[Abstract]:After the outbreak of the Pacific War in December 1941 , according to the Sino - British Joint Defence of the Burma - Burma Road Agreement , China has made up the Chinese expedition . Since the first time in March 1942 , the Chinese army has returned to Yunnan . Since this is the first time that Chinese troops have gone abroad for the first time , the Nanjing National Government has actively contacted the British - Myanmar authorities to assist them . In the aspect of grain supply , the Ministry of Military Affairs has actively contacted the British - Myanmar authorities to assist them . In addition , the historical materials have selected the China - Myanmar General Administration of Transport , the Logistics Department of the Military Commission for the purchase of military rations and other correspondence with the Ministry of Food and other correspondence , and from a certain extent the process of the preparation and replenishment of the military rations in the period .
【作者单位】: 中国第二历史档案馆;
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