[Abstract]:Since the end of the "Seven years War", France was forced to cede its colony Canada to Britain, and the French people, driven by their strong national consciousness, have been fighting against British rule and continue to this day. During this period, the British ruling authorities adopted various policies in an attempt to promote reconciliation between the two great peoples of British and French origin, but they failed to do so, so that the trouble caused by the French people became a permanent emotional and entangled crux of Canadian society. This paper begins with the differences between Britain and France, the opposition of religious belief, the heterogeneity of history and culture, the conservatism of French thought, traces the origin of Canadian French national consciousness, and clarifies the formation mechanism of French national consciousness. Taking the historical evolution as the vertical line, this paper interprets the gradual process of the increasing expansion of the French national consciousness and the awakening of the French nationality, and then reveals the political essence of the French national consciousness. Thirdly, under the guidance of the French national consciousness, the French extremist separatist forces launched a referendum farce, threw out a bill of "a country within a country", created a constitutional crisis, and pushed Canada several times to the edge of division. Finally, It is pointed out that in the world of world economic integration, the French can not overcome the gap of globalization, and the French society will remain in the Canadian federal system. Although the French secessionist movement is unpopular and unpopular, the French extremist separatist forces will never give up. They will provoke trouble and continue to threaten the unity and security of Canada. The Government of Canada will also take stock of the situation and respond positively to the challenges. It can be predicted that under the international trend of rapid development of globalization, the forces of French ethnic separatism have become the end of tension, the national blending has gradually become the mainstream, and the two major ethnic groups of Britain and France will certainly advance hand in hand to create a bright future for Canadian society with one heart.
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