本文选题:但泽问题 + 魏玛政府 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:第一次世界大战结束后,德国被迫割让大片土地,如何收回这些失地尤其东部地带的领地成为德国历届政府外交政策的核心任务之一。本文即选取但泽自由市为案例探讨魏玛政府时期领土修约主义政策形成、发展及破产的全过程。论文以英国外交事务文件集(1919年部分)为基础论述了但泽问题的缘起、用少许魏玛共和国总理活动集(网络在线版)和相关材料梳理了德国对但泽等东部失地具体政策的发展演变、以德国外交政策文件集(C系列)展现了领士修约主义被希特勒外交政策取代的内在机理。 全文主要分为序言、正文、结语三个部分,其中正文部分包含五章内容。 论文序言部分划分为论题的提出及研究意义、国内外研究现状概述两个小节。在说明但泽问题重要性、阐释它在德国外交政策的转型中表现重要研究意义的同时,对国内外的研究概况进行了简要评介。 第一章介绍了但泽问题产生的由来始末以及德国的反应。历史上,但泽和德意志人关系紧密。一战后在巴黎和会上,英法美等国通过谈判除制造出波兰走廊问题外,为满足波兰人的出海口要求,还仿惯例将但泽塑造成自由市,这引起德国的强烈不满。 第二章探讨的是魏玛政府初期德国针对但泽自由市政策的初步形成过程。自由市成立前,德国虽没有出台系统的对但政策;但为维持这里的德意志特性,仍采取了支援国营企业、签署三月协定和制定公务人员法令等措施。自由市建立后,这些措施体现为财政贸易、政府福利援助两方面;同时,在国际舞台上,德国努力捍卫自由市的特殊国际地位。 第三章叙述了斯特莱斯曼时期德国对东部失地(包括但泽)的具体政策。这一时期是德国领土修约政治较为成功的时期,具体表现为:详尽的宣传策略,完备的经济援助手段,以及加入国联后德国在但泽问题上发挥了更为积极主动的作用。 第四章阐释的重点在于说明经济大危机下德国针对但泽的政策陷入困境的状况。一方面,来自德国的任何援助都不能使自由市走出经济灾难局面;另一方面,波兰人制造出的更多麻烦则使得德国政府穷于应付。 第五章所关注的焦点是在希特勒上台执政后魏玛政府时代的领土修约政治逐渐淡出历史舞台。由于德国外交政策的转型,赫尔曼·劳希宁在希特勒的支持下使得但泽逐渐发展成为德波间关系缓和的润滑剂。但这并不可能使但泽逃脱被纳粹化以及被德国重新合并的命运。 结语部分主要总结了魏玛政府时代领土修约政策破产的原因以及它的负面影响。
[Abstract]:After the end of World War I, Germany was forced to cede large tracts of land, and how to recover these lost lands, especially in the east, became one of the core foreign policy tasks of successive German governments. In this paper, the author chooses Danzawa Free City as a case to discuss the whole process of the formation, development and bankruptcy of the territorial contract policy during the Weimar government. This paper discusses the origin of Danzig problem on the basis of the British Foreign Affairs document Collection (1919 part). With a small collection of Weimar Prime Minister's activities (online version) and related materials, this paper combs the development and evolution of Germany's specific policy towards eastern lost areas such as Danzig. The German Foreign Policy Paper Series C shows the intrinsic mechanism of the replacement of the doctrine of Scholars by Hitler's foreign policy. The full text is divided into three parts: preface, text and conclusion, in which the text contains five chapters. The preface of the thesis is divided into two sections: the proposition and the significance of the research, and the present situation of the research at home and abroad. While explaining the importance of Danzig and its significance in the transformation of German foreign policy, this paper briefly reviews the research situation at home and abroad. The first chapter introduces the origin of Danzig problem and the reaction of Germany. Historically, Danzig was closely related to the Germans. After World War I, at the Paris Peace Conference, Britain, France, and the United States and other countries negotiated not only the Polish corridor problem, but also the practice of portraying Danze as a free city in order to satisfy the Polish people's request to go out to the sea, which caused strong dissatisfaction in Germany. The second chapter discusses the initial formation process of Weimar government's initial German policy on Danzawa Free City. Before the establishment of Free City, Germany did not have a systematic policy on but, but to maintain its identity, it still adopted measures such as supporting state enterprises, signing the March Agreement and enacting civil service decrees. After the establishment of Free City, these measures were reflected in two aspects: financial trade and government welfare aid. Meanwhile, on the international stage, Germany tried to defend the special international status of Free City. The third chapter describes the specific policy of Germany to the eastern land loss (including Danzig) during the Schleismann period. This period was a more successful period in the politics of territorial treaty revision in Germany, which was manifested in the detailed propaganda strategy, complete economic aid means, and Germany's more active role in Danzig after joining the League of Nations. The fourth chapter focuses on explaining the difficult situation of German policy against Danzig in the economic crisis. On the one hand, no aid from Germany can lift free cities out of economic disaster; on the other hand, the Poles create more trouble for the German government to cope with. The fifth chapter focuses on the gradual fading out of the historical stage of the territorial contract-building politics during the Weimar government period after Hitler came to power. As a result of the transformation of German foreign policy, Hermann Loshchinin, supported by Hitler, made Danzig a lubricant for the detente between Germany and Poland. But it is unlikely that Danzig will escape Nazization and German reintegration. The conclusion mainly summarizes the reasons of the bankruptcy of the territorial amendment policy in Weimar government and its negative influence.
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