[Abstract]:Li Ziqian (unknown-1126) is an important figure active in the period of Koryo Rizong and Ren Zong, and he occupies an important position in Korean political history. In this paper, the family lineage and Li Ziqian's life track are systematically arranged, and some important problems are deeply studied. Able to clearly understand the many conditions of Korean society in the 12 th century. Qingyuan Li's rise and fall also reflects the rise and fall of the Koryo valve aristocrats to a certain extent. As the pinnacle of the family's power, Li Ziqian and his family had a great influence on the Korean society as a whole. This paper combines Li Zi-qian 's life experience with Koryo's political evolution and social situation, carries on the systematic research to the personage, carries on the detailed analysis to the history which the character involves, And with the character activity as the clue to analyze the social and political situation in the middle period of Koryo, this topic is intended to elaborate the above contents in detail. This paper will analyze the above contents from the following five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, which explains the reason and academic value of the topic and the related research trends of the Chinese and foreign academic circles, the research ideas of this paper, Innovation and feasibility of research methods and papers. The second chapter is the analysis of Korean aristocratic politics at that time. The reason why the aristocratic influence of Korean door valve grows is that the land system, the educational system and the shading system give the Korean aristocrats special privileges in the middle period of Koryo. The third chapter takes Li Zi-qian 's family as the research content, the Ko Korean door lord Qingyuan Li strengthens his strength through marriage with the royal family and other aristocrats, and becomes one of the biggest noblemen in the middle period of Koryo. Qingyuan Li maintained relations with the royal family and the main aristocrats for decades, and played an important role in Korean political history. This chapter also introduces how Li Ziqian entered the political arena. Changqing Palace incident led to his temporary defeat, but did not affect his political power. Li Ziqian, with his firm position and powerful influence, was in charge of Korean aristocratic politics. Chapter four analyzes Li Zi-qian 's political activities in Rizong and Renzong in detail. Li Ziqian's growing power, the death of wise death, he attacked the royal forces, support his grandson ascended the throne. Even to the point of "power is flourishing, there are all sorts of vilification of those who do not possess their own", "to his clan to arrange important posts, selling official Yu Jue" such a situation. Rule out dissidents and domineering for a moment. Li's political prowess did not satisfy him, and his growing power led him to covet the throne, concocting the Eighteen son's speech and inciting a rebellion. But Mr Li's political arbitrariness and attitude toward Kim caused displeasure among courtiers, and divisions within the rebel group eventually led to the defeat of the rebellion. Li Ziqian's rebellion had a great influence on Korean politics, and the Li family gradually declined. Chapter five is the conclusion of Li Zi-qian 's personal evaluation and its profound influence on Korean society.
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