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发布时间:2018-03-23 01:24

  本文选题:英国 切入点:欧洲政策 出处:《山东师范大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 外交,是一个国家国内政治的对外扩伸,它与该国家的历史、文化、民族精神以及国内政治经济的发展是紧密联系在一起的。英国是欧洲联盟的一个特殊的成员国,被誉为欧洲一体化进程这一“牡蛎中的沙粒”。影响英国政府欧洲政策制定的因素有许多,包括国际国内形势变幻的影响,民族文化、岛国地理形态特性的牵制,国内党派斗争的影响,还有对国家利益的维护等等。 英国政府一贯主张,欧洲一体化应该是加强主权国家之间的进一步合作,而并非将民族国家主权让渡给超国家机构。二战后,英国同欧洲大陆国家的关系几经波折,艾德礼工党政府,对于法德发起的欧洲联合运动采取了“袖手旁观”的态度,丘吉尔保守党政府上台后,延续了艾德礼政府的欧洲政策。受国内外政治经济形势发展的影响,自麦克米伦保守党政府开始,英国前后三次提出了加入欧洲共同体(欧洲经济共同体)的申请,并于1973年1月1日正式成为欧洲共同体中的一员。 作为一个有影响力的大国,英国加入欧洲共同体增强了欧洲共同体(欧盟)的经济实力,也提高了欧洲共同体(欧盟)的国际影响力,平衡了成员国之间的力量对比,避免了欧洲一体化的发展为一两个大国所左右的局面,欧洲一体化的发展揭开了新的一页。英国政府的欧洲政策对于欧洲一体化的发展也产生了诸多不良的影响。为了维护国家利益,英国自加入欧共体后就开始与欧共体进行讨价还价,在最严重的时候,欧共体内部机构的正常运转都受到了影响。 随着世界经济的发展,在世界力量格局的对比中,军事力量的作用开始下降,而经济因素在决定一国国际地位方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,20世纪90年代德国统一,英国曾经在欧洲军事上占据的重要地位开始让位于德国的经济力量,英国在欧洲的地位受到了前所未有的强而有力的挑战。布莱尔工党政府上台执政后,提出了英国要成为“国际关系力量中心”的目标,并指出英国真正的历史地位在于其作为一个主要的全球大国独一无二的能力,虽然英国是一个岛国,但它一直拒绝接受孤立隔绝的做法,而保持全球作用的唯一途径是通过欧盟。丧失英国在欧盟的中心作用,就会丧失英国在国际上发挥重大作用的机会。英国政府对于欧盟的政策立场趋向积极。 区域经济一体化的发展顺应了时代的潮流。展望未来,虽然英国在欧盟中一些具体的问题上依然与其他成员国如法国、德国存在着分歧,对于欧盟未来发展方向也存在着不同的看法,但英国的发展离不开欧盟,而欧盟的发展也需要英国,双方会在互相妥协中求得自身利益的维护和发展。
[Abstract]:Diplomacy is the expansion of a country's domestic politics. It is closely related to the history, culture, national spirit and domestic political and economic development of the country. Britain is a special member of the European Union. Known as the "sand in the oyster" of the European integration process, there are many factors that influence the British government's European policy formulation, including the influence of the changing international and domestic situation, the containment of national culture, and the geographical characteristics of the island countries. The influence of the domestic party struggle, as well as the protection of national interests and so on. The British Government has consistently maintained that European integration should be aimed at strengthening further cooperation among sovereign states, rather than transferring national sovereignty to supranational institutions. After World War II, Britain's relations with continental European countries experienced several twists and turns. The Attlee Labour Party government took a "stand by" attitude towards the Franco-German European United Movement. After Churchill's Conservative government came to power, it continued the European policy of the Attleigh government. It was influenced by the political and economic developments at home and abroad. Since Macmillan's Conservative government began, Britain has applied for membership in the European Community (EEC) three times, and officially became a member of the European Community on January 1, 1973. As an influential power, Britain's accession to the European Community has strengthened the economic strength of the European Community (EU), increased the international influence of the European Community (EU), and balanced the balance of power among member states. To avoid a situation in which the development of European integration is dominated by one or two major countries, The development of European integration has opened a new page. The British government's European policy has had many adverse effects on the development of European integration. Britain has been haggling with the EC since joining the EC, and at its worst, the normal functioning of the EC's internal institutions has been affected. With the development of the world economy, in the contrast of the world power pattern, the role of military force began to decline, and economic factors played an increasingly important role in determining the international status of a country. Britain's once important military position in Europe began to give way to Germany's economic power, and Britain's position in Europe was challenged with unprecedented strength. Proposing the goal of becoming a "centre of strength in international relations" and pointing out that the real historical status of the United Kingdom lies in its unique ability as a major global power, even though it is an island country, But it has refused to accept isolation, and the only way to maintain its global role is through the EU... Losing Britain's central role in the EU. The opportunity to play a major international role will be lost. The British government is taking a more active stance on EU policy. The development of regional economic integration conforms to the trend of the times. Looking forward to the future, although Britain still has differences with other member states such as France and Germany on specific issues in the EU, There are different views on the future direction of the European Union, but the development of the United Kingdom is inseparable from the European Union, and the development of the European Union also needs the United Kingdom. Both sides will seek the protection and development of their own interests in the process of mutual compromise.


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