本文选题:梁启超 + 福泽谕吉 ; 参考:《延边大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 所谓近代公民意识,是指近代社会公民对于自己应享受的权利和应履行的义务的自觉性和能动性。本文选择19世纪后期至20世纪初期中日两国资产阶级启蒙思想家中最具代表性的人物梁启超和福泽谕吉作为研究对象,对二人的近代公民意识及其学说作出如下专门的考察。 首先,本文分析了梁启超和福泽谕吉形成近代公民意识的时代条件、发展动力和思想基础,明确了近代公民意识的进步性含义。他们形成近代公民意识的时代条件是民族危机,发展动力是批判封建专制,思想基础是吸收西方的启蒙思想。他们把近代公民特征的概括为:公民具有个人独立自由权利;公民个人具有独立性;公民具有公德和私德两个方面的道德;公民应积极开发个人的智慧。 其次,着重阐明了梁启超和福泽谕吉对近代公民意识的核心要素加以详细解释,即形成了他们的近代公民国家观、近代公民法律观、近代公民自由平等观、近代公民权利义务观。虽然他们的这些见解有相同之处也有相异之点,但是总的来说,已经表明他们抛弃了传统的封建臣民意识,形成了系统的近代公民意识。 再次,说明了梁启超和福泽谕吉的近代公民意识的现实作用,并为培养本国民众的近代公民意识而探讨各种养成途径。他们认为近代公民意识的现实作用在于:一为建设实现近代化国家奠定社会基础;二为实现国家政治民主化提供了强大动力;三为国家独立和参与世界竞争创造有利条件。他们提出近代公民意识的养成途径包括:通过兴办学会报馆广泛传播启蒙知识;通过学校教育培养实用人才;通过启蒙宣传促进民族意识;通过传播西学知识大力提高民族素质。 最后,概括了梁启超和福泽谕吉的近代公民意识及其学说对中日两国的近代化历史发展进程具有重大而深远的影响,不仅奠定了本国的近代公民价值观念,而且推动了本国思想启蒙运动的发展,增强了本国反封建斗争的力量。 总之,梁启超和福泽谕吉吸收西方的启蒙思想,针对本国传统臣民意识而提出近代公民意识,具有鲜明的反封建色彩和强烈的本土文化反思内容。从这方面来说,他们所代表的资产阶级思想运动确实具有更新本国传统文化并达到初步思想解放的开创性。同时,他们积极为本国的维新或变法服务,即形成了他们各自的资产阶级改革方案。所以,他们的近代公民意识及其学说是中日两国资产阶级改良派的思想倾向的反映或体现。分析他们的近代公民意识,对于我们今天的社会主义精神文明建设和素质教育,仍具有很大的启迪意义。
[Abstract]:The so-called modern civil consciousness refers to the consciousness and initiative of modern citizens about the rights and obligations they should enjoy. This paper chooses Liang Qichao and FukuzawaYukichi, the most representative thinkers of bourgeois enlightenment in China and Japan from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, as the objects of study, and makes the following special investigation on their modern civic consciousness and their theories. First of all, this paper analyzes the time condition, the motive force and the ideological basis of the formation of modern civil consciousness by Liang Qichao and FukuzawaYukichi, and clarifies the progressive meaning of modern civil consciousness. The condition of their modern civil consciousness is the national crisis, the motive force of their development is to criticize feudal autocracy, and the ideological basis is to absorb the western enlightenment thought. They summed up the characteristics of modern citizens as: citizens have the right of individual independence and freedom; individual citizens have independence; citizens have two aspects of morality: public morality and private morality; citizens should actively develop individual wisdom. Secondly, it expounds that Liang Qichao and FukuzawaYukichi explained in detail the core elements of modern citizen consciousness, that is, they formed their modern citizen state view, modern citizen law view, modern civil freedom and equality view. Modern concept of Civil Rights and duties. Although there are some similarities and differences in these views, it has been shown that they abandoned the traditional feudal subjects' consciousness and formed a systematic modern civil consciousness. Thirdly, it explains the realistic function of modern citizen consciousness of Liang Qichao and FukuzawaYukichi, and probes into various ways to cultivate the modern citizen consciousness of our people. They think that the realistic function of modern citizen consciousness lies in: first, laying a social foundation for building a modern country; second, providing a powerful motive force for the realization of national political democratization; third, creating favorable conditions for national independence and participation in world competition. They put forward the ways to cultivate modern civic consciousness, which include: widely disseminating the enlightening knowledge through setting up a school, cultivating practical talents through school education, promoting national consciousness through enlightenment propaganda; Through the dissemination of knowledge of Western learning, vigorously improve the quality of the nation. Finally, the author summarizes that the modern citizenship consciousness of Liang Qichao and FukuzawaYukichi and their theories have a great and profound influence on the development process of the modernization of China and Japan, which not only lays a foundation for their modern civic values. Moreover, it promoted the development of the ideological enlightenment movement in our country and strengthened the strength of the anti-feudal struggle in our country. In a word, Liang Qichao and FukuzawaYukichi absorb the western enlightenment thought, and put forward the modern citizen consciousness in view of their traditional subject consciousness, which has the distinct anti-feudal color and the strong local culture reflection content. In this respect, the bourgeois ideological movements they represent are indeed pioneering in renewing their traditional culture and achieving the initial emancipation of the mind. At the same time, they actively serve for the reform or reform of their own country, that is, they formed their own bourgeois reform program. Therefore, their modern civic consciousness and their theories are the reflection or embodiment of the ideological tendency of the bourgeois reformists in China and Japan. The analysis of their modern civic consciousness is still of great enlightening significance to our socialist spiritual civilization construction and quality education today.
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