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  本文选题:金鼎奎 + 《龙渊金鼎奎日记》 ; 参考:《延边大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 19世纪末20世纪初,日本帝国主义极力推行对外扩张政策,使朝鲜半岛逐步沦陷为日本殖民地。日帝对朝鲜实行残酷的殖民统治,不断激发了当时朝鲜人民的爱国精神。于是,在朝鲜各地掀起了以爱国儒林为指挥、以农民群众为基础的反日义兵运动。不久,日帝实行疯狂镇压,义兵活动被迫趋于低潮。在这种情况下,朝鲜义兵将领和反日爱国志士含着亡国的悲愤,背井离乡,亡命到苏联远东地区和中国境内,试图重整义军,为朝鲜解放和民族独立而展开斗争。金鼎奎也是此时亡命到延边地区而积极开展反日独立活动的爱国人士之一。 《龙渊金鼎奎日记》(以下简称《日记》)是近代反日民族运动家、儒学教育家、中国朝鲜族爱国文人金鼎奎生前所记之日记体遗作。《日记》的记述对象为自1907年3月29日至1921年11月15日,约15年间作者所见所闻所做的事实;记述规模为17卷、18册、2044面;记述体裁为日记体;记述形式为竖排毛笔手写式;记述内容为当时在国内外发生的反日义兵运动、反日独立武装斗争以及作者的阅历、家乘、诗歌和教育活动等。 《日记》从起初日记体形式发展为野史形式,除少数公文及报刊纸文摘抄外,其余均记述了作者赴“间岛”前后的亲历生活、参加反日斗争的事实、时事动态、读书笔记、诗词、教育活动等,记述对象时间较长、内容丰富、形式多样、题材广泛、真实可信。作者不仅重视《日记》的内容,而且很注重形式,其记述到了一定数量的时候,便装订成册,每卷都有年表,题写封面,可见为传世而写的。但是,由于金鼎奎的世界观和历史观方面的原因,《日记》也存在着一定的局限性。 有关金鼎奎生平的资料很稀少,只有通过《日记》的分析,才能更加深刻地了解金鼎奎的生平及其思想。通过《日记》,我们能够更加客观地认识19世纪末20世纪初朝鲜半岛沦陷于日帝殖民地的历史过程、中国朝鲜族社会的形成与朝鲜族的反日斗争史乃至作者所做出的功绩,并可以此《日记》,考订史实,补正其它史料记载之不足。因而,《日记》在研究反日义兵运动、反日独立武装斗争和中国朝鲜族史有着其它文献所无法替代的珍贵的史料价值。 本论文是以1994年8月,韩国独立纪念馆韩国独立运动史研究所所编《韩国独立运动史资料丛书》第八辑、影印本《龙渊金鼎奎日记》为研究对象,以历史唯物主义的观点,考证和归纳金鼎奎的生平及其思想;应用文献学研究理论和方法,详细而系统地分析《日记》的写作背景和主要内容,并阐明《日记》的编写特点、史料价值及局现性。
[Abstract]:At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Japanese imperialism pushed forward its policy of foreign expansion and gradually reduced the Korean peninsula to a Japanese colony. The Japanese emperor's brutal colonial rule over Korea incessantly inspired the patriotic spirit of the Korean people at that time. As a result, North Korea set off in various parts of the patriotic Confucian forest as a command, based on the masses of farmers anti-Japanese volunteer movement. Soon after, the Japanese Emperor carried out a frenzy of repression, forced to force the movement of volunteers to a low tide. Under such circumstances, the Korean army generals and anti-Japanese patriots, bearing the grief and indignation of subjugation, left their homes and fled to the far East of the Soviet Union and China to try to reorganize the rebels and wage a struggle for Korean liberation and national independence. Jin Dingkui was also one of the patriots who fled to Yanbian to carry out anti-Japanese independence activities. Longyuan Jin Ding Kui Diary (hereinafter referred to as "Diary") is a modern anti-Japanese national movement, Confucianism educator, The object of the Diary is the facts seen and heard by the author from March 29, 1907 to November 15, 1921, the scale of which is 17 volumes, 18 volumes and 2044 faces. The writing style is diary style; the writing form is vertical brush writing style; the content is the anti-Japanese volunteer movement, the independent armed struggle against Japan and the author's experience, family ride, poetry and educational activities at home and abroad at that time. With the exception of a few official documents and newspaper and paper excerpts, "Diary" describes the author's personal life before and after going to "Jiandao", the facts of participating in the struggle against Japan, current events, and reading notes. Poetry, educational activities and so on, record the object of a long time, rich in content, various forms, a wide range of subjects, true and credible. The author not only attaches importance to the contents of Diary, but also pays attention to form. When a certain number of diaries are recorded, they are bound into books, and each volume has chronology and covers, so it can be seen that they are written for the sake of generations to come. However, due to the reason of Jin Dingkui's world outlook and historical view, Diary also has some limitations. There is very little information about Jin Dingkui's life and only through the analysis of Diary can the life and thought of Jin Dingkui be understood more deeply. Through "Diary", we can more objectively understand the historical process of the Korean Peninsula falling into the Japanese imperial colony in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the formation of Chinese Korean society and the history of the Korean nationality's anti-Japanese struggle, and even the achievements made by the author. And can be based on the Diary, historical facts, to correct the lack of other historical records. Therefore, "Diary" in the study of anti-Japanese volunteer movement, anti-Japanese independent armed struggle and the history of the Korean nationality in China has valuable historical value that can not be replaced by other documents. This thesis is based on the eighth series of Korea Independent Sports History Information Series compiled by the Korea Independent Sports History Institute, the Korean Independent Memorial Hall, in August 1994. The photocopy of Longyuan Kim Ding Kui Diary is the object of study, taking the viewpoint of historical materialism as the point of view. Through textual research and summarization of Jin Dingkui's life and his thoughts, the author makes a detailed and systematic analysis of the writing background and main contents of Diary by applying the theory and method of philology research, and expounds the writing characteristics, historical data value and present situation of Diary.


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