本文选题:基层组织 切入点:西部开发 出处:《云南大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 美国西部开发早就有之,而西进运动掀起的移民高潮和西部开发高潮则是在美国独立后兴起的。因而,本文选取的时间段从西班牙在大陆西部的殖民活动开始到19世纪末。美国的西进运动和资本主义国家的两次工业革命互相促进,给美国经济带来了翻天地覆的变化。在美国西部开发的过程中,基层组织起了不可估量的作用。 本文通过论述基层组织来阐述西部开发在美国经济发展过程中的作用。这主要从三部分来论述: 第一章、美国独立前活动在西部的基层组织。这一章主要讲述独立前西班牙、法国及英国在西部的活动及组织。这些组织虽存在于独立前,但一些组织对当时大陆西部的发展起了比较重要的作用,如西班牙在西部的探险并建立了一系列传教站和军事据点、英法的传教站及军事要塞,在这些组织周围先后初步兴起了农业据点,随着农业经济的发展,一些据点发展成为城镇。 第二章、西进运动中的基层组织及其活动。这一章主要论述独立后美国西部三大地区的开发及一些组织。这一章中,土地投机公司掀起了西进运动的高潮。随着开发的继续进行,国家不断修改土地政策,使一些其他的组织发展起来,比如农牧场和一些西部院校的兴建。这一时期活动的基层组织还有毛皮公司、矿业公司及矿业社区。三大区起串联作用的交通运输组织如铁路公司也在这时期快速发展起来。 第三章、西部开发过程中重要基层组织的作用。通过前两章各色基层组织的论述,总结出一些重要组织如军事要塞、土地投机公司、农牧业组织、矿业区及铁路公司在西部开发中的作用。从这些组织在美国西部开发过程所起的作用中,进一步得出自己的见解及对中国西部开发的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:The western development of the United States has been around for a long time, and the high tide of immigration and western development set off by the westward movement rose after the independence of the United States. The period of time selected in this paper was from the beginning of Spain's colonial activities in the western mainland to the end of the 19th century. The westward movement of the United States and the two industrial revolutions in capitalist countries promoted each other. In the course of the western development of the United States, grass-roots organizations played an inestimable role. This paper expounds the role of western development in the process of economic development in the United States by discussing the role of grass-roots organizations in the process of economic development in the United States, which is mainly discussed in three parts:. Chapter one, grassroots organizations in the West of the United States before Independence. This chapter mainly deals with the activities and organizations of Spain, France and the United Kingdom in the west before independence. These organizations existed before independence. However, some organizations played a more important role in the development of the western part of the mainland at that time. For example, Spain explored the west and set up a series of missionary posts and military strongholds, as well as British and French missionary posts and military forts. In these organizations around the initial rise of agricultural strongholds, along with the development of agricultural economy, some strongholds developed into towns. Chapter two, the grass-roots organizations and their activities in the westward movement. This chapter mainly discusses the development and some organizations in the three western regions of the United States after independence. Land speculation companies set off the climax of the westward movement. As the development continued, the state constantly revised its land policy and made some other organizations develop. For example, the construction of agricultural pastures and some western colleges. During this period, the grassroots organizations operating during this period also included fur companies, mining companies and mining communities. Transport organizations such as railway companies, which are connected by the three regions, also developed rapidly during this period. Chapter III, the role of important grass-roots organizations in the process of the development of the western region. Through the exposition of various grass-roots organizations in the previous two chapters, we have summed up some important organizations such as military forts, land speculation companies, and agricultural and animal husbandry organizations. The role of mining areas and railway companies in the development of the western regions. From the role of these organizations in the development of the western regions of the United States, we can draw our own views and draw lessons for the development of the western regions of China.
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