发布时间:2018-04-14 10:14
本文选题:犹太人反法西斯委员会 + 苏联情报局 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2008年博士论文
【摘要】: 苏联犹太人反法西斯委员会是1942年4月在苏联战时首都古比雪夫建立的一个半官方的犹太人反战组织,目的是动员全世界的犹太人积极行动起来投入反法西斯主义的斗争。在苏联情报局的领导下,它通过出版犹太人报纸(《团结报》)、组织犹太人反法西斯群众集会、向国外新闻机构寄发宣传材料、派代表团出国访问等方式,不仅在西方盟国为苏联赢得了广泛的同情和支持,而且为苏联红军和民众争取到大量宝贵的物资和金钱援助,对卫国战争的胜利做出了重要的贡献。但是,二战结束后,随着美苏冷战的爆发,犹太人反法西斯委员会在国内不断受到打压。尽管它忠心耿耿,委曲求全,最终还是在1948年11月被苏联当局以进行反苏宣传、向国外情报机构提供反苏情报的罪名勒令解散。不久,其领导人相继被捕入狱,在受尽摧残和折磨之后,于1952年8月被处以极刑,从而酿成了苏联历史上的一大悲剧。本文试图根据俄国最新解密的有关犹太人反法西斯委员会的档案材料,在充分吸收国内外学者研究成果的基础上,对这一问题做一全面深入的专题研究,以期揭示这一历史悲剧的真相。 本文共分为六章,加上引言和结语共八部分。引言部分主要介绍了本文选题的原因和意义、国内外研究状况、研究方法和拟解决的主要问题。 第一章追溯了沙皇俄国时期犹太人的历史状况和1941年6月苏德战争爆发前苏联政府对犹太人的政策,目的是阐明犹太人反法西斯委员会悲剧发生的历史根源。文章表明,犹太人反法西斯委员是在卫国战争初期苏联严重失利的形势下,在政府动员和苏联民众反法西斯热情高涨的基础上建立的,是犹太人爱国主义精神的反映。委员会的成员包括苏联犹太人当中的著名作家、诗人、科学家、演员等社会名流。从表面上看,它是一个社会团体,实际上,从成立伊始,它的一切活动都处于苏联政府的严格控制之下。 第二章和第三章分别论述了犹太人反法西斯委员会的主要活动。因为篇幅较大,所以分成两部分。第二章主要从犹太人反法西斯委员会所召开的三次犹太人反法西斯群众大会、三次委员会全体会议和犹太人反法西斯委员会代表团出访美国、英国、墨西哥和加拿大等方面详细阐述了犹太人反法西斯委员会对于苏联反法西斯战争的重大贡献,这是犹太人反法西斯委员会最辉煌的时期,也是本文的重点内容之一。第三章从救助犹太同胞、复兴犹太文化、建议在克里木成立犹太族共和国、接待国外犹太友人来访以及与国内反犹主义进行斗争等五个方面论述了犹太人反法西斯委员会对于苏联犹太人命运的关注。 第四章探讨了美苏冷战对犹太人反法西斯委员会命运的影响。战后,随着国内外形势的发展变化,反犹主义开始成为苏联官方的政策。苏联当局对于犹太人反法西斯委员会宣传工作中的民族色彩以及它对国内犹太人事务的干预越来越难以容忍。委员会的对外交流活动也受到严格限制,整个工作处于半瘫痪状态。建立克里木犹太共和国的方案被废弃,并且在后来成为指控犹太人反法西斯委员会的主要罪证之一。冷战全面爆发后,犹太人反法西斯委员会主席米霍埃尔斯被斯大林以莫须有的罪名秘密杀害。1948年5月,以色列国建立,苏联犹太人的民族主义情绪空前高涨,犹太人反法西斯委员会被推上潮头浪尖。苏联当局大为震惊,最终下令解散了这个在苏联国内唯一具有代表性的犹太人组织。 第五章讨论了《黑皮书》的编写和夭折过程。《黑皮书》是战时犹太人反法西斯委员会与国外犹太人组织合作的重要项目之一,目的是通过揭露纳粹屠杀犹太人的暴行来激发国外犹太人的反法西斯热情。但是,战后由于国际和国内形势发生变化,《黑皮书》的内容已经不合苏联当局的胃口,结果在出版前夕被下令查封并销毁。 第六章集中探讨了“犹太人反法西斯委员会案”。这一案件是在斯大林的授意下,由苏联国家安全部经过长期准备精心策划的,是冷战进入第一次高潮时期苏联当局反犹政策的集中表现。其目的是消灭犹太人的文化精英和领导核心。犹太人反法西斯委员会领导人被枪毙使这一悲剧达到高潮。在同一时期苏联当局策划的一系列反犹案件中,“犹太人反法西斯委员会案”可以说是一个核心案件,许多案件都与它有着直接和间接的联系。震惊世界的“医生阴谋”就是这一案件的延续和升级。斯大林的目的是流放整个苏联犹太民族,以便在与美国爆发战争之前消灭所谓的“第五纵队”。 由于各种原因,“犹太人反法西斯委员会案”的平反经历了一个漫长的过程。直到1988年底,苏共中央才最终为这一冤案的受害者恢复名誉。纵观这一历史悲剧,我们可以发现,这是由斯大林体制、苏联的反犹主义传统和斯大林的病态心理造成的恶果。它不仅导致成千上万的犹太人移民国外,破坏了苏以关系,而且对世界社会主义运动产生了非常不利的影响,为苏联解体埋下了隐患。犹太人反法西斯委员会的悲剧告诉我们,在一个多民族的国家,只有真正尊重每一个民族的权利,依法治国,才能避免类似的悲剧再度发生。
[Abstract]:The anti - fascist committee of the Soviet Union was a half - official anti - war organization founded in April 1942 in the capital of the Soviet Union in wartime . The aim is to mobilize the Jews in the world to join the struggle against France .
