发布时间:2018-06-30 08:37
本文选题:军事侦察 + 间谍 ; 参考:《浙江工商大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 日本是世界上公认的最重视谍报作用的国家之一,大和民族在内严守国家之机密,对外则对获取别国情报极其热心与狂热。在明治时期,为了适应对外扩张之需要,为侵略战争做准备,大量情报人员奔赴中国进行军事侦察、收集各种情报。他们假借各种身份为掩护,足迹踏遍中国的角角落落,触角伸向中国的方方面面。除了军方指派的谍报人员之外,驻华外交人员、民间人士等也纷纷加入对华军事侦察的行列中来,并在华成立情报机构就地培养间谍人才。正是通过这种官民结合、全方位的军事侦察制度,使日本获得了大量翔实、准确的中国军事情报,在近代以来的对华交涉中占得先机,掌握了主动权。 本文在收集到的新的历史资料的基础上把日本明治时期对华军事侦察活动分为四个阶段,并对各个不同阶段的背景、活动经过、特点、侦察成果及对中日交涉的影响等进行介绍、探讨和分析。在文末总结中对明治时期日本对华军事侦察的原因提出了一己之见。通过此篇论文,力求追寻历史之真实,与时人以启迪。
[Abstract]:Japan is recognized in the world as one of the countries that attach the most importance to the role of espionage. During the Meiji period, in order to meet the needs of foreign expansion and prepare for the war of aggression, a large number of intelligence personnel went to China to conduct military reconnaissance and collect various kinds of intelligence. Under the guise of identity, they travel all over China's corners and reach out to every aspect of China. In addition to the spy personnel appointed by the military, diplomats and civilian figures in China have also joined the ranks of military reconnaissance against China, and have set up intelligence agencies in China to train spy personnel on the spot. It is through this combination of officials and people, the omni-directional military reconnaissance system, Japan has obtained a large number of accurate, accurate Chinese military information, in the modern negotiations with China, the first opportunity to master the initiative. On the basis of the new historical data collected, this paper divides the military reconnaissance activities of Japan's Meiji period into four stages, and analyzes the background, process and characteristics of each stage. The result of reconnaissance and its influence on the negotiation between China and Japan are introduced, discussed and analyzed. At the end of the paper, the author puts forward his own opinion on the reason of Japanese military reconnaissance in Meiji period. Through this thesis, we strive to pursue the truth of history and enlighten people with the times.
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