发布时间:2018-07-18 09:13
【摘要】:国粹主义是明治20年代日本社会的主流思潮之一,在日本近代发展史上曾经产生过重要的影响。国粹主义是日本近代化由全盘西化走向民族化、本土化的一个历史拐点,同时它也是日本由谋求民族独立转而走向侵略扩张的帝国主义这一过渡性阶段中出现的民族主义思潮。考察国粹主义的起因、发展、流变的全过程,考察国粹主义在各个阶段的思想理论特征,无疑有助于我们正确理解和把握日本近代民族主义乃至日本近代史的发展。 本文以客观的立场和视角,本着实事求是的科学探究的精神,对曾经在明治二十年代盛行一时的国粹主义思潮进行了较为全面的考察和剖析。论文由绪论、正文、结论三部分组成。绪论部分对论文研究的目的、先行研究的概况以及现有研究的不足之处做了介绍,并对论文中所使用的一些核心概念做了界定。正文由四章内容构成。第一章考察了国粹主义思潮形成的原因,政教社思想集团的形成过程以及国粹主义的思想基础。第二章对政教社成立初期国粹主义的文化、政治、经济以及对外关系的思想主张做了分析和阐释,揭示了国粹主义的思想出发点和立足点。第三章考察了国粹主义的发展和流变,指出以《亚细亚》的创刊为标志,国粹主义的言论活动由偏重内政批判转向对亚洲问题的探讨,进一步凸显出其思想中所内涵的“日本亚洲盟主论”和“侵亚主义”倾向。第四章考察了国粹主义的最后归宿,阐述了甲午战争以后,在日本国民大国化意识急剧膨胀、举国一致走向军国主义的氛围中,国粹主义退潮的时代必然性。 通过上述对国粹主义的起因、发展和流变过程的考察分析,本文对国粹主义的性格特征归纳总结如下:第一,国粹主义并不是一种抽象的文化理论体系,而是一种与时俱进的社会实践的指导原则,它所体现的是在明治时代这个历史发展的特殊时期,日本青年知识分子对国家发展方向的思考,试图展现的是不同于明治政府的另外一种国家发展构想,是对明治政府近代化路线的修正。第二,,国粹主义也是一股在野的政治势力。国粹主义者虽言“国粹保存”、“国粹彰显”,但他们的意图并不在于对“国粹”的甄别、筛选,他们所言的“国粹”指的是“国民性”和一个民族国家的“民族精神”、“国民精神”,强调的是国民精神的独立不羁。国粹主义在反对欧化主义的同时也反对明治政府的藩阀专制政治,强调国民的政治参与,主张优先发展生产,在民富、国富的基础上扩张军备,其言论活动有着浓厚的政治色彩。第三,国粹主义强调国权的伸张,主张对外强硬,一方面反对明治政府对欧美的屈从,另一方面积极鼓吹策划向亚洲的侵略扩张,是日本民间“征亚”、“侵亚”的急先锋。综合而言,国粹主义是日本近代民族主义的一种表现形式,在对内诉求方面,它常常处于明治政府的对立面,在思想理念上体现出其在野性和叛逆性,但是在对外意识尤其是在向亚洲侵略扩张方面,国粹主义的思想主张又与明治政府的“长远规划”有着完美的契合之处。国粹主义的思想理念有积极、合理的一面,但同时也裹杂着腐朽反动的糟粕。
[Abstract]:The quintessence is one of the mainstream trends of thought in the Japanese society in the Meiji 20s, which had an important influence in the history of modern Japanese development. The quintessence is a historical turning point of Japanese modernization from the whole Westernization to nationalization and localization, and it is also the imperialism of Japan, which is turned from national independence to aggression and expansion. It is undoubtedly helpful for us to understand and grasp the development of modern Japanese Nationalism and the modern Japanese history by examining the whole process of the cause, development, and rheology of the quintessence and investigating the ideological and theoretical characteristics of the quintessence of the quintessence at all stages.
In the spirit of seeking truth from facts in the spirit of seeking truth from facts and seeking truth from facts, this paper makes a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the quintessence of the quintessence that was once popular in the Meiji 20s. The thesis is composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The shortcomings of the study are introduced, and some core concepts used in the paper are defined. The text is composed of four chapters. The first chapter examines the reasons for the formation of the trend of the quintessence trend, the formation process of the ideological group of the political and educational society and the ideological basis of the quintessence of the state. The second chapter is about the culture and politics of the early quintessence of the political and educational society. The ideas of governance, economy and foreign relations are analyzed and explained, and the starting point and foothold of the ideology of quintessence are revealed. The third chapter examines the development and evolution of quintessence, pointing out that the creation of "Asia" is marked by the creation of "Asiatic", and the quintessence of the quintessence is turned from the criticism of internal affairs to the discussion of the Asian problem. The fourth chapter examines the final destination of the quintessence, and expounds the inevitability of the tide of the quintessence of the quintessence in the atmosphere of the Japanese Nationalism in the atmosphere of the nationalism in Japan after the war of 1894.
