发布时间:2018-07-18 14:25
【摘要】: 恺撒是罗马共和末期著名的政治家和军事家,高卢战争是其政治事业的转折点。高卢战争中,恺撒充分展示了他各方面的才能,这具体体现在他所制定的一系列政策方针上:军事上,他既具有深谋远虑的战略眼光,务实的治军之道,又采取行动迅速、灵活多变的战术;外交上,推行分化瓦解,以蛮制蛮的策略,并以外交行动配合其军事战争;政治上,恺撒在高卢扶植代理人,以蛮治蛮,同时恩威并施,征缴人质,以期有效地控制被征服的民族;经济上;就地取粮,以战养战,,实行残酷的掠夺,而又注意保护罗马人在高卢的商业利益。 恺撒当时面临的罗马形势和高卢特殊的社会状况,是他推行这些策略的特定的历史背景;罗马长期对外战争所积累的经验教训以及高卢战争中不断变化的实际情况,是其制定策略的理论来源和实践基础;此外恺撒的个人特点也不可避免地影响其策略的制定。这些策略对恺撒进行高卢战争起到了积极的推动作用,而高卢的成功征服奠定了恺撒独裁统治的基础,为罗马的政体演变准备了条件,对罗马国家和社会的长远发展有重要的意义,同时对高卢的发展以及罗马与北方民族的关系有着深远的影响。
[Abstract]:Caesar was a famous statesman and strategist at the end of the Roman Republic, and the Gaul War was the turning point of his political career. During the Gallic War, Caesar fully demonstrated his various talents, which were embodied in a series of policies and guidelines he had formulated: militarily, he had both a strategic vision and a pragmatic approach to managing the army, and he took swift action. Flexible and changeable tactics; diplomacy, a strategy of division and disintegration, and diplomatic action to coordinate its military war; politically, Caesar nurtured agents in Gaul to govern savagely, and at the same time, took hostages. With a view to effectively controlling the conquered nation; economically; gathering food in place to preserve war and ruthless plunder while paying attention to the protection of Roman commercial interests in Gaul. The Roman situation that Caesar faced at that time and the special social situation of Gaul were the specific historical background in which he pursued these strategies; the lessons learned from Rome's long foreign war and the changing realities of the Gallic War, It is the theoretical source and practical basis of his strategy, and the personal characteristics of Caesar inevitably influence the formulation of his strategy. These strategies played a positive role in Caesar's war against Gaul, whose successful conquest laid the foundations of Caesar's dictatorship and prepared the ground for the evolution of the Roman polity. It is of great significance to the long-term development of Roman country and society, and also to the development of Gaul and the relationship between Rome and the northern nation.
[Abstract]:Caesar was a famous statesman and strategist at the end of the Roman Republic, and the Gaul War was the turning point of his political career. During the Gallic War, Caesar fully demonstrated his various talents, which were embodied in a series of policies and guidelines he had formulated: militarily, he had both a strategic vision and a pragmatic approach to managing the army, and he took swift action. Flexible and changeable tactics; diplomacy, a strategy of division and disintegration, and diplomatic action to coordinate its military war; politically, Caesar nurtured agents in Gaul to govern savagely, and at the same time, took hostages. With a view to effectively controlling the conquered nation; economically; gathering food in place to preserve war and ruthless plunder while paying attention to the protection of Roman commercial interests in Gaul. The Roman situation that Caesar faced at that time and the special social situation of Gaul were the specific historical background in which he pursued these strategies; the lessons learned from Rome's long foreign war and the changing realities of the Gallic War, It is the theoretical source and practical basis of his strategy, and the personal characteristics of Caesar inevitably influence the formulation of his strategy. These strategies played a positive role in Caesar's war against Gaul, whose successful conquest laid the foundations of Caesar's dictatorship and prepared the ground for the evolution of the Roman polity. It is of great significance to the long-term development of Roman country and society, and also to the development of Gaul and the relationship between Rome and the northern nation.
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