发布时间:2018-04-23 18:17
本文选题:美国农场主 + 格兰其运动 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:19世纪晚期,南方重建后美国进入工业化全面发展时期。科技革命和工业化浪潮的出现推动生产力快速发展。在西进运动和交通运输革命的影响下,幅员辽阔、资源丰富的美国西部地区由传统的小农经济逐渐向现代化农业过渡。农业现代化的过程中,在以铁路运输业为代表的现代工业的不断影响下,美国西部的农民阶层被动地卷入现代资本主义商品市场。此时的美国正处于由自由资本主义经济向垄断资本主义经济过渡的体制转型时期,社会深层次结构矛盾更为突出,这尤其表现在生产力水平低下的农业经济方面。1873年经济危机引发的农业大萧条更加激化了美国中小农场主阶层与资本主义垄断集团的矛盾。这其中,以美国中西部农场主与铁路公司矛盾为主要内容的格兰其农民运动,高举反对铁路运费价格垄断和歧视的旗帜,掀起了19世纪晚期美国农民运动的浪潮。 1867年出现的格兰其组织,以维护农民利益促进农业进步为宗旨,在美国中西部地区得到农民的信任和积极参与。当中西部农场主与以铁路公司为首的垄断集团进一步激化矛盾时,格兰其组织率先开展反对铁路不合理运费的反垄断运动。在格兰其组织的领导下,全国的农民阶层团结一致、齐心协力,为争取更加公平合理的经济地位和政治地位进行了长期不懈的斗争。最终,在广大农民阶层的强烈要求下,美国中西部各州政府制定出管制铁路不合理运费的相关法案(统称“格兰其法”),为广大农民阶层维护自身基本权益提供法律保障。在格兰其运动式微之后,全国各地更是涌现出农民联盟及平民党等众多更为激进的农民组织。随着地区间经济联系的不断加强,为了适应经济发展的需要,美国联邦政府在1887年颁布《州际贸易法》代替各州实行的“格兰其法”。《1887年州际贸易法》作为联邦政府首个管理地区贸易的正式法案,标志着联邦政府摒弃自由放任的经济政策转而加强国家经济宏观调控的重大变革,为20世纪30年代美国走向国家垄断资本主义的道路奠定坚实的基础。 在中西部农场主与铁路公司的矛盾斗争中,格兰其运动不仅是百端,更作为一条主线贯穿于整个19世纪晚期美国的农民运动之中。它为各州“格兰其法”的颁布以及《州际贸易法》推行做出重大贡献。本文通过对格兰其运动以及格兰其法颁布历程的深入探讨,试图较为清晰地呈现出美国联邦政府与各州政府对以铁路运输业为代表的垄断资本主义经济在不同发展时期相关经济政策的变化,以及在格兰其运动的领导下美国的农民运动对19世纪晚期美国社会的产生重大影响。
[Abstract]:In the late 19 th century, after the reconstruction of the South, the United States entered a period of comprehensive industrialization. The emergence of the scientific and technological revolution and the wave of industrialization has promoted the rapid development of productive forces. Under the influence of the westward movement and the transportation revolution, the western part of the United States, which has a vast territory and abundant resources, is gradually transitioning from the traditional small-scale peasant economy to the modern agriculture. In the process of agricultural modernization, under the influence of modern industry represented by railway transportation, the peasant stratum in the western United States was passively involved in the modern capitalist commodity market. At this time, the United States is in a period of system transition from free capitalist economy to monopoly capitalist economy, and the social deep-seated structural contradictions are even more prominent. This is especially true in the agricultural economy with low productivity. The Great Agricultural Depression caused by the economic crisis of 1873 has exacerbated the conflict between the middle and small farmers in the United States and capitalist monopolies. Among them, the Granville Peasant Movement, which takes the contradiction between American Midwest farmers and railway companies as the main content, held high the banner of opposing the monopoly and discrimination of railway freight price, and raised the tide of American peasant movement in the late 19th century. The organization of Grange, which appeared in 1867 with the aim of safeguarding the interests of farmers and promoting the progress of agriculture, gained the trust and active participation of farmers in the Midwest of the United States. When the contradiction between farmers in the Midwest and the monopoly group led by the railway company was further intensified, the organization of Grange took the lead in launching an anti-monopoly campaign against unreasonable railway freight charges. Under the leadership of Grange, the national peasant class United and worked together for a long and unremitting struggle for a more equitable economic and political status. Finally, under the strong request of the broad peasant stratum, the American Midwest states government has formulated the related bill which controls the railroad unreasonable freight rate (collectively referred to as the "Grangi Act"), provides the legal safeguard for the broad peasant stratum to safeguard their basic rights and interests. In the wake of the decline of the Grange movement, more radical peasant groups such as the Peasant Alliance and the civilian Party have sprung up across the country. With the continuous strengthening of regional economic ties, in order to meet the needs of economic development, In 1887, the Federal Government of the United States enacted the Interstate Trade Act in place of the Grange Act introduced by the states. < 1887 the Interstate Trade Act was the first formal act of the Federal Government to regulate regional trade. It indicates that the federal government has abandoned the laissez-faire economic policy and strengthened the major reform of the national macroeconomic regulation and control, which laid a solid foundation for the United States to move to the state monopoly capitalism in the 1930s. In the conflict between Midwestern farmers and railway companies, the Grange movement was not only a hundred points, but also a main thread throughout the American peasant movement in the late 19th century. It contributed significantly to the enactment of the Grange Act and the implementation of the Interstate Trade Act. This paper discusses the Granger Movement and the promulgation process of the Granger Act in depth. This paper attempts to present clearly the changes in the economic policies of the federal and state governments of the United States to the monopoly capitalist economy represented by the railway transportation industry in different development periods. And the American peasant movement under the leadership of the Grange Movement had a great influence on American society in the late 19 th century.
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1 黄仁伟;论美国人民党运动的历史地位[J];世界历史;1989年01期