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发布时间:2018-03-22 01:11

  本文选题:美国 切入点:古巴 出处:《陕西师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 1961年猪湾惨败之后,美国对古巴实施了一场新的大规模的隐蔽行动——猫鼬行动。这场隐蔽行动动用了中情局、国务院、国防部和美国新闻署等重要政府部门,其行动范围十分广泛,涉及政治、经济、心理、准军事行动等各个方面,但最终因古巴导弹危机的到来而悄然中止,在一定程度上它也充当了古巴导弹危机的催化剂。迄今为止,国内学术界对这一问题的研究仍十分薄弱,本文运用美国近年来公布的档案材料,借鉴国内外已有的研究成果,对这一问题进行了比较系统的分析。 本文共分为五部分。 第一部分交待了猫鼬行动提出的背景。20世纪60年代初是冷战的高峰期,革命后的古巴日益成为美苏争夺的重心。美国不能容忍在自己的后院出现一个苏联的卫星国,因此千方百计遏制古巴革命政权,在公开经济封锁禁运的同时,对古巴实施隐蔽行动。肯尼迪上台后继承艾森豪威尔政府的政策,实施针对古巴的冥王星计划,试图推翻卡斯特罗政府,却以猪湾惨败而告终。猪湾惨败宣告了美国对古巴政策的失败,在对猪湾惨败的深刻反省中,美国政府开始酝酿一场新的隐蔽行动计划。 第二部分介绍了猫鼬行动提出的过程及其原因,论述了猫鼬行动初始阶段的进展。1961年11月3日,肯尼迪总统授权开展这场旨在推翻卡斯特罗政权的隐蔽行动。颠覆卡斯特罗政权是美国一直以来的政策,猫鼬行动是美国在冷战的大背景下,在对猪湾事件的反思中提出来的。初始阶段建立了猫鼬行动的行动机制,明确了行动的观念,逐步形成了猫鼬行动的基本行动计划,并初步实施了情报搜集等活动,同时发现了行动在操作上的一些困难,这为猫鼬行动的实施做了初步准备。 第三部分阐述了猫鼬行动实施的过程。实施的过程分为两个阶段,考虑到初始阶段发现的操作上的困难,美国政府把第一阶段的首要目标确定为获取目标地区的确凿情报,同时在不引发目标地区的革命或其他需要美国武力干预的进展的情况下,采取其他一切政治、经济和隐蔽行动来达到行动的目标。但是随着美国情报机构发现苏联正在加速向古巴提供人员和物资,并有可能在古巴部署中程弹道导弹,美国政府转变了猫鼬行动的路线,取消了对行动的一些限制,加速行动的进展。古巴导弹危机的出现急剧改变了猫鼬行动的命运,随着危机的加剧,肯尼迪决定不再刺激苏联,下令停止在古巴的行动,猫鼬行动夭折了。 第四部分分析了猫鼬行动夭折的原因及其造成的影响。猫鼬行动夭折的直接原因是古巴导弹危机的爆发,但是即使没有这次危机,猫鼬行动的也不大可能走向成功的道路。由于行动的目标定位过高,要达成目标困难重重,而肯尼迪政府鉴于猪湾惨败的教训又对行动的喧闹程度多加限制,并建立了冗杂的行动、监督机制,从白宫到各参与的部门之间想法又极不一致,行动的负责人兰斯德尔本身制订的一些计划也流于空想,猫鼬行动很难达到预期的目标。猫鼬行动的实施使美古关系进一步交恶,使古巴怀疑以至确信美国要第二次入侵,进而决定接受苏联的导弹。可以说,猫鼬行动是古巴导弹危机爆发的催化剂。另外猫鼬行动的实施还对美国的司法等造成了一定影响。 第五部分总体上评价了猫鼬行动,论述了猫鼬行动的特征及其表现出来的两极格局下的国际关系的特征,指出猫鼬行动是美国政府在当时形势下做出的代价较小的“第三种选择”,但是做为阴谋颠覆一个主权国家的合法政权的隐蔽行动,它的非法性和非道德性,我们不可否认。它违反了国际法,损害了该国人民的福祉,破坏了国际稳定,最后终被将钉在历史的耻辱柱上。
[Abstract]:After the 1961 swine Bay fiasco, the United States implemented a new large-scale covert action - action against Cuba. The mongoose took the CIA covert action, the State Council, a major government department of defense and the United States Information Agency, its scope of action is very extensive, involving politics, economy, psychology, various paramilitary operations etc. but in the end because of the Cuban Missile Crisis and quietly suspended, to a certain extent, it also acts as a catalyst for the Cuban missile crisis. So far, the research on this problem in domestic academic circles is still very weak, the use of the United States in recent years, archival material released from the domestic and foreign research results on this the problems are analyzed.
This article is divided into five parts.
The first part introduces the background of the mongoose operation.20 in early 60s is the peak of the cold war, after the Cuban revolution becomes the center for the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States can not tolerate a Soviet satellite state in your own backyard, so do everything possible to contain the Cuban revolutionary regime in open economic blockade and embargo at the same time, the implementation of covert action after Kennedy came to Cuba. Eisenhower inherited the policy of the government, the implementation of the plan for Cuba Pluto trying to overthrow the Castro government, but in the fiasco ended. The fiasco declared the failure of American policy on Cuba, in the self reflection of the fiasco, the U.S. government began brewing a new covert action plan.
