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  本文选题:阿尔及利亚战争 切入点:法国 出处:《南开大学》2009年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 阿尔及利亚战争是1954-1962年阿尔及利亚民族主义武装力量反对法国殖民统治、争取民族独立的战争。这场战争使阿尔及利亚在经历了130多年的法国殖民统治之后最终获得独立,也使法兰西殖民帝国在经历了痛苦的挣扎之后彻底崩溃。但是,阿尔及利亚战争并不仅仅是法国和阿尔及利亚之间的一场一般意义上的战争。首先,阿尔及利亚战争与当时的两个时代特征,即冷战和两极格局的延续和发展,以及第三世界的崛起和殖民主义的崩溃存在着密切而深刻的联系;其次,美国在这场战争中自始至终都起到了微妙但又极其重要的作用。因此阿尔及利亚战争不仅是战后国际关系史上的重要事件,也是研究冷战时期美国外交政策的一个极好的个案。 阿尔及利亚战争期间,阿尔及利亚民族主义运动的领导力量——民族解放阵线在坚持武装斗争的同时,积极在国际舞台上展开各种外交活动,为阿尔及利亚的民族解放事业争取外援和支持,从而使阿尔及利亚战争从一开始就呈现出国际化的趋向。面对民族解放阵线对殖民统治的挑战,法国政府采取了镇压和安抚并举、但以镇压为主的政策,而由于法兰西第四共和国政体的孱弱和混乱,法国历届政府都无法解决阿尔及利亚问题。1958年第四共和国崩溃和第五共和国建立后,法国在戴高乐的领导下逐步采取开明的政策,最终于1962年允许阿尔及利亚独立,结束了这场长达七年的血腥战争。而美国在战争期间也根据形势的变化在不同阶段采取了不同的政策:从起初的“消极的中间偏右”到后来积极而主动地充当阿尔及利亚问题和平解决的催化剂。通过对美国的阿尔及利亚战争政策的研究可以得出以下结论:虽然苏联因素并没有直接介入阿尔及利亚战争,但“冷战思维”这一指导思想始终操纵着美国决策人在阿尔及利亚问题上的立场和态度。战后到20世纪60年代美国对非洲政策的实质,是在保持非洲大陆的稳定的基础上,力求英法等欧洲殖民国家能够维持其在非洲已独立国家和未独立殖民地的传统利益和势力范围,一来可以阻止苏联对非洲的渗透,二来确保非洲国家在意识形态上至少在东西方两大阵营之间保持中立。
[Abstract]:The Algerian War was a 1954-1962 war between the Algerian nationalist armed forces against French colonial rule and the struggle for national independence, which led Algeria to independence after more than 130 years of French colonial rule. But the Algerian war was not just a general war between France and Algeria. First of all, The Algerian war was closely and profoundly linked to the two characteristics of the era at that time, namely, the continuation and development of the cold war and the bipolar pattern, as well as the rise of the third world and the collapse of colonialism; secondly, The Algerian war was not only an important event in the history of postwar international relations, but also an excellent case study of American foreign policy during the Cold War. During the Algerian war, the National Liberation Front, the leading force of the Algerian nationalist movement, actively engaged in various diplomatic activities on the international stage while persisting in armed struggle. Seeking foreign assistance and support for the cause of national liberation in Algeria, thus bringing the Algerian war to an international trend from the very beginning... in the face of the challenge posed by the National Liberation Front to colonial rule, The French government adopted a policy of repression and appeasement, but mainly repression, and because of the weakness and chaos of the French 4th Republic, After the collapse of the Republic of 4th in 1958 and the establishment of the Republic of 5th, France gradually adopted an enlightened policy under the leadership of Charles de Gaulle, which eventually allowed Algeria to become independent in 1962. The seven years of bloody war ended. During the war, the United States adopted different policies at different stages, depending on the changes in the situation: from the beginning of the "negative centre-right" to the later active and active role. A study of the Algerian war policy of the United States can be concluded that although the Soviet factor was not directly involved in the Algerian war, However, the guiding ideology of "Cold War thinking" has always manipulated the position and attitude of American policy makers on the Algerian issue. The essence of US policy towards Africa from the postwar to 1960s is based on maintaining the stability of the African continent. To strive for the maintenance of the traditional interests and spheres of influence of European colonial powers, such as Britain and France, in independent and non-independent African States, so as to prevent the Soviet Union from infiltrating Africa, The second is to ensure that African countries remain ideologically neutral, at least between East and West.


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