发布时间:2018-05-29 22:43
本文选题:苏联 + 改革 ; 参考:《中共中央党校》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:1964年10月,苏共中央以“违背列宁主义集体领导原则”和“没有能力纠正所犯下的错误”等为由迫使赫鲁晓夫辞职,选举勃列日涅夫担任苏共中央第一书记。勃列日涅夫上台后,在他面前摆着两条道路,继续深化赫鲁晓夫的改革抑或重新回到斯大林体制。在勃列日涅夫身边改革势力和保守势力并存,他们都试图影响勃列日涅夫,作出有利于自己方面的政策选择。最终,勃列日涅夫走上了重新斯大林化的道路。在勃列日涅夫主持下,斯大林体制得以重新恢复并再度加强。 在勃列日涅夫主政苏联18年的时间,“发达社会主义”理论统领一切,“改革”成为敏感词语,尽管各种阻碍社会发展的深层次矛盾均已显现,但在“稳定”与“完善”的遮蔽下,一切都被人为掩盖。勃列日涅夫时期严重的不作为与“停滞”,为戈尔巴乔夫时期改革的积重难返埋下了伏笔。通过研究勃列日涅夫时期的苏联重新斯大林化,进而揭示苏联解体的深刻原因教训也成为当下苏联社会主义建设问题研究不可绕过的一个重要话题。本文力图通过对相关档案资料和著述的整理与分析,研究勃列日涅夫重新恢复斯大林体制的方法、过程、原因、教训等问题。 全文由导论、正文和结论三部分组成,正文共计六章。 第一章,简要回顾了赫鲁晓夫时期的改革。斯大林逝世后,改革并不是赫鲁晓夫一个人的意见,而是包括马林科夫、贝利亚等人在内的整个领导集体的共识。赫鲁晓夫的“解冻”让多年受压抑的苏联人呼吸到了新鲜空气。赫鲁晓夫的改革对斯大林体制形成了一定的冲击,但最终并没有脱离斯大林体制的窠臼,这也是赫鲁晓夫改革失败的一个原因。 第二章,详细分析了勃列日涅夫时期重新斯大林化的过程。这其中包括停止平反工作,重新为斯大林恢复名誉;加强意识形态工作,严格控制各种新思想的发表;提出发达社会主义理论,阻碍改革理论探讨;镇压东欧国家改革,防止改革精神蔓延。 第三章,总结了勃列日涅夫时期强化斯大林体制的具体措施。这其中包括加强意识形态和文化领域控制,打压持不同政见者;停止政治民主化进程,重新实行干部任期终身制度;终止新经济体制改革,使部门管理和中央集权再次强化。 第四章,分析了勃列日涅夫重新斯大林化的特点。勃列日涅夫时期斯大林体制的重新恢复并加强,是一种悄悄地、渐进地向斯大林回归,而不是完全恢复到斯大林时代。与斯大林时代不同,勃列日涅夫时期无论是恢复斯大林体制的方法,还是强化斯大林体制的过程都没有使用流血清洗手段。 第五章,总结了勃列日涅夫时期重新恢复斯大林体制带来的严重后果。这其中包括:政治上,个人崇拜再度泛滥,严重的老人政治使领导层毫无活力,特权阶层日益坐大,,党群关系愈益分离;经济上,经济结构失衡难以调整,经济发展潜力消耗殆尽,国家综合实力增长缓慢,与世界一流国家的差距日益拉大;思想上,旧思想、旧观念居于全面统治地位,理论创新举步维艰,社会发展缺乏思想动力支持。一言以蔽之,勃列日涅夫时期斯大林体制的重新恢复并加强,使苏联社会危机重重,并难以自拔。 第六章,分析了勃列日涅夫时期重新斯大林化的原因。勃列日涅夫时期斯大林体制的重新恢复并加强是由多种因素造成的。这其中既有斯大林体制的根深蒂固性等客观原因,也有勃列日涅夫自身保守、不思进取的主观原因。人治大于法治,国家社会决策不是依赖于制度安排,而是取决于领导人个人好恶则是根本原因。
[Abstract]:In October 1964, the central government of the Soviet Communist Party forced Khrushchev to resign by "violating the collective leadership principle of Lenin doctrine" and "inability to correct the mistakes", and elected Brezhnev to serve as the first Secretary of the Central Soviet Communist Party. After Brezhnev came to power, he placed two roads in front of him, and continued to deepen the reform or weight of Khrushchev. The new back to the Stalin system. In Brezhnev's side of reform and conservative forces, they all tried to influence Brezhnev and make a policy choice in favor of himself. Eventually, Brezhnev went on the path of re Stalin. Under the auspices of Brezhnev, the Stalin system was restored and strengthened again.
