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发布时间:2018-05-25 13:26

  本文选题:朝鲜半岛 + 三国纷争 ; 参考:《延边大学》2007年博士论文

【摘要】: 本文以五至七世纪中叶的朝鲜半岛三国纷争为中心,主要考察其发现变化与东北亚政局的相互关系。内容主要由绪论、正文和结语三部分构成。 绪论主要阐述了研究动态、研究重点和研究视角及方法。 正文分为四章。第一章为“五世纪前后东北亚局势与高句丽的扩张”。东晋时期中国北方处于长期的分裂混乱状态,权力中心的丧失进导致东北亚国际秩序处于无序状态。与此同时,朝鲜半岛上的高句丽、百济、新罗三国也在此时获得了长足发展,三国鼎足而立争雄半岛的序幕由此拉开。高句丽在这一时期的发展尤为迅猛。在西方,它利用中国北方的政局混乱,从后燕手中夺取了辽东地区;在南方,高句丽占领了乐浪和带方部分地区,疆域扩展到了汉江流域,与谋求北进的百济发生激烈矛盾。由于高句丽的强大,使新罗改变与百济以往“两国和好,约为兄弟”的友好关系,转而与高句丽结好。高句丽凭借其强大的军事力量,在广开土王时期不仅压制了百济的北进,还援助新罗驱逐了百济和倭的入侵,使新罗依附于自己,从而确立了在半岛上的霸主地位。 第二章为“五世纪中叶朝鲜半岛三国关系重组与东北亚南北对抗格局的形成”。进入五世纪中叶,随着中国南北朝对峙局面的形成,出现了整体分裂,局部统一的态势,对整个东北亚的局势和朝鲜半岛三国外交以及相互之间的关系转变都产生了深远影响,由此高句丽、百济、新罗三国关系也形成了新的格局。高句丽调整其战略,一方面积极稳定与南北朝尤其是与北魏的关系,另一方面则加快了南进的步伐,所采取的重要举措之一便是迁都平壤。累世与高句丽为敌的百济为抵御来自高句丽的南进压力,也进行了积极的外交斡旋,试图从外围建立对高句丽的包围圈,同高句丽展开了激烈的外交竞争。这种努力主要表现在,首先在朝鲜半岛内主动改善与新罗的关系,与新罗建立同盟以共同抵制高句丽的南进,同时发展与中国南朝的友好关系;另外百济还试图想说服北魏攻打高句丽,以及欲联合勿吉攻打高句丽。而新罗则为了摆脱高句丽在政治、军事等方面的干涉,到讷祗王时期开始出现了摆脱高句丽控制的倾向。五世纪五十年代左右还与百济结成军事同盟来对抗高句丽。由此,在朝鲜半岛形成了百济与新罗结盟对抗高句丽的局面,在东北亚地区则形成了高句丽主要与中国北朝结好、百济与南朝交往以及中国南北的对峙的局面,从而在整体上形成南北对抗的格局并一直延续到六世纪前半期。 第三章为“六世纪中叶至七世纪初三国相持局面的形成与东北亚政局的变迁”。进入六世纪中叶以后,高句丽、百济、新罗三国国力强弱有所变化。阳原王统治时期,国内由于王权之争而导致政局混乱,外部则面临着北齐和突厥等新兴势力的威胁,高句丽陷入内外交困的困境之中,这种情况迫使高句丽暂缓其南进的步伐,全力应对西北局势的变化,在半岛的争霸斗争中只能处于守势。百济方面,在475年遭受高句丽摧毁国都而迁都熊津的重创之后,经过东城王、武宁王等几代王的统治,到圣王时期出现了中兴面貌,并对高句丽采取了积极的进攻,以图收复汉江流域。但由于盟友新罗的背叛,百济再次受到了其历史发展中的重创。而一直在高句丽和百济两强夹缝中生存的新罗则从智证王、法兴王时期开始整备国家体制,国力不断加强,到真兴王时期大力开拓疆土,从朝鲜半岛东南一隅的小国发展成为地跨朝鲜半岛东南和东部的大国。尤其重要的是,利用高句丽与百济相争的时机,新罗夺取了具有重要经济和战略意义的汉江流域,对此后新罗的历史发展产生了深远的影响。但新罗也因此与百济反目,导致了一百多年同盟关系的破裂。由于三国间的国力消长,三国转而进入了相持阶段。与此相伴则是三国都致力于在外交上拓展自己的空间,形成了东北亚的多元外交格局。随着六世纪末中国隋朝的出现和统一,三国的外交中心都转向了隋朝,其中隋朝与高句丽的矛盾成为东北亚的主要矛盾,百济利用这一时机派兵重开对新罗的进攻,东北亚再次进入战争对峙状态。 第四章为“七世纪中后期朝鲜半岛三国纷争终结与东北亚政治新格局的形成”。进入七世纪以后,新罗与百济的矛盾不断激化,成为朝鲜半岛上的主要矛盾。继隋而兴的唐王朝在高祖和太宗初期基本上保持了对半岛三国的均衡外交。随着周边局势的稳定,进入四十年代高句丽与唐朝的矛盾开始凸显出来,成为东北亚最主要矛盾,而高句丽的强硬使唐太宗最终发动了对高句丽的征伐。高宗即位初期,唐朝改变对高旬丽的征伐战略,实施消耗其国力的长期战略。五十年代半岛经历了短暂平静,经过新的力量整合,在东北亚地区形成了以新罗和唐朝为一方,高句丽、百济、倭为一方的两大同盟力量的对抗,半岛三国纷争演变为一场涉及东北亚各国的国际战争,其结果是百济、高句丽的先后灭亡和倭国势力从朝鲜半岛的退出。这不仅宣告了几个世纪朝鲜半岛三国纷争的终结,也拉开了东北亚世界新政治格局形成的序幕。随着半岛局势的变化,唐朝与新罗之间潜在的矛盾开始激化,最终导致兵戎相见。由于唐朝受西北局势的影响,不得不对朝鲜半岛采取退守政策,新罗最终实现了对朝鲜半岛大部分的统治,以崭新的国家面貌出现东北亚历史舞台,由此促成了东北亚地区政治新格局的形成。 结论部分从三个方面总结了全文要点。
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the conflict between the three countries of the Korean peninsula from five to seventh Century, and mainly examines the relationship between the discovery and changes and the political situation of Northeast Asia. The content is mainly composed of the introduction, the text and the conclusion of the three parts.
The introduction mainly describes research trends, research priorities, research perspectives and methods.
