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发布时间:2018-06-11 18:42

  本文选题:苏联 + 美国 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 在苏联历史上,赫鲁晓夫时期是一个重要而复杂的时期,它之所以重要,是因为它唤起了人们对正在进行的改革和民主化进程的高度热情;它之所以复杂,是因为苏联度过了一个起初被称为“光荣”、但后来又被指责为“主观主义”的十年。赫鲁晓夫也是一个重要而复杂的人物,作为新旧时代交界线上的政治家,他内涵政治突破力的巨大潜能。 赫鲁晓夫执政十年在内政外交上的战略总体目标是:对内思变,对外思和。即内政的重点是改革,外交的重点是放在同西方国家的关系上,努力谋求创造和平发展的国际环境。但在1964年10月,苏共中央召开的一次中央全会上,赫鲁晓夫被迫宣布辞职。标志苏联以赫鲁晓夫为代表的一个重要时代的结束和以勃列日涅夫为代表的另一个时代的开始。 对于赫鲁晓夫政权突然倒台的原因,长期以来,西方舆论认为是传统的“权力斗争”的结果。甚至赫鲁晓夫本人也供认不讳,他在回忆录中也作了这方面的表白。但事实上导致他下台的真正原因,是他执政以来执行的错误的政策造成的。这些错误集中体现在:经济政策的失误、政治改革引起的危机,使他失去了越来越多的支持者;裁减军队和减少军事预算,使赫鲁晓夫失掉了军届人士的支持;另外,赫鲁晓夫反对斯大林的个人迷信,却没能从根本上反个人迷信,使他在反对斯大林个人迷信上所做的一切最终成为把他送上被告席的依据。 本文论述的重点是第二部分,即“美国对赫鲁晓夫下台的评估”这一内容。首先,美国认为赫鲁晓夫下台后,影响未来苏联外交政策的因素主要有:集体领导和内部权力斗争、国内经济问题、苏联与中国的关系、东欧局势的变化等。其次,美国认为未来苏联的外交政策走向应该是:短期内苏联外交政策将是赫鲁晓夫政策主流的延伸;美苏关系会暂时降温;为了与西方和中国竞争苏联对不发达国家将采取更积极的政策。最后,基于这样的推测和判断,美国对赫鲁晓夫下台之初苏联的外交战略进行了分析评估。美国认为赫鲁晓夫下台不会对双方军备控制协议带来实质性的影响,但是关于军备控制苏联可能会提出一些新的提案;苏联会继续关注北约内部组建多边核力量的进展情况,苏联的欧洲政策将受其在德国方面的强硬立场的限制;对古巴及拉丁美洲将采取新的战略,即号召拉丁美洲开展更大规模的宣传和斗争以便终止古巴的外交孤立,并减轻来自于美国的经济压力。
[Abstract]:In the history of the Soviet Union, the Khrushchev period was an important and complex period, which was important because it aroused a high degree of enthusiasm for the ongoing process of reform and democratization; it was complex. It was because the Soviet Union had passed a decade that was initially described as "glory" but later accused of "subjectivism." Khrushchev is also an important and complex figure. As a politician at the junction of old and new times, he has great potential for political breakthrough. The overall strategic goal of Khrushchev's domestic and foreign affairs for the 10 years in power is to think internally about changes. Think about the outside world. The emphasis of internal affairs is reform, the emphasis of diplomacy is on the relations with western countries, and efforts are made to create an international environment for peaceful development. But in October 1964, at a central plenum, Khrushchev was forced to resign. Marked the end of an important era represented by Khrushchev in the Soviet Union and the beginning of another era represented by Brezhnev. For a long time, the reason for the sudden fall of the Khrushchev regime Western public opinion thinks it is the result of traditional power struggle. Even Khrushchev himself confessed, and he made this statement in his memoirs. But the real reason for his ouster is the wrong policies he has implemented since he took office. These mistakes are reflected in: the failure of economic policy, the crisis caused by political reform, the loss of more and more supporters; the reduction of the army and the reduction of the military budget; the loss of Khrushchev's support from the military; and, Khrushchev opposed Stalin's personal superstition, but failed to fundamentally oppose personal superstition. What he did against Stalin's personal superstition eventually became the basis for putting him in the dock. The focus of this article is the second part. That is, the US assessment of Khrushchev's ouster. First of all, the United States believes that after Khrushchev stepped down, the main factors affecting future Soviet foreign policy are: collective leadership and internal power struggle, domestic economic problems, relations between the Soviet Union and China, and changes in the situation in Eastern Europe. Secondly, the United States believes that the future direction of Soviet foreign policy should be: in the short term, Soviet foreign policy will be an extension of Khrushchev's policy mainstream, US-Soviet relations will temporarily cool down; In order to compete with the West and China, the Soviet Union will adopt a more active policy towards the underdeveloped countries. Finally, based on such speculation and judgment, the United States analyzed and evaluated the Soviet Union's diplomatic strategy at the beginning of Khrushchev's resignation. The United States believes that Khrushchev's resignation will not have a substantial impact on the arms control agreement between the two sides. However, regarding arms control, the Soviet Union may put forward some new proposals; the Soviet Union will continue to pay close attention to the progress of the formation of multilateral nuclear forces within NATO. The Soviet Union's European policy will be limited by its hardline stance on Germany; a new strategy will be adopted for Cuba and Latin America, calling for greater advocacy and struggle in Latin America to end Cuba's diplomatic isolation. And ease economic pressure from the United States.


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