The second part introduces the process and reasons of the mongoose operation proposed, discussed the progress of.1961 in initial stage of the mongoose operation in November 3rd, President Kennedy authorized to carry out the campaign to overthrow the regime of Castro Castro's regime is to subvert the covert action. The United States has been the policy, operation Mongoose is the United States in the context of the cold war, raised in reflection the bay of pigs. In the initial stage of the establishment of a mechanism of action of the mongoose operation, clear the concept of action, and gradually formed a basic plan of action of the mongoose operation, and preliminary implementation of intelligence gathering and other activities, the action also found some difficulties in operation. The preliminary preparations for the implementation of the mongoose operation do.
The third part describes the implementation process of the mongoose operation. The implementation process is divided into two stages, taking into account the initial stage that operational difficulties, the U.S. government put the primary goal for the first phase is determined as the conclusive information acquiring target area, while in progress does not lead to the target areas of revolution or other military intervention of the needs of the United States take the case, all other political, economic and covert action to reach the goal of an action. But with the U.S. intelligence agencies found that the Soviet Union is accelerated to provide personnel and supplies to Cuba, and possible medium range ballistic missiles in Cuba, the United States government changed the course of the mongoose operation, lifted some restrictions on the operation, accelerate the progress of action the Cuban Missile Crisis dramatically changed the fate of the mongoose operation, as the crisis intensified, Kennedy decided not to stop in the stimulation of the Soviet Union Cuba, the end of the mongoose operation.
The fourth part analyzes the reason and the operation mongoose died. The direct cause of the mongoose operation aborted the Cuban missile crisis, but even without the crisis, operation mongoose are unlikely to be on the way to success. Due to the action of the target is too high, difficult to reach the goal, and the Kennedy administration in view of the fiasco the lessons of noise level for action and restrictions, and the establishment of a complex action, supervision mechanism, from the White House to each of the participating departments and ideas between very inconsistent, some action plan for Lance Del is making itself into fantasy, the mongoose operation is difficult to achieve the desired goal. The implementation of the operation mongoose the relationship between the further hostility, Cuba and that the United States should suspect the second invasion, and then decided to accept the Soviet missile. It can be said that Cuba is the mongoose operation guide The catalyst missile crisis. In addition, the action of the United States judicial caused some impact.
The fifth part of the overall evaluation of the mongoose operation, this paper discusses the characteristics of the mongoose operation characteristics and performance of the bipolar pattern of international relations, pointed out that the operation mongoose is the United States government in that situation at the cost of small "third options", but as a conspiracy to overthrow a legal regime of covert action, illegal and unethical it, we can not deny it. In violation of international law, damage the country people's well-being, undermine international stability, finally will eventually nail in the history of shame.



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1 韩福松;美国中央情报局与1962年古巴导弹危机[D];山东师范大学;2012年




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