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发布时间:2018-07-08 09:20

  本文选题:阿拉伯民族 + 阿拉伯民族主义 ; 参考:《西北大学》2007年博士论文

【摘要】: 阿拉伯民族主义是在近代阿拉伯民族觉醒的基础上发展起来的、旨在争取生存、平等、独立、统一、发展等一系列民族权益的一种社会政治思潮和实践;它的出现是东西方文明碰撞、交流的结果,是西方民族主义思想与东方阿拉伯传统素材(如种族、语言、文学、传统、地域等)相结合的产物,具有明显的复合性特征。相对于西方而言,阿拉伯民族主义属于东方民族主义的范畴,带有明显的“防卫性”;阿拉伯民族主义一词虽然具有连贯性,但是其意义和内涵却是随着社会和社会关系的变化而变化,这些变化涉及意识形态、经济、宗教和社会等层面。本质上讲,阿拉伯民族主义或泛阿拉伯主义是新形势下,阿拉伯民族对未来探索的一条道路,是阿拉伯民族借以维护民族权益、发展自身的一种理论和实践工具。阿拉伯民族主义者强调阿拉伯人是一个民族共同体,,渴望建立一个统一独立的阿拉伯国家,以实现新时期阿拉伯民族的伟大复兴。 早期阿拉伯民族主义思想和运动的发展经历了两个阶段,分别是民族觉醒和“王政时期”(该时段泛阿拉伯运动的领导者为传统社会上层人士,故此命名),时间跨度为1798年到20世纪50年代。在民族觉醒时期,阿拉伯民族主义经历了文化复兴的孕育阶段,最终迈出了走向政治诉求的一步。这一过程中,阿拉伯基督教徒起了先导作用,率先提出一种世俗的民族主义思想,并引领了19世纪阿拉伯世界局部地区的民族运动;而穆斯林阿拉伯人在19世纪末从伊斯兰现代主义和改革主义思想中分离出一种阿拉伯民族主义思想,最终两条线在第一次世界大战爆发前夕实现合流,且穆斯林阿拉伯民族主义者逐渐获得了阿拉伯民族运动的领导权。但是,当时奥斯曼主义依旧是大多数阿拉伯民族主义者难以割舍的情怀,导致了民族斗争目标的不彻底性——以改革的方式在奥斯曼帝国的框架内实现民族自治。然而,1908年革命后执政的新土耳其党推行的中央集权和土耳其化的政策破灭了阿拉伯民族主义者的幻想,使后者转向武装斗争、谋求民族独立的一面。最终,在第一次世界大战中爆发了阿拉伯大起义。但是,由于西方国家的背信弃义和阿拉伯自身的原因,大起义失败了,统一的阿拉伯国家并没有建立起来,但却陆续产生了一批新型的政治实体,其中一些领导人继续推动阿拉伯民族主义运动的发展。 阿拉伯民族主义运动迎来了第二个阶段——“王政时期”。在这一时期,阿拉伯民族主义理论逐步完善,并出现了萨提·胡斯里和密切尔·阿弗拉克等民族主义理论的集大成者。在政治实践中,伊拉克的费萨尔国王、外约旦的埃米尔阿卜杜拉、伊拉克的重臣努里·赛义德以及埃及政府先后投入到泛阿拉伯民族运动的洪流中,特别是埃及后来居上,在其积极奔走下,最终促成了阿拉伯国家联盟的建立,而组织松散的阿盟的成立也宣告了泛阿拉伯统一运动的失落。其间,值得关注的是巴勒斯坦问题日益突出,并最终上升为泛阿拉伯民族主义运动的另一面旗帜。但是,众阿拉伯国家最终也未能阻止犹太复国主义的建国计划,而巴勒斯坦战争的失败更是将领导阿拉伯民族运动的“贵族”推上了绝境,新兴崛起的中下层政治力量成为了他们的掘墓人,“王政时期”的泛阿拉伯运动宣告终结。 早期阿拉伯民族主义运动的特征是:第一,从起源上看,阿拉伯民族主义是东西方文明交流的产物,在不同的阶段呈现出不同的时代烙印;第二、从思想特征和政治实践上看,阿拉伯民族主义属于文化民族主义的类型;第三,“阿拉伯民族”的概念经历了一个逐渐变化且不断扩大的过程,它最初仅包括阿拉伯东方,20世纪30年代以后阿拉伯西方才逐渐融入其间;第四、在早期的阿拉伯民族主义运动中,传统的社会上层政治力量居于领导地位;第五,在早期阿拉伯民族主义运动的两个阶段(民族觉醒和“王政时期”)中,斗争的目标、方式和敌人各有侧重;第六,早期的阿拉伯民族主义运动在阿拉伯各地区呈不均衡的发展态势;第七,在早期阿拉伯民族主义运动中,阿拉伯民族主义者的队伍派别纷杂,始终没有形成一支统一的力量;第八,阿拉伯民族主义与伊斯兰教、国家民族主义和教派主义之间存在着复杂关系;第九,在阿拉伯民族主义的纲领中,非政治领域的合作与统一思想后来居上,其中经济和文化领域的合作尤为突出;第十,整体上看,阿拉伯民族主义的发展并非一帆风顺,受到诸多历史和现实中形成的阻碍因素的困扰,从而决定了其在逆境中求发展的总路线,且一些先天不足的因子为其日后的挫折埋下了隐患。 