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发布时间:2018-06-23 05:03

  本文选题:美国政府 + 苏联政府 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2009年博士论文

【摘要】: 在目前我国的史学研究中,大部分学者把研究的重心集中在冷战时期,而对1933—1941年美国对苏联的政策却未能给予足够的重视。实际上,这一时期美国对苏联的政策无论在美国历史还是在世界历史上都占有非常重要的地位。可以说,美国同社会制度以及意识形态与自己截然不同的国家——苏联的首次合作尝试,不仅为第二次世界大战中反法西斯联盟的形成以及战争的最后胜利提供了必要的基础,而且也为二战后美国对苏政策的塑造提供了强有力的理论根据和实践依托。 本文试图利用美国政府的解密文件和现有的研究成果,综合考察1933—1941年美国对苏联的政策,包括美国政府决定承认苏联的原因和过程、美国政府利用和限制苏联政策的基本确立、利用和限制政策的全面实施以及苏德战争后,利用和限制政策的结束与美苏战时合作的开始等方面的内容。在此基础上,通过探究这个时期美国对苏联政策的表现、特征、原因和手段,揭示美国对苏政策的发展脉络及其对世界历史发展进程的影响。在现代社会中,由于资本主义和社会主义两种不同的社会制度仍然并存,由于苏联解体后,作为世界上唯一的超级大国的美国在对社会主义国家的外交关系中仍然把意识形态作为重要的因素来考虑,因此,研究美国对苏政策,探讨美国外交政策的出发点和实质,有助于我国政府在目前的对外关系中采取正确的方针和对策。 本文从辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点出发,主要运用历史学的研究方法,同时也结合了政治学等学科的研究手段,通过对美国政府的解密文件进行梳理和分析试图说明三个问题:(1)美国对苏联利用和限制的政策是在内外交困的形势下被迫搁置与苏联的意识形态的分歧而采取的暂时的政策,它受制于美国当时的战略地位及战略目标;(2)美国对苏联利用和限制的政策受美国对苏联错误的认知、僵化的外交手段以及国际社会的发展状况等因素的影响和制约,与此同时,意识形态在美国对苏政策的形成过程中也起到了不可忽视的潜在作用;(3)美国对苏联利用和限制的政策是以防止德、意、日法西斯国家的侵略、促进经济的恢复以及扩张美国的价值观念为出发点和归宿的。
[Abstract]:At present, in the historical research of our country, most scholars focus on the Cold War period, but fail to pay enough attention to the policy of the United States to the Soviet Union from 1933 to 1941. In fact, American policy towards the Soviet Union played a very important role in American history and world history. It can be said that the first attempt of cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union, a country with very different social systems and ideologies, not only provided the necessary basis for the formation of the anti-fascist alliance in the second World War and the final victory of the war, It also provides a strong theoretical basis and practical support for the shaping of American policy towards Soviet Union after World War II. This paper attempts to make use of the documents declassified by the US government and the existing research results to investigate comprehensively the policy of the United States towards the Soviet Union from 1933 to 1941, including the reasons and processes for the US government's decision to recognize the Soviet Union. The basic establishment of the Soviet Union policy, the comprehensive implementation of the use and restriction policy, and the beginning of the wartime cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union after the Soviet and German War. On this basis, by exploring the performance, characteristics, causes and means of American policy towards the Soviet Union in this period, this paper reveals the development of American policy towards Soviet Union and its influence on the development process of world history. In modern society, because capitalism and socialism still exist in two different social systems, because after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, As the only superpower in the world, the United States still considers ideology as an important factor in its diplomatic relations with socialist countries. Therefore, it studies the US policy towards the Soviet Union and discusses the starting point and essence of the US foreign policy. It is helpful for our government to adopt the correct policy and countermeasure in the current foreign relations. From the viewpoint of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, this paper mainly uses the research methods of history, and also combines the research methods of political science and other disciplines. By combing and analyzing the declassified documents of the US government, this paper tries to explain three problems: (1) the US policy of using and restricting the Soviet Union is a temporary policy that is forced to shelve the ideological differences with the Soviet Union under the situation of internal and diplomatic difficulties. It was subject to the strategic position and strategic objectives of the United States at that time; (2) the policy of the United States towards the use and restriction of the Soviet Union was influenced and restricted by the United States' erroneous perception of the Soviet Union, rigid diplomatic means and the development of the international community, and at the same time, Ideology also played a potential role in the formation of the United States policy towards the Soviet Union. (3) the policy of the United States against the use and restriction of the Soviet Union was to prevent the aggression of the fascist countries of Germany, Italy and Japan. Promote economic recovery and expand American values as the starting point and destination.


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