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发布时间:2018-05-25 01:30

  本文选题:查理大帝 + 治国方略 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 查理大帝(742-814年)是法兰克王国加洛林王朝的一位君主,他是欧洲封建社会初期最著名的历史人物。面对空前规模的大帝国,查理大帝深刻认识到光靠武力征服并不能达到长治久安的目的,为此,他通过宗教活动和立法活动等治国方略,建立和完善了帝国统治机构。同时,他在学校教育、图书馆和语言文字各方面进行了改革,并在艺术领域取得了诸多成就,出现了所谓的“加洛林文艺复兴”。加洛林文艺复兴把欧洲的古典文化、基督教文化和日耳曼文化相融合,奠定了西欧中世纪文化的基础。查理大帝时代之所以会出现加洛林文艺复兴,是与查理大帝所倡导的一系列政策和措施分不开的。他出色地完成了时代所赋予的历史使命,他的文治武功对西欧历史产生了重大影响。 本文分为四个部分,第一部分叙述了查理大帝生平及其所处的时代;第二部分阐述了查理大帝的治国方略;第三部分论述了加洛林文艺复兴的主要内容与成就;第四部分是对查理大帝与加洛林文艺复兴的历史评价。
[Abstract]:Charles the Great (742-814) was a monarch of the Galorian dynasty of the French kingdom, the most famous historical figure in the early days of European feudal society. In the face of a great empire of unprecedented scale, Charlemagne realized that military conquest alone could not achieve the goal of lasting stability. Therefore, he established and perfected the imperial ruling organization through such statecraft as religious activities and legislative activities. At the same time, he carried out reforms in school education, library and language, and made many achievements in the field of art, resulting in the so-called "Galorian Renaissance". The Galorian Renaissance combined the classical, Christian and Germanic cultures of Europe and laid the foundation of medieval culture in Western Europe. The Carolyn Renaissance in Charlemagne's time was inseparable from a series of policies and measures advocated by Charlemagne. He accomplished the historical mission entrusted by the times, and his martial arts had a great influence on the history of Western Europe. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part narrates the life of Charles the Great and the time in which he lived; the second part expounds the general plan of governing the country of Charles the Great; the third part discusses the main contents and achievements of the Calorin Renaissance; The fourth part is the historical evaluation of Charlemagne and Calorin Renaissance.


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10 康,




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