本文选题:波兰 切入点:流亡政府 出处:《湖南师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:1939年在德国与苏联相继进攻下,波兰在巴黎建立新的流亡政府,后又迁移到伦敦。在国外,流亡政府在西方盟国的支持下不断组建其境外军队,与盟军并肩作战对抗侵略者。在波兰国内,国家军与政府代表处组成了地下国,流亡政府通过对地下国的领导来抵抗纳粹德国与苏联入侵者。流亡政府领导的国内外运动有效地抵抗了波兰境内的外来入侵势力,同时也为欧洲的反法西斯战争做出了重要贡献。本文将从波兰流亡政府的创建及其外交关系、流亡政府的境外军队、波兰地下国以及流亡政府的最后结局四个方面来尽可能全面、详尽地阐述二战时期波兰流亡政府的状况。 论文第一部分叙述了波兰流亡政府的创建情况及其主要的外交关系。在波军节节败退的情况下,波兰政府被迫转移并被罗马尼亚当局拘禁;在这种情况下,新的流亡政府在巴黎成立并取代了战前政府;后流亡政府又随着法国的沦陷而转移到伦敦。本部分还针对流亡政府的对外关系,尤其是其与英国、苏联这两大国之间的关系作了一定程度上的剖析和总结。 第二部分主要阐述流亡政府在国外的武装力量。其中,重点分析了其在法国、英国与苏联组建境外军队的具体情况。 第三部分对流亡政府在波兰国内的势力——波兰地下国——作了详细的阐述。波兰地下国主要由流亡政府在波兰国内的军事、政治代表——国家军与国内政府代表处——构成。流亡政府正是通过控制这两个机构来实现其对波兰国内抵抗运动的领导。本部分分别对地下国的军事、政治机构的发展与构成作了相应叙述。 第四部分阐述的是流亡政府的最后结局。这部分主要从两方面进行阐述:其一,介绍了流亡政府国内劲敌的出现及其强大的过程;其二,阐述了流亡政府最后的垂死挣扎及其败北的悲惨结局。 最后是结语部分,这个部分对整篇论文作了简单的总结,并在流亡政府败北的原因及对流亡政府本身的评价等方面作了一定的简评。
[Abstract]:In 1939, following successive German and Soviet attacks, Poland established a new exile government in Paris and then moved to London. Abroad, the exiled government, with the support of Western allies, continued to form its foreign troops. Fought alongside the allies against the invaders. In Poland, the national army and the government representative office formed the underground country, The exiled government resisted Nazi Germany and Soviet invaders through leadership of underground countries. The movements at home and abroad led by the exiled government effectively resisted foreign invaders in Poland. At the same time, it has also made an important contribution to the anti-fascist war in Europe. This article will focus on the establishment of the Polish exiled government and its diplomatic relations, the foreign troops of the exiled government, The final outcome of the Polish underground state and the exiled government is as comprehensive and detailed as possible to explain the situation of the Polish exiled government during World War II. The first part of the paper describes the creation of the Polish government in exile and its main diplomatic relations. In this case, the Polish government was forcibly transferred and detained by the Romanian authorities. The new exile government was formed in Paris and replaced the pre-war government; the post-exile government moved to London with the fall of France. This part also deals with the foreign relations of the exiled government, especially with the United Kingdom. The relationship between the two great powers of the Soviet Union was analyzed and summarized to a certain extent. The second part mainly expounds the foreign armed forces of the exiled government. The third part gives a detailed account of the forces of the exiled government in Poland-the underground state of Poland, which is mainly composed of the military forces of the exiled government in Poland. Political representatives-the national army and the representative office of the internal government-are formed. It is by controlling these two institutions that the exiled government has achieved its leadership of the Polish internal resistance movement. The development and composition of political institutions are described accordingly. The fourth part deals with the final outcome of the exiled government. This part is mainly described from two aspects: first, the emergence of the exiled government's internal adversaries and their strong process; second, The final dying struggle of the government in exile and the tragic outcome of its defeat are expounded. The last part is the conclusion, this part makes a brief summary of the whole paper, and makes a brief comment on the reasons of the defeat of the exiled government and the evaluation of the exiled government itself.
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