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发布时间:2018-07-24 07:52
【摘要】: 从1953年斯大林逝世到1956年苏共二十大,赫鲁晓夫一直在反对个人集权,倡导集体领导。但在1957年下半年后,他在短短10个月的时间内,竟迅速地将党政军大权集于一身,开始在决定党和国家工作的重大问题上搞独断专行,最终被迫下台。个中原因自然与六月事件密不可分。本文通过对六月事件的考察,总结苏共党内斗争的教训及其对苏联社会发展的影响。 在六月事件中,赫鲁晓夫一方面在主席团会议上顽强抵制、尽力拖延时间,另一方面争分夺秒地做好召开中央全会的准备工作。在军队的支持和中央委员的压力下,反对赫鲁晓夫的斗争被迫从中央主席团转移到了中央全会上,出现了赫鲁晓夫反败为胜的戏剧性转变。赫鲁晓夫分化反党集团成员、对协从人员从轻发落,又发挥了高超的政治艺术。赫鲁晓夫最终赢得了胜利。 从六月事件中,赫鲁晓夫又得出了几点启示:一是军队的实际指挥大权仍然操纵在以朱可夫为首的一批将军和元帅的手中,他采取措施,让习惯听命于元帅和将军们的军队服从中央的指挥。二是党政机构之间没完没了的明争暗斗,形成了明显的中央党政机关各自为政、两军对垒的阵势。部长会议主席团竟然成了罢黜第一书记的总司令部,也使赫鲁晓夫看到了兼任部长会议主席的必要。 从表面上看,六月事件只是一场权力斗争,赫鲁晓夫的反败为胜也带有很大的偶然性,但是,我们透过这一直观的现象,把当时的苏联社会状况、双方的分歧和斗争的结果联系起来加以历史地考察,就不难看出在权力斗争的外衣下面,还掩盖着深刻的思想分歧。产生分歧和斗争的更深层次的原因在于继续维持斯大林模式还是改革斯大林模式。说到底,这是一场关系到苏联社会发展方向的斗争,是改革思想与保守思想、改革旧体制与维护旧体制的斗争。 六月事件的发生,加速了赫鲁晓夫的集权进程,为他开辟了一条通向权力顶峰的捷径。如果不是六月事件,赫鲁晓夫要把他的对手赶出主席团或让他们俯首称臣,并不是那么容易,他的集权之路,也不那么顺畅。但六月事件也为赫鲁晓夫的下台埋下了伏笔:一方面使赫鲁晓夫为自己的政途堵塞了言路,人们鉴于马林科夫等人的教训,对赫鲁晓夫的错误和失误不但不敢加以纠正,反而一味地赞扬和吹捧,更加强化了苏联高度集权的政治体制;另一方面,赫鲁晓夫排除了异己,开始独断专行,大搞对他自己的个人崇拜,最终众叛亲离,被迫下台。赫鲁晓夫灵机一动的性格特征在失去制约的权力魔杖作用下发挥得淋漓尽致,即便比较随意的决策也总是在一片赞扬声中得以贯彻实施。这位反对集权和个人崇拜的斗士——赫鲁晓夫最终也陷进了集权和个人崇拜的泥淖。 六月事件的发生,不过为赫鲁晓夫提供了一个通向权力顶峰的契机,同时,又是导致他下台的一把双刃剑。
[Abstract]:From the death of Stalin in 1953 to the twenty major Soviet Communist Party in 1956, Khrushchev had been opposing individual centralization and advocating collective leadership. But after the second half of 1957, he had quickly set up the power of the party, government and army in a short period of 10 months and began to step down on the major issues that decided the work of the party and the state. The cause of this is inseparable from the events of the June. Through the investigation of the events of the June, this article summarizes the lessons of the party's struggle in the Communist Party of the Communist Party and its influence on the social development of the Soviet Union.
In the June incident, Khrushchev resisted on the one hand in the meeting of the Bureau, tried to delay time, and on the other hand, to make preparations for the central plenary session. Under the support of the army and the pressure of the Central Committee, the struggle against Khrushchev was forced to move from the central central Committee to the central plenary session. The dramatic transformation of Lu Xiao's defeat to victory was made by Khrushchev, who divided members of the anti Party group to the light of the association and the high political art. Khrushchev finally won the victory.
From the June incident, Khrushchev came to some enlightenment: first, the actual command of the army was still manipulated in the hands of a group of generals and marshals headed by Zhukov. He took measures to let the habits of the marshals and generals obey the central command. Two was an endless struggle between the party and the government. The obvious position of the Central Party and government organs in their own affairs and the opposing forces of the two armies. The chairman of the Council of ministers had become the general command to depose the first secretary, and also made Khrushchev see the necessity of serving as chairman of the Ministerial Conference.
On the surface, the June event is only a power struggle, and the victory of Khrushchev is also a great chance. However, through this phenomenon, we examine the social situation of the Soviet Union, the differences of the two sides and the results of the struggle. It is not difficult to see that under the coat of the power struggle, it is not difficult to see that it is still hidden. The deeper reasons for the disagreement and struggle are the continued maintenance of the Stalin model or the reform of the Stalin model. In the final analysis, this is a struggle that relates to the direction of the social development of the Soviet Union, the reform of the thought and the conservative thought, the reform of the old system and the maintenance of the old system.
The June incident accelerated Khrushchev's centralization process, opening him a shortcut to the summit of power. If not in June, Khrushchev was not so easy to drive his opponents out of the presidium or let them head down, and his way of centralization was not so smooth, but the June incident was also Khrushchev On the other hand, Khrushchev had blocked his way of writing. On the one hand, it blocked the way of his own political path. In view of the lessons of Mr. Ma Lin and others, he not only did not dare to correct Khrushchev's mistakes and mistakes, but rather praised and flatter it, and strengthened the highly centralized political system of the Soviet Union; on the other hand, Khrushchev ruled out dissidents, He began to be independent and dedicated to his own personal worship, and eventually to be separated and forced out of power. The character of Khrushchev's spiritual character was fully performed under the power of the lost power wand, even if the more casual decision was always carried out in a piece of praise. The opposition to centralization and personal worship was always carried out. The fighter Khrushchev finally fell into the mire of totalitarianism and personal worship.
The June incident, however, provided Khrushchev an opportunity to reach the summit of power and a double-edged sword that led him to step down.


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