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发布时间:2018-04-24 15:05

  本文选题:卡扎尔王朝 + 巴列维王朝 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 本文主要对1794-1979年伊朗卡扎尔王朝和巴列维王朝时期伊朗的犹太人的状况进行梳理和分析。 伊朗犹太人是犹太人流散史中有记载的最古老的一支,至今已有两千多年的历史。公元前586年的“巴比伦之囚”,掀开了伊朗犹太人历史的开端,也掀开了犹太人向世界各地流散的开端。从此,伊朗犹太人经历了伊斯兰教产生前的波斯帝国、希腊化时期、帕提亚王朝和萨珊王朝的统治;伊斯兰教产生后经历了阿拉伯帝国、蒙古及帖木儿帝国、萨法维王朝等的统治,1794年进入卡扎尔王朝时期,1925年进入巴列维王朝时期。1979年伊朗伊斯兰革命后,建立了伊斯兰共和国,直到今天。 在这漫长的两千多年历史中,随着各王朝统治者对犹政策的变化,及宗教、社会等因素的消长,伊朗犹太人的生活状况时好时坏,规模或大或小。由于其时空跨度较大,资料也不是十分丰富,因此本文在概述伊朗犹太人从产生到卡扎尔于朝前的生活状况的基础上,借鉴国内外学者为数不多的研究成果,对卡扎尔王朝和巴列维王朝的伊朗犹太人的状况做—梳理和分析,以期对其有一个清晰、全面的认识和了解。 本文分为五个部分: 第一节概述卡扎尔王朝前伊朗犹太人的状况。其中又以伊斯兰教的产生为界分为两个时期。伊斯兰教产生前包括“巴比伦之囚”、波斯帝国、希腊化、帕提亚于朝和萨珊王朝几个时期;伊斯兰教产生后则包括阿拉伯帝国、伊儿汗王朝、帖木儿王朝、萨法维王朝、纳迪尔王朝时期。 第二节介绍卡扎尔王朝时期伊朗犹太人的状况。1794年卡扎尔王朝建立后对内实行残暴的黑暗统治,什叶派神职人员获得可与王权相匹敌的至高无上的权力,犹太人陷入被迫害的深渊。他们普遍贫困,文化和教育水平低下,许多人被强迫改宗伊斯兰教,成为马拉诺。然而,到卡扎尔王朝后期(从1870年代起),由于伊朗经济、政治和社会状况逐渐好转,以及西方的犹太人开始关注并支持伊朗犹太人改善生活状况,对伊朗政府施加压力,加之卡扎尔王朝对国家的实际控制力的加强,使伊朗的反犹形势有所缓和,犹太人的经济、文化和教育状况得到一定改善。1905-1911年伊朗立宪革命期间,犹太人在很大程度上获得了解放,甚至有些人迁出了犹太聚居区。但是,人们头脑中关于犹太人“污秽”的思想已根深蒂固,很难立即根除,反犹思想和活动仍继续存在。 第三节探讨巴列维王朝时期伊朗犹太人的状况。巴列维王朝的建立者礼萨·汗(1925-1941)在国内推行以世俗化、民族化为特征的全面的现代化改革,大力改善犹太人、亚美尼亚人和琐罗亚斯德教徒的处境,对“污秽”原则也不以为然。犹太人生活状况得到巨大改善。但礼萨·汗统治末期,其民族主义思想受到德国民族主义思想的很大影响,并开始转向反犹主义。巴列维王朝的第二任国王穆罕默德·礼萨·巴列维(1941-1979)也致力于国家的世俗化和现代化,继承了其父礼萨·汗执政前期对犹太人的宽容政策。在巴列维统治时期,伊朗犹太人的生活‘状况得到了巨大改善,并在“白色革命”期间(1963-1979)达到鼎盛,是“伊朗犹太人的黄金时期”。这一时期,犹太人几乎完全享有文化和宗教自治,经济空前发展,几乎与穆斯林同胞享有同等的政治权利。1948年以色列的建国以及伊以关系的良好发展,促使大批犹太人从伊朗移民以色列,这对伊朗犹太人产生较大影响。移走的大多是贫穷者,留下者则多为富人,犹太社团的总体地位有所提高。 结语部分分析卡扎尔王朝和巴列维王朝时期对犹政策的特点,并将这两个王朝的反犹主义与基督教欧洲的反犹主义进行比较。可以说,无论在基督教欧洲,还是在卡扎尔王朝和巴列维王朝的伊朗,犹太人的状况都因时因地而各不相同,都有犹太人过着平静、富足、安全、舒适的生活,也都有犹太人被杀害、驱逐、被迫改宗或沦为残暴的统治者的奴隶。 最后,附录部分对卡扎尔王朝和巴列维王朝时期的伊朗犹太人口做了一个统计,以期对他们有一个更为直观的了解。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly combs and analyzes the Jewish state of Iran in 1794 - 1979 .

