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发布时间:2018-07-17 08:36
【摘要】:本论文从历史学的角度研究了犹太人对英国在巴勒斯坦托管时期政策的影响。 自从大流散以来,犹太人千方百计试图重建家园。虽然在公元前586年被迫离开他们的故土巴勒斯坦,分散在世界各地,他们始终坚持对故土的深深信仰,渴望终有一天能够回到故土,重建他们的自由家园。英国从1917年到1948年对巴勒斯坦长达31年的托管正是犹太人逐渐走向独立和建立民族家园的重要转折点。 本文主要从经济和政治两方面来分析犹太人对英国在巴勒斯坦托管时期的政策影响,从而说明英国不断调整其托管政策很大程度上取决于犹太人的活动,而并非仅仅出于自身利益的考虑。文章从研究犹太人的巴勒斯坦根源着手,分析了英国托管这片土地之后犹太人如何一步步推动英国实行亲犹政策,最终建立以色列国。从犹太金融巨鳄罗斯柴尔德家族的慷慨资助,赫茨尔和魏茨曼出色的外交手段,本古里安的杰出领导才能,到雅克伯汀斯基和斯特恩的武力手段,,各方犹太势力无一不对英国托管政策产生了积极影响。最后经联合国同意实施分治政策,建立属于犹太人的独立国家。 当今中东局势动荡不安,尤其是巴以冲突时常不断,追本溯源,矛盾起源于英国在巴勒斯坦托管时期犹太人和阿拉伯人对领土的争夺。因此,研究这段历史对解决巴以冲突有着十分重要的价值和意义。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of history, this paper studies the influence of Jews on British policy in the Palestinian Trust period. Since the exodus, Jews have tried every means to rebuild their homeland. Although forced to leave their homeland in 586 BC and scattered around the world, they remained deeply committed to their homeland and longed to one day return to their homeland and rebuild their free homeland. Britain's 31-year trust of Palestine from 1917 to 1948 was an important turning point for Jews to move towards independence and establish a national homeland. This paper mainly analyzes the influence of Jewish policy on Britain in the period of Palestinian trusteeship from two aspects of economy and politics, which shows that the British constantly adjust its trusteeship policy to a great extent depends on the Jewish activities. And not just out of self-interest. This paper begins with the study of the Palestinian roots of Jews and analyzes how Jews pushed Britain to implement the pro-Semitic policy step by step after the British Trust of this land and finally established the State of Israel. From the generous support of the Rothschild family of Jewish financial giants, the outstanding diplomacy of Herzel and Weizman, the outstanding leadership of Ben Gurion, to the force of Jakbertinsky and Stern, Jewish forces from all sides had a positive impact on British trusteeship policy. Finally, the United Nations agreed to the policy of partition, the establishment of an independent state belonging to Jews. Nowadays, the situation in the Middle East is unstable, especially the conflict between Palestine and Israel, which can be traced back to the source. The contradiction originates from the dispute between Jews and Arabs over the territory during the Palestinian Trust period in Britain. Therefore, the study of this section of history is of great value and significance to the settlement of the Palestine-Israel conflict.


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1 陆保生;从《贝尔福宣言》到《白皮书》——试论两次大战之间英国的巴勒斯坦政策[J];解放军外语学院学报;1993年04期




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