发布时间:2018-03-04 12:24
本文选题:毛泽东 切入点:斯大林 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 苏南两党曾经是世界社会主义阵营里老大哥和小兄弟一般的友好伙伴,这样一对情同手足的兄弟,在二战结束不久却势不两立、剑拔弩张,以致苏联操纵欧洲共产党情报局将怀有“铁托主义”的南斯拉夫作为异教徒逐出教门。 想不到的是,城门失火,殃及池鱼。由于铁托的不驯服而引起的狂风暴雨般的批判和斗争,致使俄国人对以毛泽东为首的中国共产党也备生醋意,怀疑毛泽东是“亚洲的铁托”,以毛泽东为首的中国共产党人奉行的政策是“亚洲铁托主义”,担心中国会同南斯拉夫一样走上一条独立于苏联的道路。同时,西方也别有用心地趁火打劫,为“亚洲铁托主义”推波助澜、添油加醋。美国国家安全委员会所属的国务院计划署有一份分析报告,其中就大肆宣扬“亚洲铁托主义”,并将其纳入“楔子战略”当中。直到1950年,朝鲜战争爆发后,毛泽东和中共中央经过艰难的抉择,从斯大林手里接过了出兵援朝这个“烫手的山芋”,斯大林才改变了看法,最终相信毛泽东是国际主义者,接受了这位长期让他怀疑的盟友。 “亚洲铁托主义”,不论是在东方,还是在西方都闹得沸沸扬扬,引起轩然大波,成为人们关注的焦点,它究竟缘何而起?其成因则显得扑朔迷离,令人匪夷所思,蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。 顾名思义,“亚洲铁托主义”是东西方世界在中国革命胜利前后对以毛泽东为首的中国共产党坚持从实际出发,不照搬苏联的经验和模式,把马克思主义的普遍真理与中国革命的具体实践相结合,抵制苏联的控制和干涉,独立自主地处理本党和本国的内外事务,与南斯拉夫“铁托主义”具有共性的理论与实践的一种歪曲概括。 对于“亚洲铁托主义”成因的研究,国内外学术界仅有只言片语的论述,几乎没有专门、集中、系统的对这一问题展开论证。本文则立足于国际关系学的角度,运用比较分析法、心理分析法、历史分析法、演绎归纳法等多种方法,尽可能科学、客观的归纳总结出“亚洲铁托主义”的成因。仔细的考察历史,透过层层迷雾,本文认为“亚洲铁托主义”是由错综复杂的多种因素所引起的,概括起来有五个方面:第一,南斯拉夫和中国革命的相似性;第二,东方阵营里的谗言;第三,西方阵营里的离间;第四,斯大林与毛泽东的分歧;第五,中苏两党利益的碰撞。 对于“亚洲铁托主义”成因的探究,不仅在现当代国际关系史的研究中,而且在现当代国际共产主义运动史的研究中都占有特别重要的地位。通过对“亚洲铁托主义”成因的考察和分析,有助于研究社会主义阵营国家之间关系的演变及其影响,对正确处理社会主义国家、东西方国家之间的关系,选择本民族的发展道路,都具有重要的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:The two parties in Sunan were once friendly partners like Big Brother and Little Brothers in the socialist camp of the world. Such a pair of fraternal brothers, who were close to each other shortly after the end of World War II, were at loggerheads. So that the Soviet Union manipulated the European Communist Intelligence Agency to evict the Tito-minded Yugoslavia as a heretic. Unexpectedly, the fire at the city gate brought disaster to the pond fish. The fierce criticism and struggle caused by Tito's untamed nature made the Russians jealous of the Communist Party of China, headed by Mao Zedong. It is suspected that Mao Zedong is the "Tito of Asia", and the policy pursued by the Chinese Communists, led by Mao Zedong, is "Asian Tito Doctrine", fearing that China, like Yugoslavia, will embark on a path of independence from the Soviet Union. At the same time, The West also has ulterior motives to take advantage of the robbery, adding fuel to the "Asian Tito Doctrine". The State Department Program, which belongs to the US National Security Council, has an analysis report. Among them, "Asian Tito Doctrine" was widely promoted and incorporated into the "Wedge Strategy." until 1950, after the Korean War broke out, Mao Zedong and the CPC Central Committee made a difficult choice. Taking over from Stalin, Stalin changed his mind, believing that Mao Zedong was an internationalist and accepted his long-suspected ally. "Asian Tito Doctrine", whether in the East or in the West, has caused a great uproar and become the focus of people's attention. Why did it start?. Its causes appear to be confusing, unthinkable, covered with a mysterious veil. As its name implies, "Asian Tito Doctrine" is the experience and model of the East and West to the Communist Party of China, headed by Mao Zedong, that the East and the West insisted on proceeding from reality before and after the victory of the Chinese Revolution, and did not copy the experience and model of the Soviet Union. Combine the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution, resist the control and interference of the Soviet Union, and independently handle the internal and external affairs of our party and our own country. A distorted summary of the theory and practice common to Tito-ism in Yugoslavia. For the study of the cause of "Asian Tito Doctrine", the academic circles at home and abroad have only a few words, almost no special, concentrated, systematic demonstration of this problem. This paper is based on the perspective of international relations. By means of comparative analysis, psychological analysis, historical analysis, deductive induction and other methods, the causes of "Asian Tito Doctrine" are summed up as scientifically and objectively as possible. This paper argues that "Asian Tito Doctrine" is caused by many complicated factors, which can be summed up in five aspects: first, the similarity between Yugoslavia and Chinese revolution; second, calumny in the Eastern camp; third, A rift in the Western camp; 4th, the split between Stalin and Mao Zedong; 5th, a collision between Chinese and Soviet interests. The study of the causes of "Asian Tito Doctrine" is not only in the study of the history of contemporary international relations, Moreover, they all play a particularly important role in the study of the history of the modern and contemporary international communist movement. Through the investigation and analysis of the causes of "Asian Tito Doctrine", it is helpful to study the evolution and influence of the relations between the countries of the socialist camp. It is of great significance to correctly handle the relations between the socialist countries, the eastern and western countries, and choose the development path of our own nation.
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