Through the investigation and analysis of the causes, development and rheological processes of quintism, this article summarizes the character characteristics of the quintessence as follows: first, quintessence is not an abstract cultural theory system, but a guiding principle of social practice with the times, which embodies the historical development in the Meiji era. In the special period, the thinking of the Japanese young intellectuals in the direction of the national development tried to show another national development concept that was different from the Meiji government. It was the revision of the Meiji government's modernization route. Second, the quintessence was also a political force in the field. But their intention is not to discriminate and screen the "quintessence" of the "quintessence", which refers to "National Nature" and "national spirit", "national spirit", "national spirit" and "national spirit", emphasizing the independence and unruly of the national spirit. It emphasizes the political participation of the people, advocates the development of the production on the basis of the rich and the rich, and expands the armaments on the basis of the rich and the rich. Third, the quintessence emphasizes the extension of the national power, advocates the hard work of the foreign country. On the one hand, it opposes the submission of the Meiji government to the United States and the United States, and on the other hand, actively advocates the aggression and expansion of the plan to Asia. It is a manifestation of Japanese Nationalism in Modern Japan, which is a manifestation of Japanese modern nationalism. In terms of internal appeal, it is often in the opposite direction of the Meiji government, reflecting its ambition and rebellion in the ideological concept, but in the external consciousness, especially in the invasion of Asia. The idea of quintessence has a perfect fit with the "long-term plan" of the Meiji government. The ideology of quintessence has a positive and reasonable side, but it is also wrapped in rotten and reactionary dregs.
[Abstract]:The quintessence is one of the mainstream trends of thought in the Japanese society in the Meiji 20s, which had an important influence in the history of modern Japanese development. The quintessence is a historical turning point of Japanese modernization from the whole Westernization to nationalization and localization, and it is also the imperialism of Japan, which is turned from national independence to aggression and expansion. It is undoubtedly helpful for us to understand and grasp the development of modern Japanese Nationalism and the modern Japanese history by examining the whole process of the cause, development, and rheology of the quintessence and investigating the ideological and theoretical characteristics of the quintessence of the quintessence at all stages.
In the spirit of seeking truth from facts in the spirit of seeking truth from facts and seeking truth from facts, this paper makes a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the quintessence of the quintessence that was once popular in the Meiji 20s. The thesis is composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The shortcomings of the study are introduced, and some core concepts used in the paper are defined. The text is composed of four chapters. The first chapter examines the reasons for the formation of the trend of the quintessence trend, the formation process of the ideological group of the political and educational society and the ideological basis of the quintessence of the state. The second chapter is about the culture and politics of the early quintessence of the political and educational society. The ideas of governance, economy and foreign relations are analyzed and explained, and the starting point and foothold of the ideology of quintessence are revealed. The third chapter examines the development and evolution of quintessence, pointing out that the creation of "Asia" is marked by the creation of "Asiatic", and the quintessence of the quintessence is turned from the criticism of internal affairs to the discussion of the Asian problem. The fourth chapter examines the final destination of the quintessence, and expounds the inevitability of the tide of the quintessence of the quintessence in the atmosphere of the Japanese Nationalism in the atmosphere of the nationalism in Japan after the war of 1894.
Through the investigation and analysis of the causes, development and rheological processes of quintism, this article summarizes the character characteristics of the quintessence as follows: first, quintessence is not an abstract cultural theory system, but a guiding principle of social practice with the times, which embodies the historical development in the Meiji era. In the special period, the thinking of the Japanese young intellectuals in the direction of the national development tried to show another national development concept that was different from the Meiji government. It was the revision of the Meiji government's modernization route. Second, the quintessence was also a political force in the field. But their intention is not to discriminate and screen the "quintessence" of the "quintessence", which refers to "National Nature" and "national spirit", "national spirit", "national spirit" and "national spirit", emphasizing the independence and unruly of the national spirit. It emphasizes the political participation of the people, advocates the development of the production on the basis of the rich and the rich, and expands the armaments on the basis of the rich and the rich. Third, the quintessence emphasizes the extension of the national power, advocates the hard work of the foreign country. On the one hand, it opposes the submission of the Meiji government to the United States and the United States, and on the other hand, actively advocates the aggression and expansion of the plan to Asia. It is a manifestation of Japanese Nationalism in Modern Japan, which is a manifestation of Japanese modern nationalism. In terms of internal appeal, it is often in the opposite direction of the Meiji government, reflecting its ambition and rebellion in the ideological concept, but in the external consciousness, especially in the invasion of Asia. The idea of quintessence has a perfect fit with the "long-term plan" of the Meiji government. The ideology of quintessence has a positive and reasonable side, but it is also wrapped in rotten and reactionary dregs.
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