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发布时间:2018-06-08 23:24

  本文选题:高丽王朝 + 科举制度 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国古代社会官吏选拔任用的主要途径,大致经历了先秦时期的世卿世禄制、两汉时期的察举制、魏晋南北朝时期的九品中正制和隋唐以来的举制,其中尤以科举制实行的时间最长,对后世的影响最为深远,,甚至一度被誉为“中国的第五大发明”。 中国科举制度对邻国像韩国、日本、越南等国家都有一定的影响,其中对韩国的影响最为深远。韩国是中国域外科举制实行时间最长,最为完备的国家,韩国(朝鲜)历史上的选官制度经历了由骨品制、读书三品科、科举制的嬗变。其中尤为值得提出的是高丽光宗时期借鉴中国唐朝的科举制度,科举制度自引入之后,有了一定的发展和创新。 自光宗朝(958)首次设科取士,直至高丽王朝为李氏朝鲜所取代(1398)的四百多年时间里,共开科251次,其中制述科及第者6167人,明经科及第者415人,再加上杂科,总共选拔出6663人。科举及第者平均每年15人之多,本文将从参加科举及第的士人入手,对有资料可考参加科举的高丽士人的姓名、籍贯、家世、及第情况等各个方面汇总,对每一位科举及第的士人列小传,通过这些及第士人分析高丽社会的具体情形。最后对登科记作认识,分析其对高丽社会的积极影响。
[Abstract]:The main ways of selecting and appointing officials in ancient Chinese society include the system of Shi Qing Shi Lu in the pre-Qin period, the inspection system in the Han Dynasty, the nine-pint system in the Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern dynasties, and the system since the Sui and Tang dynasties. Among them, the imperial examination system was put into effect for the longest time and had the most far-reaching influence on later generations. It was even once praised as "the fifth invention of China." China's imperial examination system has certain influence on neighboring countries such as Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and so on. One of the most far-reaching impact on South Korea. South Korea is the longest and most complete country in the history of China's imperial examination system. The system of selecting officials in Korea (Korea) has gone through the evolution of the system of bone products, three subjects of reading, and the system of imperial examination. Among them, it is worth mentioning that Koryo Guangzong used the imperial examination system of the Tang Dynasty for reference during the period of Koryo Guangzong. Since the introduction of the imperial examination system, there has been certain development and innovation. In the more than 400 years since the Koryo dynasty was replaced by Lee's North Korea, a total of 6167 families have been opened, of which 6167 have been written and written, and 6663 have been selected from the Ming and Jingcai branches, plus miscellaneous families. The average number of subjects in the imperial examinations is as many as 15 a year. This article will start with the scholars who take part in the imperial examinations, and summarize the names, place of origin, family background, and information of the Korean scholars who can take part in the imperial examinations. To each imperial examination and the scholar series biography, through these and the scholar analysis Koryo society concrete situation. In the end, the author analyzes the positive influence of the record on Korean society.


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1 樊文礼;宋代高丽宾贡进士考[J];史林;2002年02期

2 刘海峰;科举制──中国的“第五大发明”[J];探索与争鸣;1995年08期

3 张希清;;唐宋进士科取舍依据的演变[J];文史哲;2010年04期




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