This paper is divided into six chapters , plus eight parts of introduction and conclusion . The introduction part mainly introduces the reasons and significance of the selection in this paper , the research situation at home and abroad , the research methods and the main problems to be solved .
The first chapter traces the historical situation of the Jews in the Czar ' s Russian period and the Soviet Union ' s policy of the Jews before the outbreak of the Soviet Union in June 1941 . The aim is to clarify the historical roots of the tragedy of the anti - fascist committee of the Jews . The article shows that the anti - fascist committee of the Jews was established on the basis of the great loss of the Soviet Union ' s anti - fascist committee . The members of the committee include famous writers , poets , scientists , actors and other celebrities in the Soviet Jews . From the surface , it is a social group . In fact , from the beginning , all its activities are under the strict control of the Soviet Union .
Chapter three discusses the major contribution of the anti - fascist committee of the Jews to the anti - fascist war of the Soviet Union , which is the most brilliant period of the anti - fascist committee of the Jews . Chapter Three discusses the Jewish anti - fascist committee ' s concern about the Jewish fate of the Soviet Union in five aspects , such as the rescue of Jewish compatriots , the revival of Jewish culture , the proposal to establish the Jewish community in Crimea , the reception of foreign Jewish friends and the struggle with domestic anti - Semitism .
In the aftermath of the war , anti - Semitism began to become the official policy of the Soviet Union . After the war , the Soviet authorities have been severely restricted by the development of the situation at home and abroad . The Soviet authorities have been severely restricted to the Jewish anti - fascist committee propaganda work , and the whole work is in a semi - paralyzed state . In May 1948 , the president of the Jewish anti - fascist committee was abandoned and later became one of the chief criminals accused of the anti - fascist committee of the Jews . In May 1948 , the Soviet authorities were shocked and finally ordered the dissolution of the only representative Jewish organization in the Soviet Union .
In the fifth chapter , the author discusses the writing and the dying process of the Jewish black book , which is one of the important items of cooperation between the anti - fascist committee and the foreign Jewish organizations in wartime . The aim is to inspire the anti - fascist enthusiasm of the foreign Jews by exposing the atrocities committed by the Nazis . However , after the war , the contents of the black book have not been the appetite of the Soviet authorities , and the results were ordered to be sealed and destroyed on the eve of the publication .
Chapter 6 focuses on the " anti - fascist committee of the Jews " . The case is a centralized expression of the anti - Semitism policy of the Soviet authorities during the first climax of the cold war . The aim is to wipe out the cultural elite and leadership of the Jews . In a series of anti - Semitism cases planned by the Soviet authorities in the same period , the Jewish anti - fascist committee can be said to be a core case , and many cases have a direct and indirect connection with it . The purpose of Stalin was to lay down the entire Soviet Union in order to rid the so - called " fifth column " before the outbreak of war with the United States .
For various reasons , the anti - fascist committee of the Jews has experienced a long process . Until the end of 1988 , the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union finally restored the reputation of the victims of the grievances . It has not only caused thousands of Jews to immigrate abroad , but also have a very negative impact on the movement of the Soviet Union . The tragedy of the anti - fascist committee of the Jews tells us that , in a multi - ethnic State , only the right of every nation is truly respected , and the rule of law is governed by law in order to avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies .
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