发布时间:2018-06-30 07:37
本文选题:东北地区 + 朝鲜共产主义者 ; 参考:《延边大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:自明末清初开始,朝鲜人为求生计不断犯越到中国东北地区。1910年朝鲜沦为日本的殖民地后,朝鲜人更是大量迁入东北,并逐渐形成了众多的聚居区。他们在东北遭受着帝国主义、封建主义的民族压迫和剥削,过着极其艰难的生活。尽管如此,在朝鲜民族主义者的带领下,他们建立了垦民会等具有民族自治团体性质的各种团体,进行自发的政治、经济斗争,形成了以延边地区为中心的朝鲜人社会。此外,他们还开设近代学校,进行反日民族教育,建立民族主义团体和武装队伍,开展各种形式的争取朝鲜民族独立和解放的斗争。但是,由于民族主义者的阶级局限性等原因,他们所领导开展的反日运动未能取得广大朝鲜人民的支持逐渐走向衰落。 1917年俄国“十月革命”胜利后,马列主义开始传入中国东北地区,其影响日益扩大。1926年5月16日,朝鲜共产党满洲总局(以下简称为朝共满洲总局)在珠河县一面坡正式成立。从此,在朝共满洲总局的带领下,朝鲜人革命群众组织纷纷建立,反日斗争蓬勃开展。但是,由于朝鲜共产主义者的大部分成员是农民或小资产阶级出身,加之多数领导人原是民族主义团体的骨干,因而未能将朝鲜共产党组织发展为名副其实的无产阶级政党。不仅如此,他们在斗争方略上还坚持“朝鲜革命延长论”(或朝鲜延长论),严重脱离了共产主义运动的宗旨以及东北朝鲜人社会的实际。加之朝共满洲总局内部派别林立,分歧矛盾重重,最终被共产国际强行解散。之后,朝鲜共产主义者在中国共产党的协助下,先后加入中国共产党。从此,朝鲜共产主义者抛弃了“朝鲜革命延长论”,直接投入到中国反帝反封建斗争的革命洪流,间接支援朝鲜的独立和解放,亦即朝鲜共产主义者开始肩负起“双重使命”的重任。 1931年“九一八”事变后,东北各地朝鲜共产主义者为了履行“双重使命”,在中国共产党的领导下,同中国各族人民一道,建立抗日游击队和抗日游击根据地,开展了不屈不挠的抗日武装斗争。不久,东北各地抗日游击队先后整编为东北人民革命军。其中,第二军的绝大多数是朝鲜人。在粉碎日伪“讨伐”的残酷斗争中,许多朝鲜人优秀儿女献出了宝贵生命。其间,虽然由于在东满地区党和军队中错误地开展反“民生团”斗争中,致使诸多朝鲜人领导干部和战士被错杀,但朝鲜共产主义者始终坚持中国共产党的领导,转战于白山黑土之间,沉重地打击了中朝两国的共同敌人——日本侵略者,为中国反日武装斗争的开展作出了巨大贡献,同时也有力地支援了朝鲜的独立和民族解放事业。 1935年“华北事变”后,东北人民革命军各部队中的朝鲜共产主义者同中国各族指战员一起,以顽强的毅力克服酷暑、严寒,与前堵后截的日伪“讨伐队”展开激烈的游击战,坚持抗日武装斗争,用鲜血和生命谱写了光辉灿烂的革命史诗。期间,中共驻共产国际代表团曾建议朝鲜共产主义者单独建立韩国民族党和韩国民族革命军,但他们始终从东北抗日战争的大局出发,主张建立更为广泛的反日民族统一战线—“祖国光复会”。此后,朝鲜共产主义者在中国共产党的领导下,积极开展“国内进军作战”,给日本帝国主义在朝鲜的殖民统治以沉重的打击,有力地推动了朝鲜的独立和民族的解放事业。 1941年太平洋战争爆发后,日本帝国主义侵华战争进一步扩大,东北地区抗日武装斗争形势日益严峻。大部分东北抗日联军队伍被迫转移到苏联沿海州地区进行军政训练。尽管如此,朝鲜共产主义者始终坚持首先完成中国革命,继而开展朝鲜革命的理念,不时地派遣小分队返回东北,开展各种形式的武装侦察和袭击活动,忠实地践行其“双重使命”。 1945年在中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争即将胜利的前夕,苏联野营的大部分朝鲜共产主义者陆续返回祖国,投入到消灭日伪残余势力、建立政党新政权的艰巨工作中,一部分则回到东北继续开展革命工作。此外,朝鲜义勇军也从延安等地开赴东北地区,在朝鲜人聚居区开展了扩军、政权建设等工作。之后,各部队的朝鲜人积极参加到四保临江战斗,夏季、秋季、冬季攻势和解放长春的战斗中。与此同时,部分朝鲜共产主义者回国后,在建设新政权的同时,积极支援中国共产党领导的革命斗争,为中国东北解放战争的胜利作出了突出贡献。解放东北后,部分朝鲜共产主义者选择留在中国,继续响应中国共产党的号召,参加辽沈战役、平津战役、渡江战役,最后打到海南岛和广西省,为中国革命的胜利做出了卓越的贡献。1948年9月9日,以金日成为首的朝鲜共产主义者在朝鲜北部(38线以北)建立朝鲜民主主义人民共和国。1952年9月3日,中国共产党根据中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领和中华人民共和国民族区域自治实施纲要的规定,在延边成立了朝鲜民族自治区。至此,在中国共产党领导下的朝鲜共产主义者的“双重使命”最终完成。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the Ming and Qing Dynasty , the Koreans have committed themselves to the north - east of China for their livelihood . In 1910 , the Koreans moved into the northeast and gradually formed a large number of settlements . However , under the leadership of the Korean nationalist , they established a variety of groups with the properties of ethnic self - government . They also set up modern schools , carried out anti - Japanese national education , established nationalist groups and armed forces , and carried out various forms of struggle for the independence and liberation of the Korean nation . However , the anti - Japanese movement led by them failed to achieve the support of the people of the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea gradually to decline .
