[Abstract]:After the end of the Cold War, the United States, relying on its super economic and military power, attempted to establish a unipolar world hegemony. In order to meet the needs of its global hegemonic strategy, Asia's strategic balance in the United States began to increase, and became the focus of the United States strategy in the near future. The Middle East, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia are areas that the United States should focus on in Asia and the world. Although Northeast Asia is not an area where the United States urgently needs to be solved and controlled like the Middle East, Northeast Asia is playing an increasingly important role in the strategic layout of the United States. Especially in recent years, the economic development of Northeast Asia has been extremely rapid, and the United States has benefited greatly from it. And the region is home to some of America's more worried powers, including China, Russia, Japan, North Korea and South Korea. Especially the rapid rise of China has become the most potential threat to the global hegemony of the United States, which highlights the strategic value of Northeast Asia to the United States. Although the United States wants stability in East Asia at the level of economic cooperation, in order to safeguard the interests of the United States in the region and its global hegemony, it is necessary to control the region politically and militarily. As a result, the United States intervened extensively in East Asian affairs. To this end, the United States formed a special response to control the Northeast Asia region strategy. Specifically, the United States is located in North America, far from Northeast Asia, but in order to create a reason for itself to intervene in Northeast Asia, It starts with the problems left over by Japan after the war and the split state of the Korean Peninsula to create an international environment to intervene in Northeast Asia affairs. The United States takes Japan as its base, strengthens the alliance between the United States and Japan, the United States and South Korea, and strengthens trilateral military cooperation as the main means, by spreading the theory of China threat, by maintaining the state of tension in North Korea and by vigorously safeguarding the status quo of reunification and not independence in the Taiwan Strait. To control Northeast Asia and maintain its dominant position in Northeast Asia. However, the Northeast Asia strategy constructed and implemented by the United States is faced with three difficulties: the internal dilemma of the strategy itself, the internal dilemma of the alliance and the external environmental dilemma. As a result of these difficulties, the function and utility of America's Northeast Asia strategy have been greatly weakened. If the United States ignores the plight of these aspects and carries out alone, the Northeast Asia strategy of the United States will collapse, and completely lose its effectiveness.
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