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  本文选题:伊朗 切入点:土耳其 出处:《陕西师范大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 伊朗和土耳其是中东具有重要影响的地区性大国。历史上曾因争夺领土和势力范围加之教派冲突,经常处于战争状态,到了近代两国关系才有了较大改善。巴列维王朝时期,两国关系极为密切,并被美国纳入对抗苏联的西方阵营。 1979年伊朗伊斯兰革命后,两国关系进入了一个新阶段。伊朗霍梅尼政权极为浓厚的意识形态化的对外政策,对伊土关系构成了极大挑战。即便如此,伊土关系仍然在伊朗伊斯兰革命以及两伊战争期间稳步发展。当土耳其面对伊朗革命的冲击时,土政府仍然从国家利益出发,继续与伊朗新政权发展关系。如土政府拒绝追随美国制裁伊朗并在两伊战争中持中立政策。因此,伊土关系在霍梅尼时期呈现出迅速发展的特点,尤其是两国的经贸合作因发展迅猛。然而,伊土关系中的一些不稳定因素,如库尔德问题逐渐显现。虽然伊土的友好合作关系在这一时期掩盖了两国在该问题上的分歧,但它给冷战后伊土关系的发展埋下了隐患。 冷战结束后,伊土关系呈现出明显的冲突与合作并存的特征。20世纪90年代,伊土两国冲突突出地表现在民族问题、意识形态以及地缘政治利益方面。两国甚至因意识形态方面的突发事件导致外交关系的暂时中断。因此,伊土双方一方面利用对话化解两国矛盾,并且在双方共同努力下达成了一系列的安全协议。同时,伊土在经济领域内进行了卓有成效的合作。1996年两国签署了两份重要的经济协议,为伊土两国在能源与经贸领域内的合作奠定了坚实基础。然而,美国和以色列等外部因素对伊土关系带来了极其重要的影响。土耳其始终从国家利益出发应对美国的“双重遏制”政策,而没有盲目的追随美国。此外,土耳其与以色列建立战略同盟,促使伊朗与叙利亚的密切合作。土以同盟和伊叙合作对中东地缘政治产生了重要影响,同时对伊土关系也带来巨大冲击。 进入新世纪,伊土关系的主旋律仍是分歧与合作并存。两国的分歧主要体现在阿塞拜疆问题以及巴杰能源管线的铺设问题方面。由于伊朗在两国的地缘政治争夺战中势单力薄,因此土耳其占有明显优势。尽管如此,伊土间的合作仍然得到进一步发展,除了两国的能源合作进一步巩固之外,伊土经贸合作和安全合作的领域进一步拓宽。“9·11”事件后,中东地区的战略格局发生了很大变化,美国在中东地区的影响力逐步增强。伊土两国从各自国家利益出发,对美国的中东政策做出了不同的回应。与此同时,随着中东地区的地缘政治环境的变化,进一步促进了土以联盟与叙伊合作的巩固和发展。 伊朗伊斯兰革命后的20多年中,伊土关系走过了一条危机与合作并存,但又充满挑战的历程。作为中东地区的两个大国,伊朗和土耳其关系的稳定直接影响着中东地区的稳定。伊土既复杂又微妙的关系既受到两国意识形态、地缘政治利益以及战略合作等内部因素的影响,也受到美国、以色列、叙利亚及其它外部因素的影响。
[Abstract]:Iran and Turkey is the Middle East has an important influence on the regional powers. History had to compete for territory and sphere of influence and sectarian conflict, often in a state of war in modern times, relations between the two countries have improved greatly. The Pahlavi period, the relations between the two countries is very close, and by the United States against the Soviet Union into the Western camp.
The Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, bilateral relations have entered a new stage. The Khomeini regime in Iran is very strong ideological foreign policy constitutes a great challenge to the Iraqi Turkish Relations. Even so, Iraq still soil steady development in Iran and the Islamic Revolution during the Iran Iraq war. When Turkey faced the impact of the revolution in Iran soil, government is still in the national interest, to continue with the new government in Iran. Such as development of the government refused to follow the U.S. sanctions against Iran and a policy of neutrality in the Iran Iraq war. Therefore, the relationship between soil and Iran shows the characteristics of rapid development in the era of Khomeini, especially because of the rapid development of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. However, the relationship between soil and in Iraq some unstable factors, such as the Kurdish problem gradually. Although the friendly cooperation between the two countries in the Iraqi soil cover the disagreement in this period, but it The development of the relationship between Iraq and Iraq after the cold war has buried a hidden danger.
After the end of the cold war, the Iraqi conflict and cooperation relationship between soil and showed obvious characteristics of coexistence of the.20 century in 90s, Iranian soil conflict between the two countries prominently ethnic problems, ideology and geopolitical interests. The two countries even due to unexpected events lead to a diplomatic ideology of the relationship is temporarily interrupted. Therefore, both sides Iraq Turkey use a dialogue to resolve the contradiction between the two countries, and in the joint efforts of both sides to achieve a series of security protocols. At the same time, the Iranian soil in the economic field are very fruitful cooperation between China and.1996 signed two important economic agreement, has laid a solid foundation for the Iraq Turkey bilateral cooperation in energy and economic fields. However, the United States and Israel the external factors brought great influence on Iraqi soil. Turkey has always been in the national interest of the United States to deal with the policy of "dual containment", and there is no Blindly following the United States. In addition, Turkey and Israel have established strategic alliances to promote close cooperation between Iran and Syria. The cooperation between the alliance and the Syrian Arab League has had an important impact on the Middle East geopolitics, and at the same time, it also has a huge impact on the relationship between Israel and the mainland.
In the new century, the theme is still the differences and cooperation between Iraq soil coexist. The differences are mainly embodied in the Azerbaijan issue and the badger energy pipeline laying problem. Because of Iran in the two countries geopolitical battle for the weak, so Turkey has obvious advantages. However, the Iraqi soil cooperation still get further development in addition, the energy cooperation between the two countries to further strengthen economic and trade cooperation, the Iraqi soil and security cooperation to further broaden the areas. "9 - 11" after the incident, great changes have taken place in the Middle East strategic pattern, gradually increase the influence of the United States in the Middle East. Iraq Turkey from their respective national interests, to make a different response to American Middle East policy. At the same time, with the change in the Middle East geopolitical environment, to further promote the alliance and cooperation with Iraq to consolidate and Development.
Iran 20 years after the Islamic revolution in Iraq, Turkish Relations through a crisis and cooperation process, but also full of challenges. As two big countries in the Middle East, Iran and Turkey's stability directly affects the stability in the Middle East. The relationship between the Iraqi soil is complex and subtle influence not only by the two ideology. The internal factors of geopolitical interests and strategic cooperation, but also by the United States, Israel, Syria and other external factors.



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