发布时间:2018-05-23 08:58
本文选题:幸德秋水 + 日俄战争 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:幸德秋水是日本明治时期的社会主义者。1871年出生于土佐(高知县),本名传次郎。从幼时开始就对自由民权思想表现出强烈的兴趣。1888年,17岁的幸德秋水成为日本自由民权运动思想家中江兆民的学生、自此受到其思想、人格的影响。 1901年4月,幸德在所著《二十世纪之怪物:帝国主义》一书中尖锐的指出“所谓帝国主义,无非就是以所谓爱国心为经,以所谓军国主义为纬,交织而成”的。1903年7月,出版了论述社会主义目标方向及其实现方法的论著《社会主义神髓》。在该书中,提出四点关于社会主义的构想:第一、生产资料(土地、资本)的公有。第二、生产的经营权公有。第三、社会收入的分配(特别是分配的公平问题)。第四、社会收入的大半归私人所有。 1898年2月,幸德秋水成为《万朝报》的记者。在此期间,幸德秋水发表的文章从人道主义立场出发坚持了反战思想。1903年10月,由于《万朝报》转向主张日俄开战论,因此为了继续贯彻反战精神,幸德秋水、X:利彦和内村鉴三一同退出了万朝报社。同年11月,幸德秋水和X:利彦等组成平民社,并发行周刊《平民新闻》。在《平民新闻》创刊号上,幸德从自由、平等、博爱的角度出发提倡非战论思想。本文所使用的“非战论”是日本明治后期出现的词汇,现在日本人也几乎不用了,取而代之的有“和平主义”、“反战论”等。 1904年2月14日,在《平民新闻》的第十四号刊上,陆续发表《战争来》、《送士兵》、《战争的结果》等反对日俄战争的论说。同年三月发表《致俄国社会党书》,呼吁日俄两国的劳动者团结起来。接着,为了反对政府的增税政策,发表短评《呜呼!增税!》。6月,幸德秋水在《平民新闻》上译载了托尔斯泰的《你们悔改吧!》一文,在该文章中,他高度赞扬了托尔斯泰的人道主义精神,并提出了自己的见解。11月,幸德同X:利彦一起翻译了《共产党宣言》,1905年2月,因违反报纸条例被处以5个月的拘禁。在狱中,受到克鲁泡特金的无政府主义思想的影响。出狱后,幸德秋水前往美国,1906年回国,从此转向无政府主义的“直接行动论”。1911年,幸德秋水因为“大逆事件”含冤入狱,被当局处以死刑。 笔者的问题意识有如下几点。第一,幸德秋水作为日露战争前后,日本非战论阵营的主要代表人物,具有怎样的人生历程,他的非战论思想是怎样形成的?第二,幸德秋水和具有基督教式的非战论思想的内村鉴三以及当时作为敌对国的俄国文豪托尔斯泰,他们的非战论思想有什么异同之处?第三,总结幸德秋水的非战论的思想特征以及对现今社会具有怎样的意义? 本论文主要由以下几部分构成:“幸德秋水生涯的介绍”、“日俄战争前幸德秋水的非战论”、“《平民新闻》时期幸德秋水的非战论”、“幸德秋水的非战论的特点及其影响”等等。笔者在先行研究的基础上,结合幸德秋水的生涯,具体分析日俄战争前后,即《平民新闻》时代,幸德秋水倡导的非战论。并强调指出幸德秋水非战论的特点及其时代意义。
[Abstract]:Yude Qiushui is a socialist in the Meiji period of Japan . From childhood , he was born in Tuozo ( Gao Zhi County ) , and this name passed to Lang . Since childhood , it has shown a strong interest in the idea of free civil rights . During the years , the 17 - year - old Yude Qiushui became a student in the thinker of free civil rights movement in Japan , which was influenced by his ideas and personality .
In April 1901 , Yude pointed out that " the so - called " imperialism " in the book of the twentieth century was " so - called imperialism , not just by the so - called " patriotism " . In July 1903 , we published four ideas about socialism : First , production information ( land , capital ) . Second , the distribution of production is public . Third , the distribution of social income ( especially the distribution of equity ) . Fourth , social income is owned by private .
In the period of November 1903 , Yude Qiushui and X : Li Yan and other members of the People ' s News Agency reported on the idea of anti - war . In November of the same year , Yude Qiushui and X : Li Yan and other members withdrew the idea of non - war . In November of the same year , Yude Qiushui and X : Li Yan and so on advocated the idea of non - war . On the publication number of the civilian news bulletin , the Japanese people have almost no need , instead of " pacifist " , " anti - war theory " and so on .
On Feb . 14 , 1904 , in the fourteenth issue of the news bulletin on the civilian population , the War of War was published and the results of the War of War , the result of the war , and the like against the Japanese war , were published in March 1905 . In the same year , he spoke highly of Tolstotai ' s humanitarian spirit and put forward his own opinion . In November , he spoke highly of Tolstotai ' s thought of " direct action " . In 1911 , Yude Qiushui was sentenced to death by the authorities because of the cause of the " big adverse event " .
The author ' s question consciousness has the following points . First , Yude autumn water as the main representative figure of the Japanese non - war theory camp before and after the Japanese invasion and after the war , how the thought of his non - war theory is formed ? Second , Yuede Qiu - shui and the inner village of the Christian - style non - war theory thought and what is the difference between them ? Third , summarize the ideological characteristics of the non - war theory of Yude ' s autumn water and the significance to today ' s society ?
This thesis is mainly composed of the following parts : the introduction of Yude ' s autumn water career , the non - war theory of Yude - Qiu - shui in the Early - Russian War , the characteristics of the non - war theory of Yude - Qiu - shui , and the influence on the non - war theory of Yude - Qiu - shui .
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1 张陟遥;幸德秋水社会主义思想研究[D];华东师范大学;2007年