本文选题:日俄协商 切入点:义和团运动 出处:《东北师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 甲午战后,三国干涉还辽导致远东局势日益紧张。俄国在干涉还辽中出力最多,并与清政府秘密签订了《中俄密约》,从而为修建西伯利亚大铁路赢得了政治和外交上的便利。俄国的一系列行径对日本在中国东北和朝鲜的利益造成巨大的威胁,但是鉴于三国干涉还辽的教训,日本暂时采取与俄国协商的外交政策。义和团运动发生后,英国大力支持日本出兵,在共同的利益驱使下日英两国逐渐靠近,而俄国在远东的单独行动使得日俄矛盾逐渐升级。关于采取“日俄协商”还是“日英同盟”的政策,在日本政府内部出现了意见分歧。伊藤博文和井上馨主张与俄国协商,确保日本在满洲和朝鲜的优先权益;山县有朋和桂太郎则认为俄国是潜在的敌人,应该与英国结盟,依靠日英同盟用武力向俄国发起挑战。 日本的外交的政策一开始更倾向于与俄国交涉,俄国为了阻止日英接近,在朝鲜问题上的让步,也使日本看到了希望,这也是伊藤博文、井上馨等一批元老们坚持日俄协商的主要原因。但俄国在远东咄咄逼人的态势,使得日本政府最终选择寻求同盟抵制俄国扩张的政策,日英结盟提上了日程。这就是本文重点论述的部分,在这个过程的转变中,国际形势的变幻,特别是义和团运动在远东引起的多国干涉,元老们决策的出发点都是至关重要的因素。 山县有朋等人主张的日英同盟以及伊藤博文等人主张的日俄协商,他们所追求的目标是基本一致的:即在纷繁复杂的国际关系中为日本争取利益的最大化。随着日俄争夺东北亚矛盾的发展,日俄协商终于行不通了,而日英同盟的条件则逐渐成熟。伊藤博文的访俄活动,从反面推动了日英同盟的谈判。1902年1月30日,由林董和英国外交大臣兰斯敦签署的《日英同盟协约》即日生效。第一次日英同盟的成立对东北亚国际格局产生重大影响,日本在同俄国的竞争中占据了优势,敢于发动日俄战争。日俄战后,英国深盼日本能够在远东继续牵制俄国,日本为确保战后既得利益,又有第二次日英同盟之成立,虽然适用范围和性质发生了变化,但日本为确保在满韩利益最大化的目标没有改变,日本利用同盟外交发展大陆政策的方针更不会有丝毫变动。
[Abstract]:After the Sino-Japanese war, the situation in the far East became increasingly tense as a result of the three countries' intervention. And secretly signed the Sino-Russian secret treaty with the Qing government, thus winning political and diplomatic convenience for the construction of the Siberian railway. A series of Russian acts posed a great threat to Japan's interests in northeast China and North Korea. However, in view of the lessons of the three countries' intervention in the Liao Dynasty, Japan temporarily adopted a foreign policy of consultation with Russia. After the Boxer Movement took place, Britain strongly supported Japan's sending troops and, driven by the common interests, Japan and Britain gradually approached each other. And Russia's separate action in the far East has gradually escalated the Japanese-Russian conflict. There are differences of opinion within the Japanese government on whether to adopt the policy of "Japanese-Russian consultation" or "Japan-British alliance." Ito and Itohito advocate consultation with Russia. To ensure Japan's priority in Manchuria and North Korea, Yamashimoto and Kweitaro see Russia as a potential enemy and should ally with Britain to challenge Russia by force of arms from the Japanese-British alliance. At first, Japan's foreign policy was more inclined to negotiate with Russia. In order to prevent Japan and Britain from approaching, Russia's concessions on the Korean issue also made Japan see hope. This is also Ito Po-wen. Mr. Inoue and others insisted on the main reasons for the Japanese-Russian negotiations. But the aggressive attitude of Russia in the far East made the Japanese government finally choose to seek an alliance to resist Russia's policy of expansion. The alliance between Japan and Britain was put on the agenda. This is the key part of this paper. During the process of transformation, the changes in the international situation, especially the intervention of many countries caused by the Boxer Movement in the far East, The starting point of the elders' decision is a crucial factor. In Shan County, the Japanese-British alliance advocated by friends and others, as well as the Japan-Russian consultation advocated by Ito Po-wen and others, Their goals are basically the same: to maximize the interests of Japan in the complicated international relations. As Japan and Russia compete for the development of the conflict in Northeast Asia, the Japan-Russian consultation has finally become unworkable. On the other hand, the conditions for the Japan-British alliance were gradually maturing. Ito's visit to Russia promoted the negotiations of the Japan-British alliance from the opposite side. On January 30th 1902, The Japanese-British Compact of Alliance signed by Lin Dong and British Foreign Secretary Lanson came into effect immediately. The first day the establishment of the British Alliance had a major impact on the international situation in Northeast Asia, and Japan occupied an advantage in the competition with Russia. Dare to launch a Japan-Russian war. After the war between Japan and Russia, Britain deeply hoped that Japan would continue to contain Russia in the far East. In order to ensure its vested interests after the war, Japan also had the establishment of a second British alliance the next day, although the scope and nature of its application had changed. But Japan's goal to ensure maximum interest in South Korea has not changed, and Japan's approach to using alliance diplomacy to develop its mainland policy will not change at all.
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