早期阿拉伯民族主义运动的历史意义:第一,民族主义在阿拉伯世界的兴起开辟了一条有别于传统的民族发展新路;第二,新型国家构建理念使阿拉伯人逐渐走出宗教/帝国范式,融入近代以来世界范围内的民族国家构建洪流;第三,民族主义的崛起唤醒和改造了阿拉伯人尘封已久的民族自我意识,使其适应新时期民族发展的需求;第四,民族主义思想在新的时代背景下重塑了阿拉伯民族;第五,早期特别是“王政时期”的泛阿拉伯主义运动虽然看起来显得那么稚嫩,但却奠定了阿拉伯世界的发展轨迹:在民族目标上,谋求民族独立或自由成为全民族各阶层的首要共识;在民族统一的问题上,独立的民族国家间的全面合作逐渐取代政治上的统一;在泛阿拉伯主义的另一面旗帜——巴勒斯坦问题上,巴勒斯坦战争预示着武力解决方案的失败,承认以色列、通过和平谈判的方式解决这一问题成为唯一的选择。第六,阿拉伯民族主义运动在某种程度上支援、鼓励和配合了世界上其他被压迫民族的解放斗争。 早期泛阿拉伯统一运动的失落是内外因共同作用的结果。盘踞在阿拉伯世界的外来势力破坏了阿拉伯世界地理、社会、经济、文化和精神上的统一,割裂了阿拉伯世界各地区之间的联系,阻碍了阿拉伯统一运动的发展,这可视之为外因,但是深层次的原因还要从阿拉伯内部找寻。内因包括:阿拉伯世界的政治结构和王朝间的利益纷争削弱了泛阿拉伯统一运动的群众基础和民族基础;在局部地区,宗教少数派及其宗派主义思想不断地否定和破坏阿拉伯民族主义运动及其前提——对祖国的忠诚;阿拉伯世界中一些非阿拉伯民族的独立诉求挑战地区的统一;地区民族主义和伊斯兰主义阻碍了泛阿拉伯统一运动的开展;孱弱的国家主权限制了阿拉伯国家在民族事务上的能动性,而多样的政治体制则削弱了泛阿拉伯统一的政治建构基础;阿拉伯各地区或国家间经济、文化和社会发展的不平衡以及整体上的滞后削弱了泛阿拉伯统一运动的经济、文化和社会基础,等等。需要指出的是,众内因与外因之间、各内因之间普遍存在一种相互“策进”或联动作用,它们在破坏阿拉伯统一方面形成了合力。
[Abstract]:Arab nationalism is developed on the basis of the awakening of the Arab nation in modern times . It is a kind of social political thought and practice aimed at seeking survival , equality , independence , unity and development .
It is the result of clash and communication between western civilization and western civilization . It is the product of western nationalism thought and oriental Arabic traditional material ( such as race , language , literature , tradition , geography , etc . ) .
In essence , Arab nationalism or pan - Arab is a path for the Arab nation to explore a future . In essence , Arab nationalism or pan - Arab is a way to explore the future , and it is a theoretical and practical tool for the Arab nation to maintain national interests and develop itself . The Arab nationalist stresses that the Arabs are a national community and eager to establish a united and independent Arab nation to realize the great rejuvenation of the Arab nation in the new period .

