,它的商贸繁荣程度令当时周边大多数国家都羡慕不已。推罗在西亚地区构筑了巨大的商贸网络,其范围向北包括了叙利亚、安纳托利亚地区;向东抵达了两河流域;向南包括了整个巴勒斯坦地区,到达红海周边和阿拉伯半岛。推罗在地中海的商贸范围远及西班牙,它主要通过在地中海周边沿海地区建立殖民地或“飞地”来发展商贸。由于小国寡民的国情,其商贸发展常常受到周边国家的影响。最初,推罗通过外交访问、赠送礼物、联姻的方式与以色列建立良好关系,双方成立了联合商业船队,共同发展周边地区的商贸。同时,它还获得了以色列的粮食援助,以及在其国内从事商贸活动的许可。此后,叙利亚地区大马士革王国迅速崛起,推罗通过宣传梅尔卡特神和联姻等方式与大马士革王国建立了稳定的双边关系,,由此,其商品得以进入叙利亚地区。推罗面临的又一个挑战是亚述帝国的扩张,它通过缴纳贡赋、向亚述称臣的方式保证了自己相对独立的地位。同时,亚述帝国将周边地区统一,为推罗扫清了陆上商路的障碍。 本文主要通过三部分来进行论述,第一部分主要对古代推罗城市建筑、地理位置、人口等基本情况进行了论述,同时介绍了推罗兴起时有利的外部环境,例如,埃及对推罗控制的削弱;“海上民族”被驱逐;以色列的崛起等等。第二部分主要论述了公元前11世纪到公元前7世纪推罗的商贸发展。首先,以推罗在西亚地区“飞地”的建立为依托,论述了推罗在西亚的巴勒斯坦、叙利亚等地区的商贸活动,同时,对推罗在西亚地区的陆上商路进行了梳理。其次,阐述了推罗在地中海地区殖民地及商贸活动,特别是重点介绍了推罗在伊比利亚半岛南部地区的商贸情况,同时还论及了推罗在地中海地区的海上商路和商贸方式。第三部分主要论述了推罗与以色列、大马士革王国、亚述的关系,以及对推罗商贸发展的影响。鉴于推罗小国寡民的国情,其商贸发展势必与周边这些大国的活动息息相关,因此推罗采用政治、宗教、经济等手段努力保持与这些周边大国的友好关系,进而为自己商贸发展创造有利的外部环境。
[Abstract]:Tyre is one of the Phoenician cities, known for its commercial prowess in ancient times. The period from 11th century BC to 7th century BC was a golden period in the history of Tyre. During this period, its trade spread throughout Western Asia and the Mediterranean. The prosperity of its commerce was envious to most of the countries around it at that time. Tyre built a huge network of trade and commerce in West Asia, covering Syria, Anatolia, east, the two rivers, to the north, to the north, to the Anatolia, to the east, to the two rivers, and to the east, to the two rivers. To the south, covering the entire Palestinian area, reaching the Red Sea and the Arabian Peninsula. Tyre's trade in the Mediterranean extends as far as Spain. It develops commerce mainly through the establishment of colonies or "enclaves" in the coastal areas around the Mediterranean Sea. Because of the national conditions of small countries and oligarchs, their trade development is often affected by the neighboring countries. At first, Tyre gave gifts through diplomatic visits. By establishing good relations with Israel in the form of marriage, the two sides formed a joint commercial fleet to jointly develop commerce in the surrounding areas. At the same time, it also obtained food aid from Israel, as well as permission to engage in commercial activities in its country. The rapid rise of the Kingdom of Damascus in the Syrian region has led to the establishment of stable bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Damascus and the Kingdom of Damascus by means of propaganda of the Merkat God and marriage. The other challenge that Tyre faces is the expansion of the Assyrian Empire, which ensures its relatively independent status by paying tribute to Assyrian ministers. At the same time, the Assyrian Empire unifies the surrounding areas. The road was cleared for Tyre. The first part mainly discusses the basic situation of ancient city architecture, geographical location, population and so on. At the same time, it introduces the favorable external environment of the rise of Tyre, for example, Egypt's weakening of the control of Tyre; the expulsion of the "people at sea"; the rise of Israel, and so on. The second part deals mainly with the development of commerce in Tyre from 11th century to 7th century BC. Based on the establishment of Tyre's enclave in West Asia, this paper discusses the trade activities of Tyre in Palestine, Syria and other areas of West Asia. At the same time, it combs the land commercial routes of Tyre in West Asia. Secondly, This paper expounds the colonial and trade activities of Tyre in the Mediterranean region, especially the situation of her trade in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The third part mainly discusses the relations between Tyre and Israel, the Kingdom of Damascus, and Assyria. And its impact on the development of commerce and commerce in Tyre. In view of the national conditions of the small countries of Tyre, the development of their commerce and commerce is bound to be closely related to the activities of the neighboring big countries. Therefore, Tyre adopts politics and religion. Economic and other means strive to maintain friendly relations with these neighboring powers, thus creating a favorable external environment for the development of their trade and commerce.
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