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发布时间:2018-05-27 10:27

  本文选题:第二次 + 美国 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 美国历史上第一次妇女运动以美国妇女1920年获得选举权为标志宣告结束。大规模的妇女运动从此长时间陷入沉寂。时隔四十年之后,即二十世纪六十年代,随着自由风潮席卷全国,改革呼声日益高涨,美国历史上的第二次妇女运动开始萌芽,并迅速发展成为一场全国性的运动。无论从这次运动的规模上讲,还是从其涉及问题的广泛性来说,第二次妇女运动都远远超过第一次妇女运动,并对美国妇女的生活产生了重大而深远的影响。 追根溯源来说,这次妇女运动早在二战时期就处于酝酿之中。二战成为美国妇女走出家门,参加社会生产的催化剂。不仅妇女的经济地位因此产生了巨大的改变,而且她们对自身在社会中所担任的角色也有了新的认识。然而,传统观念对于女性地位的认定仍然根深蒂固,顽固地认为她们只适合承担母亲和妻子的职责,其生活范围也应局限于家庭之中。随着越来越多的女性,尤其是已婚妇女加入劳动大军,这种传统观念与现实情况的冲突日益凸显。虽然女性自身愿意走出家庭,参与社会生产,但是强大的社会传统反对她们置社会工作于家庭责任之前。部分女性因此不得不屈从于这种传统势力所带来的压力,将生活局限于狭小的家庭范围之中。已经参加工作的妇女则处于两难境地:一方面,她们希望能够全力以赴地投入工作,实现自我追求;另一方面,传统观念要求她们像全职主妇一样承担家庭责任。这样的双重压力常常使她们感到不堪重负。先进女性最先觉察到了妇女的困境,她们开始寻求改变现状的途径。一次新的妇女运动的出现由此具备了可能性。 为第二次妇女运动的最终爆发提供适宜土壤的是二十世纪六十年代美国的自由主义浪潮。在自由主义改革精神的鼓舞下,美国社会在这段时间内爆发了黑人民权运动、激进学生的新左派运动和反越战运动等一系列要求革除社会弊病的运动。在这些运动中,妇女逐渐作为一支独立的力量显露出来。民权运动使妇女意识到自己与黑人的类似处境,即是社会中的二等公民;新左派等运动使女性意识到在男性主导的激进运动中,不仅妇女问题被忽略,而且妇女的权利和权益得不到尊重。通过这些切身的感受和自觉的反思,女性开始组建自己的组织来讨论、研究和解决妇女问题。其中最具代表性的就是“全国妇女组织”(NOW)和激进女权主义组织“妇女解放运动”。这两支主要的妇女运动力量对于美国女性在社会中的处境、面临的问题和解决妇女问题的方式有着各自不尽相同但是明确深刻的理解。她们通过采取不同的组织形式、活动方法和斗争策略,宣传了女权主义观点,提高了妇女对于自身状况的认识,使妇女问题成为全国舆论关注的焦点,并成功使立法机构通过一系列法案来保护或承认妇女的权利。正是通过这些先进妇女艰苦卓绝的努力、奋斗和持之以恒的坚定信念,美国妇女的处境得到了极大改善。妇女在社会生活中享有了更多的自由度和平等权力,并得以在家庭以外的领域中实现自己的人生价值。 本文第一章首先从二战的影响、第二次妇女运动的思想启蒙及其领导力量三个方面探讨了此次妇女运动的起源。第二章阐述了第二次妇女运动的诸多表现形式。第二次妇女运动产生于不同于第一次运动的社会背景之下,并在更为广泛的范围内寻求妇女权利,它因此呈现出许多独特的表现形式。文章的第三章通过详细介绍和分析妇女组织就几个与妇女自身密切相关的问题所发起的运动,论述了第二次美国妇女运动重大的意义和深远的影响。这一章同时也对美国历史上的传统观念对于女性角色的规定进行了回顾,指出这种传统观念限制了女性能力发挥的空间。随着越来越多的女性走出家庭,参与社会生产,这种僵化的标准与社会现实之间的冲突越来越明显,这也是促成第二次妇女运动爆发的一个重要原因。 总而言之,第二次美国妇女运动在最为广泛的范围内团结了广大女性为争取自身权利和权益而斗争。这次大规模的妇女运动唤起了公众舆论和政府机构对女性问题的关注,推动了立法机构颁布实施一系列法令来保障女性权益,提高女性的社会地位,并在一定程度上冲击了传统观念对于女性角色的认定。妇女从此进入了美国社会的主流,作为不可忽视的力量出现在美国政治、经济、社会和文化生活当中。美国妇女在运动中展示的决心、力量和取得的成就彻底改变了美国女性的生活。
[Abstract]:The first women's movement in American history ended with the sign of American women's right to vote in 1920. The large-scale women's movement fell into silence for a long time. Forty years later, in 1960s, as the free wind swept across the country, the voice of reform began to rise and the second women's movement in American history began. The second women's movements were far more than the first women's movement and had a significant and far-reaching impact on the lives of American women, both in terms of the scale of the movement and from the wide range of issues involved.