During the period of awakening of the nation , Arab nationalism has experienced a stage of cultural renaissance and finally a step towards political appeal . In this process , Arab Christians have played a leading role in proposing a secular nationalist thought and leading the national movement in the regional parts of the Arab world in the 19th century .
In the late 19th century , the Muslim Arabs separated from the thought of Islam ' s modernism and reformism an Arab nationalist thought , and the final two lines came to confluence on the eve of the outbreak of the First World War , and the Muslim Arab nationalist gradually gained the leadership of the Arab national movement . However , the central and Turkish policies of the ruling New Turkish Party in 1908 have destroyed the Arab nationalist illusion , and the unity of Arab countries has not been established , but the unity of the Arab States has not been established , but the unity of the Arab States has not been established , but a new group of political entities has emerged , some of which continue to promote the development of the Arab nationalist movement .

The Arab nationalist movement ushered in the second stage of the " reign of the king " . During this period , the Arab nationalist theory has been perfected gradually , and there has been a great deal of nationalist theories such as Sarti Huasri and Al - Affleck . In political practice , the Arab League has finally failed to stop the establishment of the League of Arab States , while the failure of the Palestinian war has finally led to the collapse of the pan - Arab nationalist movement . However , the failure of the Palestinian war has finally led to the extinction of the " noble " of the Arab nationalist movement , and the emerging rising middle - and lower - level political power has become their grave digger , and the pan - Arab movement of the king ' s government has ended .

The early Arab nationalist movement is characterized by the first , from the origin , the Arab nationalism is the product of the exchange of the East and West civilizations , and presents different times in different stages ;
Secondly , from the ideological and political practice , the Arab nationalism belongs to the type of cultural nationalism ;
Thirdly , the concept of " Arab nation " has undergone a gradual and expanding process , which initially includes only the eastern Arab East , and the Arab West has gradually merged into it since the 1930s ;
Fourthly , in the early Arab nationalist movement , the traditional upper - level political power of the society is in the leadership position ;
Fifth , in the two stages of the early Arab nationalist movement ( the awakening of the nation and the " Wang Zheng period " ) , the goal , way and enemy of the struggle are focused on each other ;
Sixth , the early Arab nationalist movement has an uneven development situation in Arab regions ;
Seventh , in the early Arab nationalist movement , the Arab nationalist forces factions have not formed a unified strength ;
Eighth , there is a complex relationship between Arab nationalism and Islam , national nationalism and sectarianism ;
Ninth , in the framework of Arab nationalism , cooperation in the non - political arena and the harmonization of ideas followed , particularly in economic and cultural fields ;
The tenth , as a whole , the development of Arab nationalism is not smooth , has been beset by many historical and realistic obstacles , thus determining the general route for its development in the adversity , and some congenital deficiency factors have hidden trouble for its future setbacks .

The historical significance of the early Arab nationalist movement : First , nationalism opens up a new path to the traditional national development in the rise of the Arab world ;
Second , the new concept of state - building has led the Arabs to step out of the religious / imperial paradigm and into the construction of the flood flow from the national countries in the world since the modern times ;
Third , the rise of nationalism wake up and transform Arab ' s long - standing national self - awareness to meet the needs of the nation ' s development in the new period ;
Fourth , the idea of nationalism has remolded the Arab nation under the background of the new era ;
Fifth , although the pan - Arab movement in the early period , especially the " Wang Zheng period " , appeared to be so young , it laid the development track of the Arab world : on the national goal , the pursuit of national independence or freedom has become the primary consensus of all ethnic groups ;
On the issue of national unity , the comprehensive cooperation among the independent nations has gradually replaced political unity ;
On the other flag of pan - arabism _ the question of Palestine , the Palestinian war foresaw the failure of a solution to force and recognized Israel as the only option to resolve this issue through peaceful negotiations . Sixth , the Arab nationalist movement supported , encouraged and cooperated with the liberation struggle of other oppressed nations in the world .

The loss of the early pan - Arab unity movement was the result of a common role . The foreign forces entrenched in the Arab world undermined the geography , social , economic , cultural and spiritual unity of the Arab world , cut off the links between the Arab world and obstructed the development of the Arab unity movement , which could be seen as a foreign cause , but the deep reason also sought from the Arab interior . Internal causes include : the political structure of the Arab world and the interests of the dynasties weakened the mass foundation and national basis of the pan - Arab unity movement ;
In the local area , religious minority and sectarianism continuously deny and destroy Arab nationalist movement and its precondition _ loyalty to the motherland ;
The reunification of some non - Arab peoples in the Arab world with regard to the challenge of independence ;
Regional nationalism and Islamism have impeded the development of pan - Arab unity ;
The weak national sovereignty limits the initiative of Arab countries in national affairs , while the diverse political system weakens the political construction base of pan - Arab unity ;
The imbalance in the economic , cultural and social development of Arab regions or countries , as well as the lag in its entirety , weakened the economic , cultural and social basis of the pan - Arab unity movement , and so on . It was noted that there was a mutual " approach " or linkage between internal and external causes , which had formed a resultant force in undermining Arab unity .


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1 焦玉奎;冷战后中东民族主义问题研究[D];西北大学;2008年

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1 程小春;阿拉伯抗土建国运动研究(1914-1920)[D];南京大学;2013年




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