The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is "the situation of Northeast Asia before and after fifth Century and the expansion of Gao Gu Li". In the period of the Eastern Jin period, the northern China was in a state of long split and chaos, and the loss of the power center led to the disorder of the international order of Northeast Asia. At the same time, high sentence Li, Baiji, and Xinluo on the Korean peninsula were also obtained at this time. In the west, it took advantage of the political situation in the north of China to seize the Liaodong area from the back of the Yan's hand; in the south, kooyu occupied leulo and some parts of the region, extending to the Hanjiang River Basin, and seeking to move north to the north. Since koouli was strong, Xinluo changed its friendly relationship with Baji's former "two countries and the brothers", and turned to koouli. With its powerful military force, koouli not only suppressed the northern advance of Baji, but also helped Xinluo to expel the invasion of Baji and bonobos. Roy attached himself to himself, thus establishing a hegemonic position on the peninsula.
The second chapter is "the restructuring of the relations between the three countries of the Korean Peninsula in the middle of the fifth Century and the formation of the confrontation pattern between the north and the north of the Northeast Asia". In the middle of the fifth Century, with the formation of the confrontation between the north and the North of China, the situation of the whole division, the local unification, the situation of the whole Northeast Asia and the relations between the three countries of the Korean Peninsula and the relations between the three countries of the peninsula and the relations between the north and the South were changed. The relationship between the Three Kingdoms of Gao Gu Li, Baiji and Xinluo has also formed a new pattern. On the one hand, Gao Gu Li's strategy is to stabilize the relationship between the north and the north, especially the Northern Wei, and on the other hand, the step of the south is quickened. One of the important measures taken is to move to Pyongyang. In order to resist the southward pressure from Ko Ko Li, it also carried out a positive diplomatic mediation, trying to set up a circle of encirclement to Gao Juli from the periphery, and launched fierce diplomatic competition with Ko Ko Li, which is mainly manifested in the first initiative to improve relations with Xinluo on the Korean Peninsula and to establish an alliance with Xinluo in order to boycott Ko KULI's south. In the meantime, the new Luo Ze tried to persuade the Northern Wei to attack Ko KULI and to unite with Ko KULI. In order to get rid of the interference of Ko Ko Li in politics and military affairs, the tendency of getting rid of Ko Ko Li's control in the period of the king of the Dejun in the period of 450s was also left and right. The military alliance with Baiji was formed to combat Gao Gu Li. Thus, in the Korean Peninsula, the alliance of Baiji and Xinluo formed a situation against Gao Gu Li. In the Northeast Asia, he formed a situation in which Gao Gu Li was mainly in connection with the Northern Dynasties of China, Baiji and Southern Dynasties, as well as the confrontation between the north and the south of China, thus forming a pattern of confrontation between the north and the South on the whole. It continued until the first half of sixth Century.
