发布时间:2018-05-27 09:39
本文选题:苏联 + 罗马尼亚 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:1958年5月24日,苏联国防部长和罗马尼亚国防部长签署了苏军撤离罗马尼亚的协定。众所周知,驻东欧苏军是支持苏联控制东欧最主要的工具,也是与西方相对抗的主要工具。因此,本文希望从苏联与罗马尼亚的军事关系方面来研究苏罗关系。 本文拟分五个部分: 第一部分,罗马尼亚与苏联在历史上的关系。俄罗斯帝国一直谋求南方的出海口,不断蚕食奥斯曼土耳其帝国的领土。1812年俄国与奥斯曼帝国签署的布加勒斯特和约把比萨拉比亚划归俄国所有,这是罗马尼亚与苏联领土纠纷的来源。1918年,第一次世界大战结束,罗马尼亚借俄罗斯帝国崩溃的机会收复比萨拉比亚,不过苏俄并没有承认罗马尼亚对这一地区的主权。罗马尼亚不得不面临苏俄用武力夺取比萨拉比亚的危险。为此,罗马尼亚与波兰、法国结成了军事同盟。而苏联却通过外交手段拆散了罗马尼亚与这两国的同盟关系。1939年,二战爆发,罗马尼亚处于两难的境地,不得不在苏德之间选择一个作为其盟国。罗马尼亚最终选择了德国,与苏联彻底决裂。 第二部分,苏军入驻罗马尼亚。苏军在反攻的过程中进入了罗马尼亚。1944年8月23日,罗马尼亚政府反对派发动政变,颠覆安东尼斯库政府,并加入反法西斯阵线。苏军在罗国内处于混乱状态的情况下,迅速突入罗马尼亚,于10月25日之前占领了罗马尼亚全境。1944年9月12日—13日夜间签署的停战协定暗示苏军在结束战争后就必须撤出罗马尼亚。1947年的巴黎和会上,苏联提出为保护苏军经罗马尼亚通往奥地利的交通,苏军有权继续驻留在罗马尼亚。 第三部分,苏军在罗马尼亚的活动。在苏军向罗马尼亚进军过程中,一些士兵在罗马尼亚到处抢劫、强奸。这给罗马尼亚民众造成了极大的伤害,也造成了罗马尼亚对苏联的仇恨情绪。苏军入驻罗马尼亚后,先后三次逼迫罗马尼亚改组政府。1945年3月6日,共产党支持的民族民主阵线上台。苏军开始通过当地政党控制罗马尼亚。1947年,欧洲局势紧张,苏联改变其联合政府的政策,将罗马尼亚国家农民党、国家自由党逐出政府,并逮捕其领导人。1947年12月30日,苏联废黜了国王米哈伊一世。苏联对罗马尼亚共产党并不信任,以反对民族主义分子的名义对罗共进行清洗。 第四部分,苏军撤离罗马尼亚。斯大林晚期,苏联开始调整其对外战略,缓和与西方的关系,马林科夫与赫鲁晓夫先后提出战争是可以避免的思想。赫鲁晓夫认为,社会主义与资本主义可以和平相处,社会主义可以通过和平的方式来战胜资本主义。在这一思想指导下苏联开始冷战非军事化的努力。1955年,苏联主动提出把德国问题与奥地利问题分开解决。四大国与奥地利签署了和平条约,恢复奥地利主权国家的地位。苏联的这一举措极大地推动了东西方的缓和,也为罗马尼亚撤军带来了机遇。1955年8月,赫鲁晓夫秘密访问罗马尼亚时,罗马尼亚领导人提出苏军撤出罗马尼亚的建议。苏联经过一段时间考虑同意了罗马尼亚的请求。1956年,赫鲁晓夫的秘密报告引起了东欧局势的变动,苏军撤出罗马尼亚也化为泡影。波匈事件平息后,苏联重新改善与东欧的关系,这为苏军撤出罗马尼亚带来新的契机。1958年4月份,苏罗就撤军达成了协议。苏军撤出罗马尼亚是苏联调整其对外战略的结果,也是罗马尼亚领导人努力的结果。 第五部分,结论。理清苏军进出罗马尼亚的经过及其原因后,我们会发现苏军在罗马尼亚的行动不是一个独立的行动,它服从于苏联对罗马尼亚的政策。从苏联与东欧整体的关系来看,苏军在东欧的驻扎也是服从于苏联对东欧的整体战略。而这一切又服从于苏联对西方的整体战略。因此,苏军在东欧、罗马尼亚的驻扎是苏联整体战略的一颗棋子。
[Abstract]:On May 24 , 1958 , the Soviet Defense Minister and the Romanian Minister of Defence signed an agreement on the withdrawal of the Soviet Union from Romania . It is well known that the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe is the main tool in support of the Soviet Union in the control of eastern Europe , as well as the main tool for confrontation with the West . Therefore , the article hopes to study the relationship between Soviet Union and Romania in terms of military relations .
This paper is divided into five parts :
The first part , Romania ' s relationship with the Soviet Union in history . Russia ' s empire has been seeking the South ' s sea to keep the territory of the Omani Turkish Empire . In 1918 , Romania was the source of the dispute between Romania and the Soviet Union . In 1918 , Romania was a military alliance with Poland and France . In 1939 , Romania was in a dilemma and had to choose one of its allies between Soviet Germany . Romania eventually chose Germany to break completely with the Soviet Union .
In the second part , the Soviet Union entered Romania in the course of the counter - attack . On 23 August 1944 , the Romanian Government entered Romania . On 23 August 1944 , the Romanian Government opposition launched a coup against the Government of Mr . Antonis and joined the anti - fascist front . The cease - war signed at night on 12 - 13 September 1944 implied that the Soviet Union had to withdraw from Romania after the end of the war . In 1947 , the Soviet Union had proposed to protect the Soviet Union from Romania to Austria , and the Soviet Union had the right to continue to reside in Romania .
Third part , the Soviet Union ' s activities in Romania . During the march to Romania by the Soviet Union , some of the soldiers looted and raped in Romania . This gave the Romanian people a great deal of harm and caused Romania ' s hatred of the Soviet Union . On March 6 , 1945 , the Soviet Union had forced Romania to restructure the government . On March 6 , 1945 , the Soviet Union had forced Romania to restructure the government . On December 30 , 1945 , the Soviet Union dethroned the government and arrested their leaders . On December 30 , 1947 , the Soviet Union dethroned the king , and the Soviet Union did not trust the Romanian Communist Party to clean the country against the name of the nationalist .
During the Soviet Union ' s invasion of Romania in August 1955 , the Soviet Union began to adjust its foreign strategy to ease its relations with the West . In the Soviet Union , the Soviet Union began the Cold War . In 1956 , the Soviet Union made an agreement on the withdrawal of the Soviet Union . In April 1955 , the Soviet Union renewed its relations with Eastern Europe . The Soviet Union withdrew from Romania as a result of the Soviet Union ' s withdrawal from Romania . The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Romania was the result of the Soviet Union ' s adjustment of its foreign strategy and the result of the efforts of the Romanian leaders .
Part V , conclusions . After the passage of the Soviet Union in and out of Romania and its causes , we will find that the Soviet Union ' s actions in Romania are not an independent action that is subject to the Soviet Union ' s policy of Romania . The presence of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe is also subject to the Soviet Union ' s overall strategy for Eastern Europe .
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