本文选题:美国现代慈善基金会 + 约翰·D.洛克菲勒 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:洛克菲勒基金会是由约翰·D.洛克菲勒于1913年捐款创建的。在造福全人类的宗旨下,历经了重点捐助医疗卫生、农业等自然科学向重视社会、人文科学的发展过程,为美国的医疗卫生、教育、农业、文学艺术、社会环境及国际文化交流等方面做出的卓越的贡献,在美国国内社会建设和对外关系中起着举足轻重的地位。在近一个多世纪的发展过程中,洛克菲勒基金会以其科学的管理体制,先进的慈善理念和庞大的资金力量,成为美国现代慈善基金会的楷模。 本文旨在对洛克菲勒基金会的成立背景、发展历程、运行特点、对国内外的作用及影响进行探讨。文章第一部分简单界定现代慈善基金会的涵义和分类,并结合19世纪末20世纪初美国社会的经济进步、社会环境及思想文化等三个方面阐述美国现代慈善基金会产生的背景。第二部分先是简单介绍约翰·D.洛克菲勒的成长过程及对美国社会的影响,叙述洛克菲勒基金会的成立背景及过程,然后对其近一个世纪的发展历程归纳总结。洛克菲勒基金会的指导思想及工作重点经历了一个由捐助自然科学向人文社会科学转变的过程,文章结合历史背景分析基金会工作重点转移原因。第三部分重点探讨洛克菲勒基金会的运作特点,即从内部的运作过程及与美国政府的关系两个方面揭示洛克菲勒基金会管理的科学性和非政府性等特点。第四部分结合资料重点分析洛克菲勒基金会在美国乃至世界发展中的贡献和深远影响,以期对它有着较为全面认识。最后一部分为文章的结语,写洛克菲勒基金会对我国现代慈善事业的启示。
[Abstract]:The Rockefeller foundation was created by John D. Rockefeller in 1913. Under the purpose of the benefit of all human beings, it has been a major contribution to medical and health, agriculture and other natural sciences to the society and the development of the humanities, for the health, education, agriculture, literature and art of the United States, the social environment and international cultural exchanges. In the process of more than a century of development, the Rockefeller foundation has become a model of the American modern charity foundation with its scientific management system, advanced philanthropic ideas and huge funds.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the background of the establishment of the Rockefeller foundation, the course of development, the characteristics of its operation, and the effect and influence of the foundation at home and abroad. The first part of the article briefly defines the meaning and classification of the modern philanthropic foundation, and expounds the three aspects of the social environment and the ideological and cultural aspects of the American society in the late nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century. The background of the American modern charity foundation. The second part first introduces the growth process of John D. Rockefeller and its influence on the American society, describes the background and process of the Rockefeller foundation, and then summarizes the development process of the foundation for nearly a century. The guiding ideology and work focus of the Rockefeller Foundation In the third part, the third part focuses on the characteristics of the operation of the Rockefeller foundation, that is to reveal the management of the Rockefeller foundation from the internal operation process and the relationship with the United States government in two aspects. The fourth part analyzes the contribution and far-reaching influence of the Rockefeller foundation in the development of the United States and the world, with a view to the comprehensive understanding of it in the United States and the world. The last part is the conclusion of the article, and the Enlightenment of the Rockefeller foundation to our modern philanthropy.
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