本文选题:美国 + 北越 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2010年博士论文
【摘要】: 本文利用美国、北越、南越、中国与苏联等多边档案、文献,以美(北)越巴黎谈判为研究主线,分析、对比和论证了尼克松政府至福特政府时期的美国越南政策及其对越战结局的影响。全文分为四个章节进行论述。 第一章介绍了美(北)越巴黎谈判的背景、由来。虽然美国约翰逊总统做出了升级越南战争的决策,但战争规模的扩大并没有解决越南问题,反而让美国越陷越深。这让约翰逊在升级越战的同时,又不断对北越做出试探,希望通过谈判解决越南问题。而北越虽然长期以来受到中国态度的影响,在越战中坚持不妥协的态度,但春节攻势在军事上的失败对北越造成了很大的打击。北越认识到战争的艰巨性与长期性,改变了对谈判的态度。在这种情况下,美(北)越谈判在巴黎举行。由于公开谈判效率低下,美(北)越又在巴黎举行了秘密谈判。 第二章主要论述尼克松上台到水门事件爆发为止的美(北)越巴黎秘密谈判。在这一阶段,以尼克松、基辛格瞒着南越对北越不断让步为秘密谈判的主要特征。期间,由于中美缓和等原因,中国对待美(北)越和谈的态度开始转变。但是中国态度的转变以及基辛格、尼克松的先后访华反而让北越感到怀疑。尼克松访华后不久,北越发动复活节攻势,在军事上再次遭受失败。不过巴黎秘密谈判并没有因此而终止。 第三章主要论述水门事件爆发后的美(北)越巴黎秘密谈判。复活节攻势的失败与美国对北越的秘密承诺改变了北越对待谈判的态度,美(北)越双方就结束越南战争问题达成秘密共识。但长期以来被蒙在鼓里的南越在得知美(北)越秘密协议的内容之后,极力反对签署协定。加之美国大选日益临近,出于连任考虑的尼克松、基辛格在谈判问题上保守起来,故意拖延谈判。不过尼克松在连任之后就立刻加快谈判步伐,美(北)越双方再次就结束越南战争问题达成一致。虽然南越仍然竭力反对,但在美国的压力之下别无他法,只能被迫接受。“巴黎协定”最终得以签署。 第四章主要阐述“巴黎协定”签署之后的美国对越政策以及最终越南的统一。“巴黎协定”签署后,尼克松政府就已经开始逐步抛弃南越政权。虽然出现了尼克松因水门事件而被迫辞职这一变数,但接任美国总统一职的福特实际上延续了尼克松的越南政策。对于北越的军事试探与军事战略的转变,尼克松、福特并无维护南越政权的积极反应。这促使北越很快就改变了原先相对保守的进攻战略,提前发动总攻,最终以军事手段统一越南。
[Abstract]:This paper makes use of the multilateral archives and documents of the United States, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, China and the Soviet Union, and takes the United States (North) Vietnam Paris negotiations as the main line of study. This paper contrasts and demonstrates the American Vietnam policy from Nixon Administration to Ford Administration and its influence on the outcome of Vietnam War. The full text is divided into four chapters to discuss. The first chapter introduces the background and origin of the negotiations between the United States (North) and Vietnam. Although President Johnson made the decision to escalate the Vietnam War, the expansion of the war did not solve the Vietnam problem, but let the United States sink deeper and deeper. This allows Johnson to escalate the Vietnam War, but also to test North Vietnam, hoping to resolve the Vietnamese issue through negotiations. Although North Vietnam has long been influenced by China's attitude and insisted on an uncompromising attitude during the Vietnam War, the military defeat of the Spring Festival offensive has dealt a great blow to North Vietnam. North Vietnam realized the arduous and long-term nature of the war and changed its attitude towards negotiation. In this case, the United States (North) Vietnam negotiations were held in Paris. Due to the inefficiency of open negotiations, the United States (North) held secret negotiations in Paris. The second chapter mainly discusses the secret negotiations between Nixon and Watergate. At this stage, Nixon, Kissinger kept secret from South Vietnam to North Vietnam concessions as the main feature of secret negotiations. During this period, due to the detente between China and the United States, China's attitude towards the US-Vietnam peace talks began to change. But the shift in attitude and the successive visits by Kissinger and Nixon made North Vietnam suspicious. Shortly after Nixon's visit to China, North Vietnam launched the Easter offensive and suffered another military defeat. But secret negotiations in Paris have not ended. The third chapter mainly discusses the secret negotiations between the United States (North) and Paris after the Watergate incident. The failure of the Easter offensive and the secret commitment of the United States to North Vietnam changed the attitude of North Vietnam towards negotiations, and the United States and Vietnam reached a secret consensus on ending the Vietnam War. But South Vietnam, long kept in the dark, is strongly opposed to signing a secret deal after learning about it. In addition to the approaching U.S. election, Nixon for re-election, Kissinger on the issue of conservative negotiations, deliberately delay negotiations. But Nixon stepped up the pace of negotiations immediately after his second term, and the U.S. and Vietnam once again agreed to end the Vietnam war. Though South Vietnam is still strongly opposed, it has no choice but to accept under the pressure of the United States. The Paris Accords were finally signed. The fourth chapter mainly expounds the American policy towards Vietnam and the unification of Vietnam after the signing of the Paris Accords. After the signing of the Paris Accords, the Nixon administration began to gradually abandon the South Vietnamese regime. Despite the uncertainty that Nixon was forced to resign because of Watergate, Ford, who took over as president of the United States, actually continued Nixon's Vietnam policy. Nixon and Ford did not respond positively to the North Vietnamese military trial and the change of military strategy. This prompted North Vietnam to quickly change its relatively conservative offensive strategy and launch a general offensive ahead of schedule, eventually unifying Vietnam by military means.
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