本文选题:联邦德国 + 美国 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:施密特时期的德美关系是70、80年代欧美关系的一个缩影,对整个战后德美关系的发展也具有承上启下的作用。阿登纳时期出于对抗苏联的需要,坚定地站在西方阵营一边,依附于美国,确立了德美“特殊关系”。勃兰特时期,放弃“哈尔斯坦主义”,实行“新东方政策”,全面改善了与东方阵营的关系,同时也为德美关系在70、80年代的演变奠定了基础和方向,联邦德国在处理与美国的关系中,表达自身利益的愿望和意识日益强烈。施密特时期,整个欧美关系都发生了实质性变化,西欧对外关系的中立化趋势日益加强,联邦德国则是这一时期较为突出的例子。施密特时期的联邦德国尽管仍受冷战格局的限制,在根本的安全利益上需仰赖美国,但德美之间的关系表现出的更多的却是摩擦和分歧,涉及到政治、经济、安全各个领域。德美关系表现出的这一特点,不仅与阿登纳至勃兰特时期的德美关系迥然不同,也与同时代欧洲其他国家差异明显,特别是法国。法国从戴高乐时代起,便挑战美国在欧洲的霸主地位,努力走独立自主的道路,到德斯坦执政时(1974—1981年),延续了这一传统。德美之间出现的一系列摩擦是德美关系调整的协奏曲,德美关系由“特殊关系”走向“相对平等的伙伴关系”,它既是冷战缓和和德美实力对比变化的结果,同时也是欧洲一体化深入发展的一个必然趋势。 本文共分四个部分。第一部分论述施密特执政时期德美之间的具体摩擦。在施密特执政期间,德美矛盾呈现出一种持续性的、往往是一波未平、一波又起的特点。施密特执政前半期,联邦德国同美国的矛盾主要表现在经济领域,除了因美元危机引起两国摩擦外,两国在1977年还为争夺一笔向巴西出售原子能反应堆的生意而十分激烈地争吵了一场。在施密特执政后半期,大致从1978年起,联邦德国与美国不仅在经济,而且在政治、外交等许多方面都发生严重分歧,尤其在有关联邦德国切身安全利益的缓和政策和防务政策上,两国间的争吵达到前所未有的激烈程度。 第二部分主要论述施密特时期德美关系摩擦的背景,德美关系是欧美关系的一部分,与欧洲一体化的发展和冷战格局密切相连。1967年,欧共体的建立,标志着欧洲一体化迈上了一个新的台阶,伴随着欧共体内部整合的深入和1973年的扩大,欧洲的整体实力大为增强。进入70年代,美苏出现了核均势,冷战走向缓和,欧洲对美国的依赖大为减弱。与此同时,苏联积极推行对欧缓和政策,特别是1975年召开的欧洲安全会议,使欧洲的政治格局和安全形势全面稳定下来。这些为欧洲特别是联邦德国的独立外交提供了条件和空间。 第三部分主要考察美国因素。由于深陷越南战争,美国的元气大伤。进入70年代,美国的实力大为削弱,经济霸主地位已难以维持,贸易逆差扩大,美元接连发生危机导致布雷顿森林体系瓦解。在与苏联的争霸中处于相对守势,对欧关系也发生重大调整,更多强调“伙伴关系”。随着美国对欧洲控制的减弱,欧洲特别是欧洲大国的离心倾向日益明显,它们在国家利益和对外政策等方面与美国的分歧不断显现。 第四部分主要论述施密特时期德美之间出现一系列摩擦的联邦德国因素。施密特均势思想的基础是联盟,同美国和欧共体的关系是联邦德国外交的基石,离开美国和北大西洋组织,均势和缓和都将无从谈起。不过,联邦德国在经济、政治和安全方面也有自己的利益诉求,而且很多地方与美国的战略和利益发生冲突。联邦德国实力的增长、与东方关系的改善、德法同盟的确立以及联邦德国在共同体地位的提高使得施密特在处理与美国的关系上日益自信,敢于表达自己的观点、维护和追求联邦德国的利益。 在结语部分,可以看出,德美之间的矛盾和分歧与国际体系变化、欧洲一体化发展、国家间实力对比等因素息息相关,尽管发生了激烈的争吵和斗争,但德美关系并没有超出同盟的范围。德美之间的摩擦表明大西洋同盟内部的深层分歧在不断深化,德美关系在全面重塑。
[Abstract]:The relationship between Germany and the United States during the period of Schmidt was a miniature of the relationship between Europe and America in the 70,80 years. It also played an important role in the development of the relationship between Germany and the United States after the war. In the period of Adenauer's confrontation with the Soviet Union, Adenauer stood firmly on the side of the Western camp, attached to the United States and established the "special relationship" between Germany and the United States. During the Brandt period, the "Hal" was abandoned. "Stinism", the implementation of the "New Oriental Policy", comprehensively improved the relationship with the eastern camp, but also laid the foundation and direction for the evolution of the relationship between Germany and the United States in the 70,80 years. In the process of dealing with the United States, the Federal Germany expressed his desire and awareness of its own interests. During the Schmidt period, the whole relationship between Europe and the United States had taken place. With the qualitative change, the trend of neutralization of foreign relations in Western Europe is increasingly strengthened, and the Federal Germany is a more prominent example in this period. Although the Federal Germany in the period of Schmidt is still restricted by the cold war pattern, it needs to rely on the United States in the fundamental security interests, but the relationship between Germany and the United States shows more frictions and differences. In all fields of politics, economy and security, the characteristic of the German American relations is not only quite different from the German and American relations of Adenauer to Brandt, but also distinct from the other countries in the same times, especially in France. From the time of De Gaulle, France has challenged the hegemony of the United States in Europe and made great efforts to take the path of independence. When Goldstein was in power (1974 to 1981), it continued the tradition. A series of frictions between Germany and the United States were Concertos of the adjustment of the relations between Germany and the United States. The relationship between Germany and the United States was from "special relationship" to "relative equal partnership". It was the result of the transition of the cold war and the contrast of the strength of the German and the United States, but also the development of the European integration. An inexorable trend.
