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发布时间:2018-05-31 07:00

  本文选题:第一次世界大战 + 世界主义 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 第一次世界大战,当时的中国人习惯将其称为“欧战”,爆发于1914年6月28日的萨拉热窝事件,结束于1918年11月11日,德国代表在停战协议上签字。这次战争对世界产生了很大的影响,战争给世界人民带来了空前的灾难。欧战是人类历史上一次浩劫,这一点无论从死伤人数、物质破坏还是从人类心灵创伤来讲都是如此,但是与此同时欧战也带来了人类历史上一次思想大解放、思想大融合,尤其是对中国而言,欧战无疑带来了一个思想解放的大好契机,世界主义正是在此时被广泛地传播开来。世界主义的历史最早可以追溯到古希腊斯多葛派,此派提倡人类乃一整体,主张建立一个以理性为基础的世界国家,世界乃每一个人的祖国。世界主义传入中国则是近代的事,具体历史事件就是第一次世界大战的爆发。第一次世界大战的爆发,引起国人的广泛关注。欧战的惨烈程度,造成的巨大伤亡,使人们更加深刻地体验到世界进入到近代以来战争的连带破坏作用,人们纷纷强调保持和平的重要性。因为世界是一个整体,少数几个国家爆发战争,其他几个国家必受牵连,所以要想保持世界和平,在国际上必须建立种新的道德,这种新道德就是“世界主义”。世界主义在中国的产生是在国人批评极端的民族主义的基础上进行的,国人普遍认为极端的民族主义是导致欧战的罪魁祸首,而抑制这种极端的民族主义的最好工具就是世界主义。于是国内的知识分子纷纷对世界主义进行了介绍和宣传,其中以陈独秀、李大钊为代表的早期共产主义者,以孙中山为代表的国民党派,还有以梁启超为首的研究系,他们在此时期都表现出很强的世界主义倾向。各个不同的派别从自己的立场出发,对世界主义进行了不同的诠释,虽然他们的政治立场不同,但是他们对世界主义的认识还是存在许多共同之处的。经过欧战的洗礼,通过国内的世界主义者的大力宣传,世界主义在中国广泛传播开来,并且形成了一股潮流,可以说各派政治思想都或多或少地受到了世界主义的影响,许多的政治人物、知识分子的思想中或多或少地接受到了世界主义,具有世界主义的倾向,他们相信,世界主义将是世界政治思想未来的趋向。世界主义这种思潮对中国的思想界产生了很大的影响,主要表现在:进化论受到排斥,互助论受到欢迎;民族主义经过世界主义的影响有了新的色彩;世界主义是帝国主义的统治工具。
[Abstract]:World War I, which the Chinese used to call the "European War," broke out in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, and ended on November 11, 1918, when the German representative signed the armistice. The war had a great impact on the world and brought unprecedented disaster to the people of the world. The European War was a catastrophe in the history of mankind. This is true in terms of the number of people killed and injured, the material damage, and the trauma of the human mind. But at the same time, the European War also brought about a great emancipation of thought and a great fusion of ideas in human history. For China in particular, the European War undoubtedly brought a great opportunity for ideological emancipation, at which time cosmopolitanism was widely spread. The history of cosmopolitanism can be traced back to the ancient Greek stoicism, which advocates the human being as a whole and the establishment of a world state based on reason. The world is everyone's motherland. The introduction of cosmopolitanism into China was a modern event, and the specific historical event was the outbreak of the first World War. The outbreak of the first World War aroused widespread concern among the people. The tragic degree of the European war and the great casualties caused by the war made people more deeply experience the associated destructive effect of the war in the world since the modern times. People emphasized the importance of maintaining peace one after another. Because the world is a whole, war breaks out in a few countries, and other countries are bound to be implicated, if we want to maintain world peace, we must establish a new morality in the world. This new morality is called "cosmopolitanism". The emergence of cosmopolitanism in China is based on criticism of extreme nationalism, which is widely believed to be the culprit of the European war. The best tool to curb this extreme nationalism is cosmopolitanism. As a result, domestic intellectuals introduced and propagated cosmopolitanism one after another, including the early Communists represented by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, the Kuomintang faction represented by Sun Zhongshan, and the research department headed by Liang Qichao. They all showed strong cosmopolitan tendencies during this period. Different factions interpret cosmopolitanism from their own standpoint. Although their political positions are different, their understanding of cosmopolitanism still has a lot in common. Through the baptism of the European War and the vigorous propaganda of the domestic cosmopolitans, cosmopolitanism has spread widely in China, and has formed a trend, which can be said that all political ideas have been influenced more or less by cosmopolitanism. Many political figures and intellectuals have more or less accepted cosmopolitanism and have the tendency of cosmopolitanism. They believe that cosmopolitanism will be the future trend of world political thought. This trend of thought of cosmopolitanism has a great influence on the ideological circle of China, mainly as follows: the theory of evolution is rejected, the theory of mutual assistance is welcomed, the nationalism has a new color through the influence of cosmopolitanism. Cosmopolitanism is the ruling tool of imperialism.


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