After the victory of the Russian " October Revolution " in 1917 , Marxism - Leninism began to spread into the northeast of China , and its influence is expanding . Since then , the Communist Party of Korea ( hereinafter referred to as the General Administration of the Communist Party of Korea ) has been formally established in Zhuanhe County . Since then , the Communist Party of Korea ( DPRK ) has set up the backbone of the nationalist group with the assistance of the Communist Party of China .
After the September 18th Incident in 1931 , North - eastern Democratic People ' s Communist Party ( DPRK ) , under the leadership of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) , established anti - Japanese guerrilla units and anti - Japanese guerrilla base areas .
After the " North China Incident " in 1935 , the Communist Party of Korea ( DPRK ) of the revolutionary army of the Northeast , together with the Chinese members of the Chinese People ' s Revolutionary Army , fought fierce guerrilla warfare against the Japanese and the Japanese puppet troops , and insisted on the establishment of a more extensive anti - Japanese national united front , the " Return of the motherland " . The communist party ' s Communist Party of China , under the leadership of the Communist Party of China , has actively pursued the " Internal Forces Operation " , and has given Japan imperialism a heavy blow to the colonial rule of the North Korea , and has vigorously promoted the independence and national liberation of the North Korea .
After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941 , Japan ' s imperialist invasion of China further expanded , and the anti - Japanese armed struggle in Northeast China became more and more severe . Most of the Northeast Anti - Japanese coalition forces were forced to transfer to the Soviet coastal state to carry out military affairs training . Nevertheless , the Korean communist always insisted on completing the Chinese revolution , then carrying out the concept of the Korean revolution , sending the small teams back to the north - east from time to time , carrying out various forms of armed reconnaissance and attacks , faithfully carrying out its " double mission " .
On September 9 , 1952 , the Chinese Communist Party ( DPRK ) actively supported the revolutionary struggle led by the Communist Party of China and set up the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) in the north of North Korea ( north of the 38th Parallel ) . On September 3 , 1952 , the Chinese Communist Party ( DPRK ) , in accordance with the joint programme of the Chinese People ' s Political Consultative Conference and the Beijing People ' s Republic of China , has made a remarkable contribution to the victory of the Chinese revolution .
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1 辛薇薇;论1930年延边地区反帝反封建斗争及其影响[D];延边大学;2013年