本文选题:美国 + 工业城市 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 19世纪后期,随着南北战争的结束,美国工业化和城市化进程迅猛加快,这种形势下,在东北部和中西部地区形成了一大批新型工业城市。这些城市在经济飞速发展的过程中,城市环境则急剧恶化,,这成为该时期各工业城市普遍面临的突出问题之一。本文即是对这些工业城市环境污染状况及其治理和改革作出一番考察。全文由引言、正文和结语三部分组成,共四章。 引言部分主要介绍了美国城市环境污染的国内外研究现状,提出了本文写作的理论现实意义,并对文章的研究对象、研究时限、环境污染的概念等作出了限定和说明。 第一章介绍了19世纪后期美国工业城市发展的大致状况。南北战争后美国工业化和城市化迅猛加剧,这也构成工业城市快速形成和飞速发展的主要动力。 第二章主要描述了这些工业城市污染状况,并对污染原因作出了具体分析。文章从四个方面体现出工业城市污染的严重性,进一步揭示出城市环境的恶化正是工业化、城市化进程加快所造成的系列城市问题和城市职能不健全之间的矛盾而产生的必然结果。 第三章重点分析了治理和改革的动力及治理的具体措施。总结出城市治污活动取得了一定的成效,但是由于种种原因,城市环境仍然没有得到根本治理,污染情况仍然严重。 第四章结语部分简要总结全文。并总结出19世纪后期美国工业城市污染和治理过程中体现出来的系列理论问题,并对这些问题进行思考和分析,从而得出了某些有益的启示。
[Abstract]:In the late 19th century , with the end of the Civil War , the industrialization and urbanization of the United States have accelerated rapidly . In this situation , a large number of new industrial cities have been formed in the Northeast and the Midwest . The urban environment has deteriorated sharply in the process of rapid economic development .
The introduction part mainly introduces the domestic and foreign research situation of urban environmental pollution in the United States , puts forward the theoretical realistic meaning of this paper , and defines and explains the research object , the research time limit and the concept of environmental pollution .
The first chapter introduces the general situation of the development of American industrial cities in the late 19th century . After the Civil War , the industrialization and urbanization of the United States intensified rapidly , which also constituted the main power of rapid development and rapid development of industrial cities .
The second chapter mainly describes the pollution situation of these industries and makes concrete analysis on the causes of pollution . The article reflects the seriousness of industrial city pollution from four aspects , and further reveals that the deterioration of the urban environment is the inevitable result of the contradiction between the series of urban problems and the imperfection of the urban function caused by the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization .
The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the power and the concrete measures of the governance and the reform , summarizes the achievements of the city ' s pollution control activities , but due to various reasons , the urban environment still has not been treated at all , and the pollution is still serious .
The fourth chapter summarizes the summary of the concluding remarks and summarizes the series of theoretical problems reflected in the process of American industrial pollution and governance in the late 19th century , and gives some useful insights into these problems .
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