During the 18 years of Brezhnev's administration in the Soviet Union, the "developed socialism" theory commanded everything, and "reform" became a sensitive word. Although the deep contradictions that impeded the social development had been revealed, everything was concealed under the shelter of "stability" and "perfection". The serious inaction and "stop" in the period of the Brezhnev period were "stopped". "Stagnation" is an important issue for the reform of the Gorbachev period. Through the study of the re Stalin of the Soviet Union in the period of Brezhnev, the profound cause of the disintegration of the Soviet Union has also been a important topic for the study of the problem of socialist construction in the Soviet Union. And collating and analyzing works, studying the methods, process, reasons and lessons of Brezhnev's resumption of Stalin's system.
The full text is composed of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. The text contains six chapters.
The first chapter briefly reviews the reform of the Khrushchev period. After Stalin's death, the reform was not a single opinion of Khrushchev, but the consensus of the entire leadership group, including Khrushchev, beriah and others. The "thawing" of Khrushchev made the repressed Soviet Union breathe fresh air. Khrushchev's reform. It has a certain impact on the Stalin system, but in the end it has not been isolated from the Stalin system. This is also a reason for the failure of Khrushchev's reform.
The second chapter analyzes the process of re Stalin during the Brezhnev period, which includes the stop of the counter work, the revive of the reputation of Stalin, the strengthening of ideological work, the strict control of the publication of various new ideas, the theory of developed socialism, the discussion of the reform of the reform theory, the suppression of the reform of the Eastern European countries and the prevention of the reform. The spirit of the leather spread.
The third chapter summarizes the concrete measures to strengthen the Stalin system during the Brezhnev period, including strengthening the control of the ideological and cultural fields, pressing the dissidents of dissidents, stopping the process of political democratization, reimplementing the tenure of the tenure of the cadre's tenure, terminating the reform of the new economic system, and intensification of department management and centralization again.
The fourth chapter analyzes the characteristics of Brezhnev's reStalin. The restoration and strengthening of Stalin system during the Brezhnev period is a kind of stealthily and gradually returning to Stalin, not completely restored to Stalin. The process of strengthening the Stalin system did not use bloodbath.
The fifth chapter sums up the serious consequences of the revive of the Stalin system during the Brezhnev period, which include: political, personal worship once again overflowing, serious old people's politics making the leadership undynamic, the privileged class growing more and more, the relationship between the party and the masses is increasingly separated; the economic structure is unreadjusting and economic development potential in the economy. It is depleted, the national comprehensive strength is growing slowly, the gap with the world's first-class countries is widening; the ideology, the old ideas, the old ideas are in the overall dominance, the theoretical innovation is difficult and the social development is lacking in the ideological and dynamic support. In a word, Brezhnev's S Stalin system restores and strengthens the Soviet society. The crisis is heavy and difficult to extricate itself.
The sixth chapter analyzes the reasons for the re Stalin period in the period of Brezhnev. The restoration and strengthening of Stalin system during the Brezhnev period was caused by a variety of factors. Among them, there were both objective reasons, such as the deep pedicle of Stalin system, and the subjective reasons of Brezhnev self preservation. The rule of man was greater than the law. Governance, state social decisions do not depend on institutional arrangements, but on the leaders' personal likes and dislikes.
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