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发布时间:2018-06-07 21:59

  本文选题:中美关系 + 越战 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2011年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The Vietnam War broke out in the 1960s and 1970s. China and the United States are directly or indirectly involved in this war. On the eve of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the United States sent its ambassador to China, Leighton Stuart, to contact the Communist Party of China. The United States took New China as a condition for protecting its vested interests and leading to the West in exchange for its recognition of New China. In the interest of the country, New China adopted a foreign policy oriented to the Soviet Union. The United States began its Cold War containment strategy against China. The United States mainly uses three fronts to contain China: to intervene in the Korean War to confront China head-on; to control Taiwan to split China; to intervene in the Indochina and to use Vietnam to contain China. The Vietnam War was initiated by the United States in order to build South Vietnam into an anti-Communist and anti-China base. The Vietnam War was roughly divided into three stages. For the sake of international communist morality and national security, China launched a campaign against the United States and Vietnam. With the aid of China, America's special war was quickly defeated. In order to save the failure of the United States in Vietnam, the United States sent American troops to South Vietnam on a large scale, from increasing special forces and special weapons at the beginning to sending large numbers of American land, sea and air combat units on a large scale. The United States turned this special war into a local war in Vietnam. The expansion of the war of aggression by the United States has aroused the fierce resistance of the Vietnamese people, and also aroused the concern of all countries in the world and the assistance of socialist countries such as China, the Soviet Union and other socialist countries to Vietnam on a larger scale. The massive increase of American troops failed to avoid the deterioration of the South Vietnamese form, and the local war ended in failure. The failure of the United States in Vietnam caused a large-scale anti-war wave in the United States. Moreover, the protracted war made the United States financially difficult, the dollar depreciated and the balance of payments unbalanced, and, more importantly, the Soviet Union had the momentum to surpass the United States. Under such circumstances, the US government decided to withdraw its troops from Vietnam. To withdraw its troops, the United States needs the help of China. At this time, the domino theory and containment theory were criticized, with the rise of new isolationism and balance of power theory. At the international level, relations between China and the Soviet Union have deteriorated seriously. The international situation has contributed to the relaxation of Sino-US relations. Relations between China and the United States eased, and China went on to support the Vietnam-US peace talks. In order to bring an early end to the Vietnam War, China persuaded Vietnam to make concessions on certain issues, and the Paris Armistice Agreement was finally signed.


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