本文选题:波塞东 + 神职 ; 参考:《华南师范大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 在古代希腊,宗教生活跟社会生活息息相关,宗教渗透到社会生活的每个方面。因此,通过宗教这个角度去分析古希腊社会的各个方面,确实是一个很好的角度。然而,对比经济方面,关于古希腊宗教的参考资料并不多。尤其是在国内,这方面的著作更加是凤毛麟角。可以说,这是一个有待开发的领域。 本文选取了古希腊最重要的海神——波塞东为研究对象,试图从波塞东这个角度,结合神话、宗教和社会生活等方面来分析古希腊的社会。既然宗教生活跟社会生活息息相关,那么所涉及到的问题也是非常繁多,本文限于篇幅不能一一论述,仅分析波塞东在克里特—迈锡尼时代至古典时代这段时间内神职和地位的变化。其中“神职”就是波塞东所代表、所象征的自然力、社会功能等方面;“地位”则包括其理论地位(即在神话中的地位)和实际地位(现实生活中的地位)。此外,本文还分析一些与之相关的神话和古希腊人宗教生活的一些情况。 由于资料的局限,本文在论述在克里特—迈锡尼时代至古风时代这几个时期,只是一种概括性的论述;在古典时代,则主要以雅典为例子进行介绍。 波塞东的神职和地位,在古希腊的不同历史时期并非是一成不变的。波塞东所具有的神职前后至少有土地神、马神、海神、地震之神等数种。其早期(克里特—迈锡尼时代)神职,比较明确的主要有土地神、马神两种(其中关于其“土地神”的神职尽管得到大多数学者的承认,但是也有少数学者持反对态度。此外,其还可能存在着“水神”这个神职);在迈锡尼时代后,其神职主要为海神、马神和地震之神,而且比较明确。其地位,在早期是很高的,随着迈锡尼时代的结束,,他的地位也发生了变化。他的理论地位一直很高:他不仅是最重要的海神、是神话中三分天下的神明之一,而且还是宙斯的兄弟。但是,其实际地位却远远跟不上其理论地位:他的崇拜地区并不多,往往仅限于沿海地区,另外由于职司的原因,他在重农的古希腊社会远不如农神重要。此外,在古典时期的雅典,由于希波战争的胜利,波塞东的地位一度得到很大的提升。
[Abstract]:In ancient Greece, religious life was closely related to social life, and religion permeated every aspect of social life. Therefore, it is a good angle to analyze all aspects of ancient Greek society from the angle of religion. In contrast to economics, however, there are few references to ancient Greek religions. Especially at home, this aspect of the work is even rarer. It can be said that this is an area to be developed. This paper selects Poseidon, the most important sea god in ancient Greece, as the research object, and tries to analyze the ancient Greek society from the perspective of Poseidon, combining mythology, religion and social life. Since religious life is closely related to social life, the problems involved are also very numerous. This article is limited to space and cannot be dealt with one by one. This paper only analyzes the changes of the ministry and status of Poseidon during the period from Crete-Mycenaean to Classical. Among them, the "priesthood" is represented by Poseidon, which symbolizes the natural force, social function and so on, while the "status" includes its theoretical status (that is, the status in the myth) and the actual position (the status in the real life). In addition, this paper also analyzes some related myths and ancient Greek religious life. Due to the limitation of the data, this paper discusses the period from the Crete-Mycenaean era to the ancient style era, but in the classical era, it mainly introduces Athens as an example. The priesthood and status of Poseidon were not fixed in different historical periods of ancient Greece. Poseidon has at least before and after the ministry of God, Horse, Poseidon, earthquake and other gods. In its early days (Crete-Mycenaean time), there were mainly earth gods and horse gods. (although most scholars recognized his "land god", there were still a few scholars who opposed it. In addition, it may also have a "water god", after the Mycenaean era, its worship was mainly sea god, Ma Shenhe earthquake god, and more clearly. His position, which was high in the early days, changed with the end of the Mycenaean era. His theoretical position has always been high: he is not only the most important sea god, one of the three gods in the myth, but also the brother of Zeus. However, his actual status is far from his theoretical position: his worship areas are not many, they are often confined to the coastal areas, in addition, because of his function, he is far less important than the agricultural gods in the ancient Greek society. In addition, in classical Athens, due to the victory of the Hippo War, Poseidon's position was once greatly improved.
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