发布时间:2018-03-09 02:30
本文选题:亚历山大 切入点:东方政策 出处:《华中师范大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 亚历山大是人类历史上最伟大的征服者之一,从公元前334年到公元前323年,亚历山大通过军事征服建立了一个横跨欧、亚、非三大洲的大帝国。在东征过程中,亚历山大对被征服地区的态度、对帝国的管理方式以及亚历山大的征服目标等等,无不体现在其东方政策上。本文以亚历山大的征服路线为纲,将亚历山大的东方政策分为四个阶段:从小亚细亚到埃及为泛希腊复仇政策宣传阶段、从美索不达米亚到波斯波利斯为东方政策的转折阶段、在中亚和北印度为“亚洲之王”阶段、西归途中为专制君主阶段。 从小亚细亚到埃及这一阶段,亚历山大打着报复波斯、解放希腊的旗号在小亚细亚的占领城市推翻僭主、建立民主,进行了泛希腊宣传,极力为这场侵略战争塑造正义性;从美索不达米亚到波斯波利斯,亚历山大在高伽美拉战役中大败大流士,并以一种异乎寻常的方式——将波斯波利斯付之一炬,宣告了波斯帝国的灭亡和复仇战争的结束;在中亚和北印度,鉴于地形和气候的特殊性以及客观形势的变化,亚历山大采取了与当地权贵合流的政策,为实现亚洲之王的野心奠定了基础;在西归途中,为了强化个人的绝对权力,亚历山大的东方化倾向更加严重。在军队中,亚历山大大量招募东方人入伍,并给予他们较高的职位;在礼仪方面,亚历山大大力仿效波斯帝王。同时,在苏撒举行了马其顿人和伊朗妇女的大型集体婚礼;公元前324年,亚历山大借着东方人的支持,镇压了马其顿军队在欧皮斯的暴动。西归途中种种迹象表明,亚历山大的王权已经大大强化,他已经由原先的马其顿国王变成帝国的专制君主了。 综观亚历山大在征服当中的东方政策,其实质是一步一步加强其个人权力的过程。可见,在东方政策上,亚历山大是一个实用主义者。但是,亚历山大本人也不乏英雄主义情结,例如:国王把自己比作特洛伊战争中的英雄阿喀硫斯,并不断地与狄奥尼索斯比附等。因此,笔者认为,在东方政策上,亚历山大是一个怀着英雄情结的实用主义者。
[Abstract]:Alexander was one of the greatest conquerors in human history. From 334 BC to 323 BC, Alexander built a great empire across Europe, Asia and Africa through military conquest. Alexander's attitude towards the conquered region, his management of the empire and his conquest objectives are all reflected in his oriental policy. Alexander's oriental policy is divided into four stages: from Asia minor to Egypt for the pan-Greek revenge policy propaganda stage, from Mesopotamia to Persepolis as the turning point of the oriental policy. In Central Asia and North India for the "king of Asia" stage, the return to the west for the despotic stage. From Asia minor to Egypt, Alexander took revenge against Persia, liberated Greece in the name of overthrowing tyrants in the occupied cities of Asia minor, established democracy, carried out pan-Greek propaganda, and tried to create justice for this war of aggression. From Mesopotamia to Persepolis, Alexander defeated Darius at the Battle of Gogamela and, in an unusual way, set Persepolis on fire, declaring the end of the Persian Empire and the war of vengeance; In Central Asia and North India, in view of the particularity of the terrain and climate and the changes in the objective situation, Alexander adopted a policy of confluence with local dignitaries, laying the foundation for the realization of the ambition of the king of Asia; on his way back to the west, In order to strengthen the absolute power of the individual, Alexander's tendency towards Orientalization became more serious. In the army, Alexander recruited Orientals in large numbers and gave them higher positions; in ceremonial terms, Alexander followed the example of the Persian emperor. At the same time, he held a large mass wedding of Macedonian and Iranian women in Sousa; in 324 BC, Alexander took advantage of the support of the Orientals. After repressing the Macedonian army's uprising in Oppis, there were signs on the way back to the west that Alexander's Wang Quan had intensified greatly, and that he had changed from the Macedonian king to an imperial autocratic monarch. The essence of Alexander's oriental policy during the conquest was a process of strengthening his personal power step by step. It can be seen that Alexander was a pragmatist in oriental policy. Alexander himself did not lack heroism, for example: the king likened himself to the hero of the Trojan War, Achatius, and constantly compared himself to Dionysus. Alexander was a pragmatist with a heroic complex.
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