This article is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the specific friction between the German and the United States during the period of Schmidt's ruling. During the period of Schmidt's administration, the contradiction between Germany and the United States appeared to be a continuous, often a wave and a wave. The contradiction between the Federal and the United States in the first half of the ruling of Schmidt was mainly manifested in the economic field, except for the dollar. The two countries had a fierce quarrel between the two countries in 1977 to compete for a deal to sell atomic energy reactors to Brazil. In the second half of Schmidt, from 1978, the Federal Germany and the United States were not only in the economy, but also in many aspects of politics and diplomacy. The dispute between the two countries has reached unprecedented intensity in the relaxation policy and defense policy of the security interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The second part mainly discusses the background of the friction between the German and American relations in the Schmidt period. The relationship between Germany and the United States is part of the relationship between Europe and the United States. It is closely connected with the development of European integration and the cold war pattern for.1967 years. The establishment of the European Community marks a new step in European integration, with the deepening of the internal integration of the European Community and the expansion of the 1973. In 70s, the United States and the Soviet Union had a nuclear balance, the cold war eased and the European dependence on the United States weakened greatly. At the same time, the Soviet Union actively pursued the European policy of easing, especially the European security conference held in 1975, which made the European political structure and security situation fully stabilized. These were Europe. In particular, the independent diplomacy of the Federal Republic of Germany provides conditions and space.
The third part mainly inspected the American factors. Because of the Vietnam War, the United States was badly injured. In 70s, the strength of the United States was greatly weakened, the economic hegemony was difficult to maintain, the trade deficit was expanded, the crisis of the United States continued to disintegrate the Bretton Woods system. With a major adjustment, more emphasis is placed on the "partnership". With the weakening of American control over Europe, the centrifugal tendencies of Europe, especially the European powers, are increasingly apparent, and their differences in national interests and foreign policies are constantly emerging from the United States.
The fourth part mainly discusses the Federal German factors of a series of frictions between the German and the United States during the Schmidt period. The foundation of Schmidt's balance of power is the alliance. The relationship with the United States and the European community is the cornerstone of the Federal German diplomacy. Leaving the United States and the North Atlantic Organization, the balance of potential and moderating will not be discussed. However, the Federal Germany is in the economy and politics. It also has its own interests, and many places have clashed with American strategies and interests. The growth of the strength of the Federal Germany, the improvement of the relations with the East, the establishment of the German French Alliance and the improvement of the status of the Federal Germany in the community make Schmidt more confident in the relationship with the United States and dare to express himself. Views, maintenance and pursuit of the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.
In the concluding part, we can see that the contradictions and differences between the United States and the United States are closely related to the changes in the international system, the development of European integration and the strength contrast between countries. Despite the fierce quarrels and struggles, the relations between Germany and the United States are not beyond the scope of the alliance. The friction between Germany and the United States shows the deep differences within the the Atlantic alliance. Deepening, the relationship between Germany and the United States is reinventing.
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