To the root, the women's movement was in the brew of the World War II. World War II became a catalyst for American women to go out and participate in social production. Not only did the economic status of women changed greatly, but they also had a new understanding of their role in the society. However, the traditional concept was the same. The affirmation of the status of women is still deeply rooted, stubbornly thinking that they are only suitable for the responsibilities of their mothers and wives, and that their scope of life should also be confined to the family. As more and more women, especially married women, join the labor force, the conflict between the traditional concept and the reality is becoming increasingly prominent. Although women are willing to go themselves The family, the social production, but the strong social traditions before they are opposed to the family responsibility. Some women have to succumb to the pressure brought by this traditional force and limit their life to a narrow family. Women who have participated in the work are in a dilemma: on the one hand, they hope to be able to do it. On the other hand, traditional ideas require them to bear family responsibilities like full-time housewives. The double pressure often makes them feel overwhelmed. Advanced women first perceive the predicament of women, and they begin to seek ways to change the status quo. A new women's movement is out of the way. This is the possibility.
The final outbreak of the second women's movement provided a suitable soil for the liberal wave of liberalism in the United States in the 1960s. Inspired by the spirit of liberalism, American society broke out the black civil rights movement, the new leftist movement of the radical students and the anti Vietnam War, and so on, a series of demands for the elimination of social maladies. In these movements, women are emerging as an independent force. The civil rights movement makes women realize that they are similar to black people, that is, two of the citizens in society; the new leftists and other movements make women realize that women are not only neglected in the male dominated radical movement and women's rights and rights. The most representative of them is the "National Women's organization" (NOW) and the radical feminist organization "the women's Liberation Movement". The two main women's sports forces are for American women. The situation in society, the problems facing the society and the ways to solve the problems of women have different but clear and profound understanding. Through the adoption of different organizational forms, methods of activity and struggle strategy, they propagate feminist views, raise women's understanding of their own situation, and make women's problems a national public opinion. The focus of the annotation and the success of the legislative bodies to protect and recognize women's rights through a series of bills. It is through the hard work, struggle and perseverance of these advanced women that the situation of women in the United States has been greatly improved. To realize your life value in areas outside the family.
The first chapter of this article first discusses the origin of the women's movement from the influence of World War II, the ideological enlightenment of the second women's movement and its leadership in three aspects. The second chapter expounds the many forms of the second women's movement. The second women's movement comes from the social background different from the first movement, and is more extensive. The third chapter of the article discusses the significant significance and far-reaching influence of the second American women's movement through a detailed introduction and analysis of the movement of women's organizations on several issues closely related to women itself. The traditional concept of history reviews the provisions of female roles, pointing out that this traditional concept restricts the space for women's ability to play. As more and more women go out of their families and participate in social production, the conflict between the rigid standards and social reality is becoming more and more obvious, which is also a result of the outbreak of the second women's movement. An important reason.
In a word, the second American women's movement has united the vast majority of women to fight for their rights and rights. This large-scale women's movement arouses public opinion and government institutions to pay attention to women's problems, and promotes the legislature to enact a series of decrees to protect women's rights and interests and raise women's rights. The social status of the society, to a certain extent, impacted on the recognition of the role of women in the traditional concept. From then on, women entered the mainstream of American society and appeared in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the United States as an invisible force. The determination, strength and achievements of American women in the movement changed the beauty completely. The life of a woman in the country.


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