发布时间:2018-02-28 06:29
本文关键词: 乌干达 女子高等教育 穆塞韦尼 出处:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:高等教育对经济发展的推动作用已为世界人民所认可,但是在高等教育发展的早期,接受高等教育的对象往往是男性(这种状况在落后地区尤为明显),而女性接受高等教育的权利被无形的剥夺了。乌干达,一个地处非洲东部的发展水平相对较低的发展中国家,由于其传统的文化偏见和社会习俗,导致乌干达社会长期以来存在严重的性别不平等现象,女子没有接受教育的权利,更不用说高等教育。然而,这一状况在乌干达独立后改变不大。由于国家内部的政治不稳定,女子教育发展步履维艰。直到1986年,穆塞韦尼出任乌干达总统,在“国家抵抗运动”的领导下,乌干达开始逐步走向现代化,女子高等教育的发展才开始步入正轨,迎来了其发展的高速阶段。 本文运用文献法、历史研究法、个案分析法等,搜集相关数据和统计资料,对20世纪80年代中期以后的乌干达女子高等教育发展进行系统研究。从纵向和横向两个大的方面分析乌干达女子高等教育的发展背景,描述了其发展表现,进而分析发展进步的原因。在此基础上,阐述乌干达女子高等教育在发展过程中出现的问题以及面临的挑战,从而对乌干达女子高等教育的发展有一个较为全面的论述。 论文主要分为五个部分: 绪论部分介绍了论文的选题、研究意义、国内外的研究现状、研究方法和相关的概念界定等。 第一章论述了乌干达女子高等教育的发展条件和基础,描述了女子高等教育的早期发展,乌干达的特有国情,突出妇女运动兴起和发展以及影响乌干达高等教育发展的世界大环境等。 第二章概述了乌干达女子高等教育发展的表现,从女性的入学人数增加,女性的毕业率提高以及女性就业层次的提高三个方面综合比较论述,得出这一时期女子高等教育发展取得了较大的成就。 第三章着重分析发展原因。政治稳定,经济发展是女子高等教育发展的根本原因。而在乌干达,除上述原因外,穆塞韦尼政府的政策鼓励是其发展的特有因素,也是推动这一时期女子高等教育发展的主要力量。同时女子高等教育的发展也离不开非政府组织的积极努力。 第四章阐述乌干达女子高等教育发展在取得巨大进步的同时也不可避免的出现了一些问题。从学校本身、社会文化以及家庭和国家等层面分析出现的问题,如课程设置、早婚、资金不足等,进而指出乌干达女子高等教育发展面临的挑战。 最后一部分对全文进行了总结,肯定乌干达女子高等教育发展在穆塞韦尼执政以来取得的巨大成就,这一成就的取得离不开穆塞韦尼政府、非政府组织等的共同努力和合作。与此同时,指出其发展过程中出现的问题和面临的挑战。高等教育的发展不是一蹴而就的,未来乌干达女子高等教育的发展将如何走向,我们只能拭目以待。
[Abstract]:The role of higher education in promoting economic development has been recognized by the people of the world, but in the early stages of the development of higher education, Higher education is often targeted at men (this is particularly true in backward areas, where women's right to higher education is intangibly denied.) Uganda, a developing country with relatively low levels of development in eastern Africa, As a result of its traditional cultural prejudices and social practices, there has been a serious gender inequality in Ugandan society for a long time, and girls do not have the right to education, let alone higher education... however, This has not changed much since Uganda became independent. The development of women's education was difficult because of political instability within the country. Until 1986, Museveni became President of Uganda, under the leadership of the National Resistance Movement. Uganda began to modernize gradually, and the development of higher education for women began to get on the right track, ushered in a high-speed stage of its development. This paper uses literature, historical research, case analysis, and so on, to collect relevant data and statistical data. This paper makes a systematic study on the development of female higher education in Uganda after the middle of 1980s. It analyzes the background of the development of female higher education in Uganda from the vertical and horizontal aspects, and describes its development performance. On the basis of this, the problems and challenges in the development of women's higher education in Uganda are expounded, so that the development of women's higher education in Uganda is discussed in a more comprehensive way. The thesis is divided into five parts:. The introduction part introduces the topic of the thesis, the significance of the research, the current situation of research at home and abroad, the research methods and the definition of related concepts. The first chapter discusses the development conditions and foundation of women's higher education in Uganda, describes the early development of women's higher education, and the unique national conditions of Uganda. Highlight the rise and development of the women's movement and the world environment that affects the development of higher education in Uganda. The second chapter summarizes the development of female higher education in Uganda, from three aspects: the increase of female enrollment, the increase of female graduation rate and the improvement of female employment level. It is concluded that the development of higher education for women has made great achievements in this period. Chapter III focuses on the analysis of the reasons for development. Political stability and economic development are the fundamental reasons for the development of women's higher education. In Uganda, in addition to the above reasons, the policy encouragement of the Museveni Government is a unique factor in its development. It is also the main force to promote the development of women's higher education in this period, and the development of women's higher education can not be separated from the active efforts of non-governmental organizations. Chapter 4th states that while the development of women's higher education in Uganda has made great progress, some problems have inevitably arisen at the same time. From the school itself, the social culture, the family and the country, and so on, the paper analyzes the problems, such as curriculum, etc. Early marriage, lack of funds, and so on, and then pointed out the development of women's higher education in Uganda facing challenges. The last part summarizes the full text, affirming the great achievements made by Uganda's women's higher education development since Museveni came to power, which cannot be achieved without the Museveni government. The joint efforts and cooperation of non-governmental organizations and others. At the same time, it points out the problems and challenges that arise in the course of their development. The development of higher education will not be achieved overnight, and how will the development of higher education for women in Uganda go in the future? We can only wait and see.
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