The third chapter was "the formation of the stalemate situation of the Three Kingdoms in the middle of the sixth Century to the early seventh Century" and the changes in the political situation of Northeast Asia. After the middle of sixth Century, the strength and weakness of the national strength of the Three Kingdoms of Gao Gu Li, Baiji and Xinluo changed. With the threat of force, Gao Gu Li is in the plight of internal and external difficulties. This situation compels Gao Gu Li to postpone its step in the south, to deal with the change of the northwest situation, to be only on the defensive in the struggle for hegemony in the peninsula. On behalf of the king, the reign of the emperor appeared in the period of the king's period, and a positive attack was taken to regain the Hanjiang River Basin. But because of the betrayal of the ally Xinluo, the baiji was once again hit by its historical development. And the Xinluo, which had been deposited in the two joints of the high Julie and Baiji, began to start from the king of the wizenas and the king of France. To prepare the state system and strengthen its national strength, we have made great efforts to exploit the territory in the period of Wang Zhen Xing. The small country in the southeast corner of the Korean Peninsula has developed into a large country across the southeast and east of the Korean Peninsula. It is especially important that Xinluo seize the Hanjiang river basin with important economic and strategic significance by taking advantage of the timing of the contending between Ko Koli and Baiji. The historical development of Luo has had a profound influence. But Xinluo has also led to the break up of more than 100 years of alliance with Baiji, which has led to the phase of stalemate because of the national strength between the three countries, and the three countries are committed to expanding their own space in diplomacy and forming a multi diplomatic pattern of Northeast Asia. With the emergence and unification of the Sui Dynasty at the end of the sixth Century, the diplomatic center of the three countries turned to the Sui Dynasty, in which the contradiction between the Sui Dynasty and Gao Gu Li became the main contradiction in Northeast Asia. Baiji made use of this opportunity to send troops to reopen the attack on Xinluo and Northeast Asia again into the state of the war.
The fourth chapter is "the end of the Three Kingdoms of the Korean Peninsula in the middle and late seventh Century and the formation of a new political pattern of the Northeast Asia". After the seventh Century, the contradiction between Xinluo and Baiji became the main contradiction on the Korean Peninsula. With the stability of the surrounding situation, the contradiction between Ko Koli and the Tang Dynasty began to highlight in the 40s, and became the most important contradiction in Northeast Asia. While Ko Koli's hard line made Tang Taizong finally start the expedition to Ko Koli. In the early days of the emperor Gao Zong, the Tang Dynasty changed the war on Gao Xunli's logging strategy and carried out the long-term strategy of consuming its national strength. 50s The peninsula, through a short calmness, has formed a confrontation between the two allies of Xinluo and the Tang Dynasty as one side, go Guli, Baiji and bonobos in the Northeast Asia. The conflict between the Three Kingdoms evolved into an international war involving the countries of Northeast Asia. The result was the perdition of the baiji, the successively perishing of gojuli and the Japanese bonobos The withdrawal of the Korean Peninsula not only declared the end of the dispute over the Three Kingdoms of the Korean Peninsula in several centuries, but also opened the prelude to the formation of the new political pattern of the Northeast Asian world. With the change of the peninsula situation, the potential contradiction between the Tang and Xinluo began to intensify and eventually led to the war of war. The influence of the Tang Dynasty on the northwest situation had to be made to the North Korea. When the fresh Peninsula adopted a policy of retreat, Xinluo finally realized most of the rule of the Korean Peninsula and appeared in the historical stage of Northeast Asia with a new state of state, thus contributing to the formation of a new political pattern in Northeast Asia.
The conclusion summarizes the main points of the full text in three aspects.


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