本文选题:新闻自由 + 责任体系 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 西班牙历史长河中一直流淌着多元文化的溪流,地区之间经济、政治、文化的差异也影响着媒体的发展参差不齐。 1931年,西班牙首次开创了完整的民主政权,但它极不稳定,建国刚刚5年就发生了一场血腥的内战,由此在西班牙历史上留下了一段近40年威权统治的插曲。此后,西班牙于1975年开始向民主社会过渡,在很短的时间内,建立并巩固了议会君主制政体。因此,在仅仅60年的时间中,西班牙经历了一系列政治变迁:两极化——不稳定民主——内战——专制压迫——过渡时期——成功的民主。与此同时,西班牙新闻自由的历程也经历了很多变化,因此可以说西班牙是一个检验“传媒如何受政治影响”的实验室。 传媒总是带有它所处的社会和政治结构的形态和色彩,尤其传媒反映了一种调节个人与组织机构之间关系的社会管制制度,了解社会的这些方面是系统了解传媒的基础。 因此,首先笔者在介绍完本文的研究背景和研究问题之后,紧接着介绍了西班牙的新闻自由历程。由于西班牙的新闻自由受到政治的影响非常典型,由此作者是在整个国家的政治背景下来审视新闻自由发展轨迹的,按照不同政治时期的划分,来分阶段地分析新闻自由环境的变化,以及媒体随之发生的改变。从1939年法西斯政权建立时期威权统治对媒体的控制,以及民主过渡转型期传媒随政治的变化,直到当代西班牙媒体与政治之间的关系。 在历史发展的视角下来审视西班牙的新闻自由历程,从而可以更好地理解西班牙如何将威权主义的基本原则作为媒介管理制度的理论基础,也可以从而了解西班牙媒体责任体系所产生和发展的社会环境。 在诸多的媒体责任体系中,本义特意选取报刊媒体中有代表性的“一报一调查员”模式,以及广电媒体中加泰罗尼亚的视听媒体管理局(CAC)来研究。笔者重点介绍加泰罗尼亚视听媒体管理局,因为这一监管机构目前只存在于加泰罗尼亚,但它同时又是一种非常有效的模式。但结合一些具体的案例,也可以看出监管组织对于如何对待一些具体的伦理问题也存在着困扰。 同时,新兴的网络媒体也带来了新的伦理问题,现有规约对新媒体的约束作用有限,本文探讨是否需要为网络媒体量身订做新规约,以及现有媒体责任体系建立和发展过程中所遇到的障碍。
[Abstract]:Spanish history has long been flowing with multicultural streams, economic, political and cultural differences between regions also affected the development of the media uneven. 1931, Spain first created a complete democratic regime, But it was so unstable that just five years after its founding, a bloody civil war broke out, leaving an episode of almost 40 years of authoritarian rule in Spanish history. Thereafter, Spain began its transition to democracy in 1975, establishing and consolidating a parliamentary monarchy in a short period of time. Thus, in just 60 years, Spain has undergone a series of political changes: polarization-unstable democracy-civil war-autocratic oppression-transition-successful democracy. At the same time, the process of press freedom in Spain has undergone many changes, so it can be said that Spain is a laboratory to test how the media is influenced by politics. The media always has the form and color of its social and political structure, especially the media reflects a kind of social control system which regulates the relationship between the individual and the organization. Understanding these aspects of society is the basis of the systematic understanding of the media. Therefore, the author first introduces the research background and research issues, followed by the introduction of Spain's freedom of the press. As the political influence on press freedom in Spain is typical, the author examines the development track of press freedom in the political context of the whole country, according to the different political periods. To analyze the changes in the press freedom environment and the media. From the authoritarian control of the media during the establishment of fascist regime in 1939, and the change of the media with politics in the transitional period of democracy, to the relationship between the contemporary Spanish media and politics. From the perspective of historical development, this paper examines the process of press freedom in Spain, so as to better understand how Spain regards the basic principles of authoritarianism as the theoretical basis of the media management system. It is also possible to understand the social environment in which the Spanish media responsibility system emerged and developed. In many media responsibility systems, the author specially selects the representative "one newspaper and one investigator" model in the newspaper and media, and the Audio-visual Media Administration of Catalonia in the broadcast and television media to study it. The author focuses on the Catalan Audio-visual Media Authority, because it only exists in Catalonia, but it is also a very effective model. But combined with some specific cases, we can also see how regulatory organizations deal with some specific ethical problems. At the same time, the emerging network media also brings new ethical issues, the existing regulations on new media constraints are limited, this paper discusses whether it is necessary to customize the new rules and regulations for the network media. And the existing media responsibility system in the establishment and development of obstacles encountered.
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