Iranian Jews were the oldest of the Jews in the history of the Jewish diaspora , and more than two thousand years have passed . In 586 B.C . , the " prisoners of Babylon " opened the beginning of the Jewish history of Iran and opened the beginning of the Jewish movement throughout the world . From then on , the Iranian Jews experienced the rule of the Persian Empire , the Hellenistic period , the Padiya Dynasty and the Sanshan dynasty before Islam .
After the Islamic Revolution in Iran , the Islamic Revolution of Iran established the Islamic Republic of Iran until today .

In the long history of more than two thousand years , along with the changes of the rulers of each dynasty to the policy of Judah , and the factors such as religion , society and so on , the living conditions of the Iranian Jews were worse and worse , the scale or the large or small .

This article is divided into five parts :

The first section provides an overview of the situation of the Iranian Jews in the former Islamic Republic of Iran , which is divided into two periods by the emergence of Islam . The former includes " the prisoners of Babylon " , the Persian Empire , the Hellenization , the Parthia and the Sanshan dynasties ;
After the emergence of Islam , it includes the Arab Empire , the Yerhan dynasty , the Tiki - er dynasty , the Sarafur dynasty , and the Nader dynasty .

In section II , the situation of Iran ' s Jews during the period in which the Jews were persecuted was described in section II . In the late 1970s , after the establishment of the Constitutional Revolution in 1794 , the people of Shi ' ites got the power of being persecuted . Many people have been forced to change their living conditions . Many people have been forced to change their living conditions . However , in the period between 1905 and 1911 , the Jews have been liberated and even some have moved out of the Jewish settlements . However , the minds of the Jews are deeply rooted and difficult to eradicate immediately , and the anti - Semitism thought and activities continue to exist .

The Jewish state of life of the Jewish people was greatly improved . But at the end of the " White Revolution " ( 1963 - 1979 ) , the Jewish people enjoy equal political rights . In the period of the reign of Baalvi , the Jewish state of the Jewish people has been greatly improved . In the period of the " White Revolution " ( 1963 - 1979 ) , the Jewish people enjoy the same political rights . In 1948 , the Jewish people in Israel have enjoyed unprecedented economic development and have exerted a great influence on the Jewish people . The majority of the removed are poor , and the left is the rich , and the overall status of the Jewish community has improved . The conclusion part analyzes the characteristics of the anti - Semitism and anti - Semitism in the Roman and Baalvi dynasties , and compares the anti - Semitism of the two dynasties with the anti - Semitism in Christianity Europe . It is possible to say that Jews have been killed , expelled , forced to change or become slaves of the brutal rulers , regardless of whether in Christian Europe , or in Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran , the Jewish state of the Jews varies from time to time . Finally , the appendix part made a statistical analysis of the Iranian Jewish population in the period of the Al dynasty and the Baalvi dynasty , with a view to giving them a more intuitive understanding .



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1 付国凤;现代伊朗语言政策形成及其根源探析[D];西南大学;2013年




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